
What! My disciples can use anime powers?!

A man from earth Isekai'd as an old man that can travel from different worlds.

Vordred · Tranh châm biếm
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8 Chs

Chapter 3

After, accepting Chen as his disciple.

After a couple of minutes...

The old man was astonished to receive an unexpected information from his mind.


'You are now able to acquire a fully controlled perfect synchronization template of Genryūsai Shigekuni Yamamoto for 10 minutes daily; the time limits were stackable and can activate and deactivate at will.'

'You gained a loyal disciple, Chen; you are now able to benefit from your disciple.'

'You gained a loyal follower from a different world; the mortal realm BP-10892 was now available to explore one's a week'

'Current Worlds: Abyssmal World, Mortal Realm (BP-10892)'

The information he obtained from his own mind left him astonished.

'Yamamoto? I can Bankai?'

'I-I can now travel from world to world? If that's the case, then...'

With a silly grin on his face, the old man run towards the gate, extending his hand outside to verify the information he had received.

Seeing that he can now pass through the gate and the invisible force that prevented him from getting outside a while ago has vanished, he was surprised and full of joy.

Glancing at his home, he was amazed to find that only the gate's entrance was visible. However, he shrugged it off and relished the sensation of finally leaving behind the unsettlingly isolated land for so long.

"Bhohoho, at last, I managed to escape from that jail!"

Stepping out, inhaling deeply, and catching the aroma of the vibrant forest full of life surrounding him that he had been craving. He experienced a sense of wholeness and liberation, bursting into laughter uncontrollably.


"Woof, woof'

Chrisbrown follow suit can't contain his excitement as he follows his master through the woody forest, wagging his tail non-stop.

The old man and the dog embrace each other with joy while giving kisses, licking each other, and running barefoot nonstop in the forest.

Finally, they were free...

'Your disciple has achieved enlightenment and grasped the way, you have acquired...

Chen POV.

I'm Chen, a 17-year-old orphan and a normal mortal. I have two younger siblings, a twins, who are both 11 years old. Even though I treat them like real sisters, we're not related by blood. I've been taking care of them for over 6 years, ever since my mom, the woman who adopted me, became seriously ill and entrusted her children to me before she passed away. Since then, I've been doing my best to look after them.

Back in that time.

When I heard the news that a renowned sect was traveling from village to village to look for talented disciples free of accommodation and charging any fees, I was thrilled. After all, joining the sect was always expensive, so hearing the news filled me with happiness and anticipation. Becoming a cultivator has always been my biggest dream, so this opportunity was truly exciting.

Days passed, and finally, the righteous Mount Hua Sect that is recruiting a potential disciple has come.

When the elder of Mount Hua Sect examined my physical condition and assessed my Spiritual root, which is crucial for cultivation, he was astonished. His eyes were wide open in disbelief.

As I gazed at the elder in astonishment, I felt a surge of excitement and hope, believing that I possessed a natural talent for cultivation. The thought of joining a renowned sect as a disciple filled me with so much happiness that I couldn't conceal.

But then, my dreams of becoming a cultivator were shattered in a mere seconds when I heard the elder's words, which was the opposite of what I had expected.

The elder was shocked not because I am talented but because my body was so frail and unsuitable for cultivation, and I don't have any spiritual roots or ounces of Qi in my body, which was very strange.

The elder gazes at me sympathetically and starts explaining the concept of the Qi and a great Dao, mentioning how every living being possesses a Qi that can be nurtured to achieve greatness. He reassure me by saying, "As long as there is life, there is hope."

The elder's gentle words comforted me, soothing my troubled heart while embracing the reality with optimism.

Years went by..

Living a regular life in a rural village as a mere mortal.

After joining countless sects that do not require an entrance fee, they all gave me the same answer, "You're complete trash" and kicked me out right away.

From then on, I just focused on taking care of my little sisters and disregarding my greatest dream.

But that unlucky day changes my fate, when.

One of the my little sisters wasn't feeling well. Seeing her in pain, I asked the other twin, Xing, to take care of Xang.

After making sure that they got something to eat while I was away to get some medicinal herbs, I immediately went to the mountain, which I was very familiar with, but out of nowhere, far from my distance, I encountered a wild beast, a red-eyed big black bear, which was rare to come across and only encountered when you're really unfortunate.

When the bear spotted my location, I immediately ran after my life. After all, I'm just a weak mortal.

Contrary to being unfortunate, after hours of running without direction, I was very lucky to stumble upon a strange, big black gate and meet the mysterious old senior who saved my life.

After getting inside the mysterious old senior's property, I was surprised to see the priceless and valuable things around me. Even though I didn't sense any QI because I didn't possess spiritual roots or spiritual QI, I can still tell at a glance that this place was not ordinary.

Thinking that the mysterious old senior is not just a simple old man but a hidden master, I immediately begged to become his disciple.

After answering the questions of the hidden master, I was surprised and cried out of joy because he accepted me as his disciple.

Strangely, the senior accepted me as his disciple without checking my physical body or my spiritual roots. Maybe because the master can solve my current situation or doesn't need to?

Back to my current situation.

After the master accepted me as his disciple, I immediately followed his instructions to follow him inside his huge, grand abode.

My mind was blown away when I got inside the spacious abode of the master. There, I saw a smooth, white floor on the ground, a priceless strange relics, and some glowing strange objects.

I was scared to even step foot on the master's abode, afraid that I would dirty the clean white floor, but the master told me, "Don't mind the small matter and just hurry up," so I steeled my disoriented heart, adjusted my muddled mind, and followed the master.

After seeing the countless mysterious, strange objects, my mind became numb.

After following my master.

Inside the bathroom, I was completely taken aback when I saw a clear reflection of myself and a huge bowl the size of a human, made of smooth white jade-like material, and a metallic rope that splashed fresh, clear water, I was really lucky that master accepted me.

Master also explained to me on how to use the huge bowl thing, called a bathtub, and some mysterious relics. He also gave me some soft strange clothes before getting outside, telling me to follow suit after bathing and changing into these, strange clothes.

I did not ask my master any questions because, after all, he didn't like stupid disciple.

Bathing my whole body in a bathtub made of white jade-like material with clear, fresh water, I was astonished by its miraculous effect. It healed my fatigue so fast, and it even cleared my unstable mind.

After bathing my whole body in the miraculous water, I feel anew and feel the lightness in my body. I feel that my body improves so much to the point that it can do what I think.

Staring at the priceless soft clothes that my master gave me.

A black bathrobe.

Thinking that this was a uniform for being his real disciple, I was overjoyed and excitedly wore it right away.

As soon as I put on the clothes the master gave me, I hurriedly walked outside to follow master.

Outside master's abode.

I couldn't resist wondering what master was painting at that time. I didn't have the opportunity to sneak a peek back then, but now I finally have the chance to see the masterpiece.

As I strolled through the painting, I was taken aback upon witnessing the imposing figure of a man with striking purple eyes and a massive, intimidating presence, accompanied by a purple avatar standing behind him.

A sense of dread and a shiver ran down my spine when the man locked eyes with me, peering into the depths of my soul. It was as if he had come alive within my thoughts.

It felt like I was in a dream. Witnessing the man battling the countless powerful cultivators, showcasing his impressive technique's. The man portrayed in the painting left me completely astonished and in awe.

Upon waking up in a dream-like state, I felt a combination of terror and thrill as I watched the powerful cultivator's incredible strength in combat.

'So that's how the strong cultivator fight.' Chen thought, smiling ear to ear, enlightened his horizon from this mysterious peerless cultivator.


'Your disciple has achieved enlightenment and grasped the way, you have acquired...