


OverGoat from tiktock now author here on webnovel check out World Isekai Reborn- Tale of a reluctant Savior.

2020-06-29 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • OverGoat
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    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
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    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    Ch 14 An Artifact?
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    I see improvement in every chapter❤️

    Ch 13 A New Discovery
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận
    Ch 12 The 3rd Challenge
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
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    Ch 11 Fighting and Thoughts
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    trả lời Lloyd_Commantary

    Me big dumb.

    "The Flares! We need to think from the perspective of technology! That's why the first few points have been easy because they're throwing out trick questions."
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    Another one where u take my assistance seriously ty

    Ch 9 Puzzles and History
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    Glad to see your taking my notes and implementing them ty so much glad i could be of use 🙏

    Ch 8 Illusions and Tricks
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận
    "That makes 30 minutes everyone now I'll give you one last word of advice before you go, this terrain isn't wilderness it's filled with other wolves and homes so you'll be docked time if you destroy anything and trust me we are watching your every move so be ready," Peter spoke as everyone was lined up, Westen quickly got on Lloyd's left shoulder and John on his right then Jessica on Westen's back and Diana on John's. Lloyd then wrapped his left arm around Westen's legs and his right arm around John's legs "Alright and Go!" Peter shouted as a gun went off, Lloyd boosted forward with Diana creating a shield around the group and Westen creating another shield around the other, Lloyd had a clear route thanks to his eyes and with the help of Jessica telling him where to turn or jump to make the journey easier. Night fell as the group traveled across the country it had been a few hours since they left and not a single person has attack them but that didn't stop Lloyd from creating different things in his head for the possibilities that were to come his arms acted as energy beacons that John used to transfer to the girls on top and Westen next to him, soon the Moon hit it's peak and Lloyd knew from Jessica's help that they had reached the Sun's territory, the edge of the Sun's territory wasn't that big of a deal Lloyd notified the others as Diana had fallen asleep and John was starting to get tired Lloyd eventually made it to the capital in 30 minutes. He stopped as Westen lowered his shield and walked over to the library and noticed 2 wolves guarding it, the team were the first to arrive while Lloyd carried John on his back to allow him to sleep, before stopping in his tracks, the guards weren't there nor was the library, "Wait! Something isn't right… this isn't where we're supposed to be." Lloyd proclaimed as Jessica and Diana stopped in their tracks turning around to face the Altima, "You've got to be kidding me this is the library there's nothing else here.. are you going insane Lloyd?" Diana asked sternly as she crossed her arms, Jessica stood in silence as she watched Lloyd woke John and began to look around "Each event has 3 challenges we were never informed on the 3rd challenge only the 1st and 2nd ones, they knew we'd were the group to watch because of who we are, it can't be that easy."
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    Doing great 🙏

    "You know I'm glad we've survived this long, I appreciate all those times you gave me your food Lloyd, but what are your thoughts about heading into actually society?" Westen asked as he fell back onto the grassy hill they had found and used to hangout away from Black and his toxicity towards them it took them long periods of time to get up the hill with as much training they did, overtime it became easier and easier to get up the hill and sent up their own place once Black left them. "Honestly it'll be a new experience for us, but hopefully from what we've learned it won't be that difficult I'm surprised he even is letting us go for as long as I can remember he's been pushing us further and further past our limits, I mean I'm wearing a blindfold and he still hasn't explained to me why, course uncle Walter said he's going to give me something better when I head into school." Lloyd stated as he lean against the tree that was on top of the hill, he than opened a book and began to read it for the umpteenth time, it's title was "The King of Fire Dragons." It was a story about a mythical semi human dragon by the name of Ether, Lloyd has discovered it buried on the hill years ago most of the time he read it to his younger brother after their harsh training, it lifted their spirits time and time again as Ether's story was one they consider to be a Legend hoping to meet Ether one day. As the 2 sat there watching the Moon's light shine upon them, Westen slowly fell asleep with Lloyd watching over him, to him sleep meant nothing, he didn't want to see those images which meant he didn't want to sleep, he had figured out he doesn't really need sleep. Hours past as the sun began to rise, Lloyd shook Westen waking him up as they headed down the hill, they had been doing this for years making sure Black never found out about their "hiding spot" nor the book, Lloyd had a pretty good way of hiding it as well even if he did find they hung out up there. The 2 ended up getting to their spots on the field before Black like most days this time however they knew to head to the fence of his property before he did. Lloyd was fast enough to get there with Westen hanging on minutes before Black even left his porch, as he walked up to both boys watching as Walter and Destiny arrive at the gate he opened the gate with his key to the lock,
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    🙏🙏🙏 ty for taking my critique into account

    As if time had stopped, the young Lloyd stood froze, having no understanding as to why his parents weren't moving. Soon his frozen legs started to slowly move, which turned into sprints and than into running. He stumbled as he made it to his parents, he tried shaking them thinking they were asleep or maybe something else. He touched his mother's chest, and it was cold, he started to cry as a strange pain hit his head, soon images of people, places and all sorts of things flooded his mind, he screamed out in pain as his eyes glowed. Almost like magic they shot beams upwards into the sky causing an explosion seen from miles away. In the Sun's capital which was 75 million miles away from the fight, the leader John saw the red lights and it's explosion, soon word spread across Wolftopia, one wolf was already on the scene. Black Sun was the younger brother of Fire Moon, however he denied his Moon heritage and took his mother maiden name Sun, he looked around the blood stained field as he spit on his brother body, "Pathetic, you were the Alpha yet you lose to a human, not to mentioned you allowed your own wife to die before you," He kicked Water's body which caused Lloyd to crawl over and reach for her hand before being grabbed on his wrist by his Uncle, who than walked away from the bodies. He was met by a group of people, one of which was Walter Moon, who was Water's younger brother, "Black what happened did you find what happen-" He was cut off as Black walked past him and the crowd still holding onto Lloyd who now was struggling to get out of his grip, "Help mommy!" He shouted as Black smack his mouth as he didn't want anyone to know, but it was already too late as Walter made his way to his sister's body kneeling before her and crying knowing if he had been here the outcome would've been different. As he got a few others to help with the bodies.
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận


    "Of course you Altima can't die the same way twice as seeing as you have already died like this, now you're probably wondering how I'm going to kill you, well how would you feel when your heart has fractured into pieces and it still impaled at the same time? You haven't died that way I know that for sure." Adam stated as he did exactly what he said, George's heart was fractured as the sword was still within it. George laid there as he knew this was the end, finally glad to feel death, he turned he head as he noticed someone hiding behind a tree, it was Lloyd. It was then that George was upset with his actions, Lloyd would have to witness this at such a young age. Adam stood above, "You know for an Altima you seem to be weak. You're probably wondering how I killed you, well it's simple really, anything I touch is fractured, you Altimas know how to survive but I've killed 4 of you in unique ways. This will be the final time I'll be able to kill an Altima, but of course I have my limits, it seems that I'll no longer be able to kill the next reincarnated. Oh well I suggest you say farewell to your grandson." Adam laughed as he knew no one heard him or so he thought, as George's body disappeared, his last words echo through the wind "Believe in yourself young one." George stated as his body disappeared, Lloyd's mind couldn't handle what he just saw, first his mother was killed and reached her hand out towards him, the next he looks on the other side of his hiding spot to see his grandfather die. So much pain filled his body and mind trying to breathe hoping it was a dream.
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    I found out 😭😭😭

    "Guess there's no talking to this guy, damn I can't figure this guy out, he's not giving off any ki, charka or magic…wait is he using the legendary power called Gates? How'd he learn to do that only the Altima Aaron and Jericho knew how to use it." The omega continued to attack as George was being pushed back, as George lost his balance and fell to the ground Omega pinned him down with some unknown force, "W-what are your in-" George was cut off as Omega grabbed his mouth and smiled, "Let's makes you, number 5, do you want to know how I killed the others? Well too bad I don't tell anyone; you should already know or at least should be seeing those deaths now. The…name is… Adam and I am…. God." He slammed his sword into George's heart, "Hurts, doesn't it? You have already been killed like this before but now it's time to end your life…facture!" Adam shouted as his hand was on the sword causing it to facture on top of George, he screamed in pain as Adam smiled as watched as George's eyes started to lose the light in them, but not yet,
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary
  • OverGoat
    bình luận

    Much improved🙏

    Ch 2 War and Unknown Death
    Legends of the Altima
    Kỳ huyễn · Lloyd_Commantary