
Legends of the Altima

What is a Legend truly? Why do we call such stories Legends to being with? Perhaps there's no real answer to these questions but our story may have an answer. Follow along on the adventure of Lloyd Moon, a semi human wolf cursed with red eyes as he discovers the world and the Legends within you'll be surprised by what they find

Lloyd_Commantary · Kỳ huyễn
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28 Chs

Tournament Begins

As days passed for the setting up of the Tournament of Wolves as it was called, many began to ask who will come out on top Phoenix struggled to find ways to get rid of the tournament or the banishment itself, but due to wolf law there was nothing she could do this lead Westen and Lloyd to train everyday so they were prepared for the tournament, but every so often Lloyd would go off on his own to think. He never shared what he thought about or even talked about with himself, closing himself off was giving off negative vibes to Phoenix but she knew this was who Lloyd was sometimes. Eventually it was the day the tournament would begin as Westen and Lloyd headed to the school where the first challenges would begin, Black had been making the rules and challenges while at home and then delivering it the council this lead Phoenix to know about everything when it came down to the first 2 events but the 3rd was only known by Black himself, many of the Alphas wanted to know what exactly was the final event.

Wolves lined up for the event to begin knowing this was going to be based around knowledge or at least made the assumption that it was,

"Many of you are here to steal, keep or claim the Alpha seat this is the 1st event with 4 challenges. This is what Black named the History Event, each challenge will be based around the history of our country and what lead us to this moment and our 1st challenge will be what I like to call Sun's Core, in this challenge you'll be tasked with finding text based around the Sun clan and what made it the military power it is seeing as the school is within Crest territory, this means you have about 18 million 750 thousand miles to cover from here to the capital of the Sun territory and seeing as this is a tournament anything goes on the journey, however there is a limit, all of you have 7 days to make it to the Sun library within the capital and back here, this is where the 2nd challenge comes into place, you're willingness to survive. The average wolf can make the journey in about 4 days due to their enchanted speed and another 4 coming back, for the wolves who have teleportation already you will be limited to distance only 100 miles before you have to wait 2 hours before using your abilities again. With all that said we're giving all of you 30 minutes to find a group and get prepared." Peter shouted as each wolf began to look around for specific people or friends, Lloyd and Westen walked over to where John, Jessica and Diana were standing

"I know we're at odds right now but this isn't the time for us to argue, I just as well as that you all want your seat as you've already earned it through the years, so for once let's put our differences aside and work together." Lloyd stated as Diamond looked at him with disgust

"Why would we work with some-" Diamond was cut off by John putting his hand over her mouth

"Shut it Missy he's right as much as I hate to admit it we need them, Westen what's your ability, Jessica can use her eyes to find information, Diamond's is to create barriers and other things to protect herself and allies, Mine is to manipulate energy as in kinetic energy." John spoke as Westen looked at his brother before speaking "I can manipulate water just like my mother, I've learned I can model it creating weapons, shields and other things course the bigger it is the more draining it becomes." Westen answered as everyone began to create a perfect way for them to make it to the capital, " I'm guessing I'll be carrying everyone as I don't have stamina or need for sleep as the Altima plus I can give you all my energy in case you're all drained using your abilities." Lloyd stated as John nodded in agreement as a boom was heard notifying everyone to line up at the starting line.

"That makes 30 minutes everyone now I'll give you one last word of advice before you go, this terrain isn't wilderness it's filled with other wolves and homes so you'll be docked time if you destroy anything and trust me we are watching your every move so be ready," Peter spoke as everyone was lined up, Westen quickly got on Lloyd's left shoulder and John on his right then Jessica on Westen's back and Diana on John's. Lloyd then wrapped his left arm around Westen's legs and his right arm around John's legs "Alright and Go!" Peter shouted as a gun went off, Lloyd boosted forward with Diana creating a shield around the group and Westen creating another shield around the other, Lloyd had a clear route thanks to his eyes and with the help of Jessica telling him where to turn or jump to make the journey easier. Night fell as the group traveled across the country it had been a few hours since they left and not a single person has attack them but that didn't stop Lloyd from creating different things in his head for the possibilities that were to come his arms acted as energy beacons that John used to transfer to the girls on top and Westen next to him, soon the Moon hit it's peak and Lloyd knew from Jessica's help that they had reached the Sun's territory, the edge of the Sun's territory wasn't that big of a deal Lloyd notified the others as Diana had fallen asleep and John was starting to get tired Lloyd eventually made it to the capital in 30 minutes. He stopped as Westen lowered his shield and walked over to the library and noticed 2 wolves guarding it, the team were the first to arrive while Lloyd carried John on his back to allow him to sleep, before stopping in his tracks, the guards weren't there nor was the library, "Wait! Something isn't right… this isn't where we're supposed to be." Lloyd proclaimed as Jessica and Diana stopped in their tracks turning around to face the Altima, "You've got to be kidding me this is the library there's nothing else here.. are you going insane Lloyd?" Diana asked sternly as she crossed her arms, Jessica stood in silence as she watched Lloyd woke John and began to look around "Each event has 3 challenges we were never informed on the 3rd challenge only the 1st and 2nd ones, they knew we'd were the group to watch because of who we are, it can't be that easy."

I'm Back! Apologies for being away with the holidays and then getting sick I wanted to focus on getting better. Hope you'll enjoy this next few chapters

Lloyd_Commantarycreators' thoughts