


Started on October 9th, 2023.

2023-07-18 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • DARDAR10923
    trả lời Kevin2164

    As much as I am tempted to lie, I will tell you honestly. There will be a side character romance, but I’m not sure if MC will ever have one. There is this woman that I kinda ship with him but if no matter how I write, edit, revise… and I still see no sparks or chemistry between them, I won’t force them together. However, if there ever comes a woman (a new character) and they click naturally without me manipulating the story in some sort, then I won’t purposely separate them. Still, I may be saying all these but quite honestly, I’m still lacking as an author so I don’t know if I’ll ever give the scenarios in my head any justice. Thanks for reading tho. I appreciate it lots. BTW, Chap 8 is coming up tonight. I just hope I make it before midnight. Been editing it since seven.

    Ch 7 Niglet
    Not All Protagonists Are Heroes
    Kỳ huyễn · DARDAR10923
  • DARDAR10923
    trả lời Kevin2164

    Thanks for reading.

    Ch 6 Rumors
    Not All Protagonists Are Heroes
    Kỳ huyễn · DARDAR10923
  • DARDAR10923
    trả lời Kevin2164
    Ch 5 Note
    Not All Protagonists Are Heroes
    Kỳ huyễn · DARDAR10923
  • DARDAR10923
    trả lời Bruz_bot

    Somehow, this comment makes me feel old.

    I didn't even have the chance to fully digest what was happening as the man suddenly picked me up by my collar and yeeted me towards it.
    Not All Protagonists Are Heroes
    Kỳ huyễn · DARDAR10923
  • DARDAR10923
    trả lời Bruz_bot
    Instead of me, the person in the mirror was Inigo.
    Not All Protagonists Are Heroes
    Kỳ huyễn · DARDAR10923
  • DARDAR10923
     công bố

    IF YOU CAN’T DECIDE IF YOU SHOULD GIVE THIS NOVEL A GO, READ THIS!! MC: emotionally and mentally unstable (unhinged), extroverted, cautious, and has a god-complex A transmigration story in which the MC’s original world will be explored. The reason for transmigration, his personality and choices, everything will be explained. Set during the industrial revolution (steampunk) that had fantasy and supernatural elements. A world where literally anything could happen. A flirty camera, a glutton vacuum cleaner, a bird with daddy issues, cursed pirates, ghost town... A world where anything could happen in the most literal of ways. (It will also be explained and actually contribute to the plot.) I plan this to be very long. Like, One Piece-long. My inspiration for writing this were ORV, LOTM, and TOTCF. Although, please don’t expect a similar level of writing. I lived with these three for YEARS! I cried, bawled my eyes off, laughed like a madman… And I haven’t found other webnovels quite similar to this so I brought it upon myself to write PTTAP. And I definitely didn’t mention this to hop onto their bandwagon of success. I simply wanted to tell you. Volume 1 will approximately have 100 chapters. I am following the outline called “Save the cat!” popularized by screenwriter Blake Snyder. You can look it up on the net. My proofreader is quite strict and a bit of a perfectionist (help me), and he doesn’t hold back with his commentary. He’s none other than my brother, so no lemons for ya’ll but there will be mentions of it. No harem either. We always have an hour every night to discuss this novel. He definitely hated the first draft. He said it was boring and that he almost fell asleep three times for the first 10 chapters and told me to cut it all off and get straight to the exciting parts. And that is why I had to delete the first ten chapters I already uploaded and replace it with the chapters he approved. He became dedicated to his role after I told him he’d get a raise. But damn! I’ll go broke before I even get monetized. T_T Anyway, if you have other questions, comment them down below.

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    This may seem contradictory, but I just said Kulas' wings were broken, and yet he flapped his wings. You see, I once had a cat before that always brought me rats, birds, and lizards. There was this bird with its wings very much mangled up. I tried to rescue it. It managed to flap its wings but never managed to fly again until it died two days later.

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    bullying? really, buddy?

    After all, being alone also stands out. If I became the object of bullying, I would certainly be conspicuous.
    Classroom Of The Elite Year 1
    Hiện thực · KyoIshigami
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận


    It said it was 156 yen, but I wasn't sure whether that was high or low for a bowl of cup noodles.
    Classroom Of The Elite Year 1
    Hiện thực · KyoIshigami
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    Definitely went all out with that one🤣

    "Well ... Um, my name is Ayanokouji Kiyotaka. The, er… there's nothing particular about me, I will do my best to get along with everyone, uh, nice to meet you."
    Classroom Of The Elite Year 1
    Hiện thực · KyoIshigami
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    what about piano?

    I also have a an odd quirk───no, there's nothing special about me.
    Classroom Of The Elite Year 1
    Hiện thực · KyoIshigami
  • DARDAR10923
     công bố

    This story starts off strong with an exciting action-packed beginning that doesn't waste any time on unnecessary details. Even in the early chapters, it hints at a vast and intriguing world created by the author's careful planning. And although the grammar and descriptions could use some improvement, a good editing session could easily fix that and bring out the story's full potential. Keep it up, Author! I'll be following you. Writing Quality: 4/5 Stability of Update: 5/5 Story Development: 5/5 Character Design: 5/5 World Background: 5/5

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    Ugh! Don't call me out, author.

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    Hope you don't mind, Author. But just a little suggestion. Don't you think it is better to use this (") than this (—) when writing dialogues? I think most of the readers are used to quotation marks than dashes.

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận

    "The author of the blow..." Is this a typo, Author?"

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • DARDAR10923
     công bố

    It started with action right from the first paragraph. I mean, sure, it has some interesting ideas behind it and it has potential too. Only that it is being held back by capitalization, and grammar mistakes though nothing a good editing can't fix. Good luck, author!

    The Novel's Villainics.
    Kỳ huyễn · Noxx_In
  • DARDAR10923
     công bố

    **I gave 5 stars to motivate the author.** The story has a nice idea behind it. Kinda dark with a messed up tradition and stuff. And if you like multiple POV's and long chapters, this might be for you. I would say this story has a potential but it is being held back by grammar and misuse/lack of punctuation but there is nothing a good editing can't fix. Good luck to you, author!

    Death befallen
    Lịch sử · Goddess1ofchaos
  • DARDAR10923
    bình luận
    Sách này đã bị xóa