
Legends of the Altima

What is a Legend truly? Why do we call such stories Legends to being with? Perhaps there's no real answer to these questions but our story may have an answer. Follow along on the adventure of Lloyd Moon, a semi human wolf cursed with red eyes as he discovers the world and the Legends within you'll be surprised by what they find

Lloyd_Commantary · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

A New Discovery

The three stood there thinking about their odds until eventually Lloyd grabbed both of them, Westen knew right away Lloyd's choice as did John, the 2 jumped as does Lloyd. After reaching about 30 yards upwards Lloyd cocked back his arms then thrusting them as hard as possible, a loud boom erupted from their location as a result a blast of wind blasted behind them causing the rest of the wolves to be pushed back, Lloyd used this to his advantage the wind had hit him back far enough that he landed on one of the waves from the eruption and boosted himself forward eventually landing 8 places further than expected looking up noticing that multiple pieces had been broken due to the shockwave he had made, this allowed him to join his brother and friend at the end,

"Holy cow that was incredible! You broke the sound barrier as if it was piece of glass, I mean you even actually broke the glass too but still you never cease to amaze Lloyd." John exclaimed as Lloyd made it to the end

"We're glad that your blast didn't break the actual glass too, I mean it's impressive that you controlled how much power in your throw so that the actual glass wouldn't break, plus you literally stood on a sound wave I didn't think it was possible to stand on sound but here you go defying physics like always." Westen chuckled as the three walked to the final challenge

"I'm going to be honest I didn't expect to land on the sound wave I was hoping that the blast had enough forward force as well that could get me further than expected but actually landing on a sound wave is crazy because it didn't feel like a sound wave, when I landed on it, it felt like a stepping stone or something like a foundation that could hold me and then I jumped as far as I could in that brief timeframe." Lloyd explained as the other 2 were following.

The trio then made their way to the final challenge a massive moat of water about the same width as the bridge there were 4 symbols on the ground,

1. A Sun

2. A Flare

3. A Crest

4. A Moon

Each symbol was the tattoo that each child of the clan was given and they were placed in a specific placement,

"Wow a massive moat of water that'll be easy wonder why the symbols are where they are any ideas?" John questioned while also looking at the different symbols alongside the others

"Well each symbol in a specific placement but they look loose so they can be moved to their right place perhaps, so another puzzle again but what could be the answer?" Westen explained as Lloyd was looking at the Moon symbol more then the others which intrigued the other 2

"It's the challenge we've done so far think about it, The First Event was a Battle and Answers. The Second Event was Notable history and Intriguing puzzles. The Third Challenge has been about Skill and Honor, this entire challenge has been leading back to the other 2. So we have to put the titles in the right pattern, Crest, Flare and Sun in the first 3 spots!." Lloyd exclaimed as the other 2 started removing the tiles from their placement which revealed numbers, Westen placed the Crest tile in the first slot, John placed the Flare tile in the second slot with Lloyd placing the Sun tile in the third and the Moon tile in the fourth tile. The tiles lite up as the moat started to expanding revealing a bridge however the Crest and Flare tiles switched places causing the bridge to disappear back into the moat,

"Why did they retract from their correct position?" Westen asked as the other 2 looked just as confused

"Probably because they are enhanced with a specific placement of WHO gets to place them," Jessica answered as the other 3 looked surprised to see her with Diana behind her " If you really think about it there's actually 5 tiles not four you just can't see it because the Crest and Flare tiles switched places. Here Diana mind moving your tile for us."

Well it's been a while but I finally got this figured out and I'm already working on the next chapter hopefully it doesn't take too long

Lloyd_Commantarycreators' thoughts