
What! My disciples can use anime powers?!

A man from earth Isekai'd as an old man that can travel from different worlds.

Vordred · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

Chapter 4

'Your disciple has achieved enlightenment and grasped the right way, you have acquired Uchiha Madara's life experience.'

'Your disciple was greatly influenced by Uchiha Madara, acknowledging him as a peerless cultivator. Your disciple's talent and DNA were changing...'

'Your disciple has awakened Chakra Root, you have Acquired Chakra manipulation.'

"What a weird disciple"

"Bhohoho? I really experience the life of Madara, like in 3D VR mode."

After experiencing the life of Uchiha Madara in a blink of an eye as if nothing happened, the chakra manipulation piqued his interest.

"Hmm, chakra? I am able to use it? Let's see"

Imagining the life of Madara through his mind and thinking the techniques Madara did.

Out of nowhere, a dark smoke appeared beside him, and a copy of him emerged without doing any hand signs.

"Bhoho! It's really working, but unfortunately my life was coming to an end."

Sighing, the old man gets inside the gate.

Seeing the young man wearing a bathrobe who was focusing his attention on his realistic painting, the old man calmly spoke while grinning.

"Student Chen, it's look's like u really like that painting!"

Hearing the old man's voice Chen immediately halt and cupped his fist.

"Thank you master for imparting me you're precious knowledge."

'What a polite young man, back on my old world even a snotty educated brat even dared to spit Infront of those veteran old fossils, but it's look like it's different here.'

"Don't mind a small matter."

"By the way, you look like a modern man in that outfit it suits you well" said the old man, while smiling foolishly, gazing at Chen who was amazed on his painting.

'Finally, someone has been amazed by my painting. What do you think? Isn't it good? ' old man thought.

Hearing his master's compliments while smiling ear to ear, Chen was astounded.

'M-Modern man, what is that? Master was so happy, maybe because I am a modern man?' Chen thought, having no idea at all, but happy deep inside because the master complimented him.

Looking at the painting while caressing his long white beard, the old man inquired.

"What do you say about the painting?"

'Is master asking about the knowledge I comprehended from the painting? Or the peerless man on the painting? I better answer master truthfully.'

"Master, your exquisite painting is alive and is out of this world. The man in the painting was undoubtedly a strongest man I've ever seen in my life, and the hidden meaning of the painting was to become stronger for more freedom and stability in life."

Hearing Chen's long-ass answer, the old man rolled his eyes and thought, 'Why answer so long, just say it's pretty and master you're amazing! And why spout nonsense about freedom and stability? And what do you mean by alive? You mean realistic?'

"You can keep it, if you really like it." said the Old man, losing interest, gazing at his painting with a blank look.

"If master persist, I will gladly accept the master's master piece and keep it as a Heirloom."

Chen with a flushed face, holding back his joy and excitement Infront of his master, can't wait to examine the powers inside the painting.

The old man jokingly thought. 'It looks like this Chen is an anime lover and has a crush on Madara.'

Clearing his throat, the old man spoke. "Ehem, young Chen, tomorrow morning I will teach you on how to properly cultivate."

"And because I know that you're unable to pay, just do some menial task I give you, understand?"

Chen hearing his master, was overjoyed.

"Yes, master! I completely understand!"

'Finally! I will become a full fledge cultivator and help my little si-.'

'My sick little sister!'

Remembering his sick sister, Chen wanted to rush outside, but hesitating.

'It's almost a day before I went on this mountain, and my little sisters must be worried. What should I do?' Chen thought, with a worried expression.

"For now, let's have a meal, and because I am happy, let's have a feast," the old man said, happy that someone had been accompanying him for a long time.

Seeing the changes in expression of Chen in front of him, he was curious and ask.

"What's the matter young Chen?"

"Master, I suddenly remembered why I am here on this mountain. It's because, to get a medicinal herb for my sick little sister!"

The old man silently mumbled, "What a pity. It's my first time having a meal with someone in a long time, but it looks like I need to wait for the next time."

"It's look like you're really worried about you're sister"

"If that's the case, go ahead and bring your weeds to your sister, but wait a second. Let me prepare some things for you and your sister."

Having seen Chen's attire earlier and his worried look, he knew that he was having a hard time, so he immediately helped and prepared some food for both siblings. After all, this young man in front of him helped him resolve his problem and was a bridge to this world.

After an incense of waiting.

Outside the gate, the old man give Chen some newly uprooted roots and a two lunch box full of food.

"Here use this Ginger and Turmeric roots, boil it in the water and add some sugar or honey for easy digest, it's good for sick people and a potent painkiller, I also drink it when my arthritis kick in."

"Go! Make sure that your sister drinks it," said the old man with a shoo-hand gesture.

"I, disciple Chen, deeply thank the master; I will do as the master instructed!"

After bowing and cupping his fist, Chen immediately ran towards his little sisters while holding a plastic bag with two lunch boxes full of mysterious food in his right hand and a basket full of herb on his left. Inside his clothes were expensive medicinal roots that the master gave him, while the precious painting was covered in white cloth and placed on his back, tightly tied up on his body. Due to excitement, he had completely forgotten the wild beast that had been chasing him from earlier.

"Oh and don't forget to come here tomorrow morning" followdly shouted by the Old man.

"Sigh, I hope that brat was able to come here tomorrow."


Countryside of Wei Long, Wudi village.

A group of people can be seen, wearing green robes, each with a long sword hanging from their waist, interrogating the villagers.

The group, consisting of four, appeared to be 18–30 years old, was a talented cultivator, and was a core disciple of the North Wooded Sect.

Their talent led them to be selected by their master, an elder of the North Wooden Sect.

Their master appointed them to hunt a demonic beast's that were running wild lately from town's to village's to further expand their capabilities. That's why they're here to hunt and inquire about some information.

After gathering some information they decided to split up.

Xiao Lu POV

I am Xiao Lu, the youngest and one of the most talented disciples, hailing from the North Wooden Sect, where my father holds a position as one of the elders. Our sect is situated in the northern region of the Wei Long Empire, perched atop a wooden mountain peak.

This is my first time leaving the sect, and it's been three days since we came down to the mountain to do our mission to hunt some demonic beasts that have appeared lately. The sect leader gave us three days, and this is our last hunt before returning to the sect.

I also experience how to defeat some weak demonic beast such as demonic wolf and demonic boar which was for me it's easy to handle.

After my seniors were aware that I was now able to defeat some demonic beast, we decided to split up.

I immediately ran towards the east side of the mountain when I heard the stories of the two pitiful little sisters with worried looks on their faces. Out of pity, I decided to help them find their big brother, who, I am sure, probably died from the demonic beasts that have appeared lately. After all, it's been almost a day, or twenty-two hours, since I heard he went missing on that mountain.

After minutes of running that take hours for a mere mortals, I was shocked when I encountered a strange-looking young man the same age as mine.

The young man was just a mortal with no cultivation, wearing a strange black robe and quite handsome.

What shocked me was that he was able to fight a demonic beast head-on that even me, a Core formation at the 8th stage of cultivation, was having a hard time fighting. After all, that demonic beast, a demonic bear was able to strengthen its attack power by ten times, and you'll gravely injure or possibly die if you're slow or physically weak.

Looking at the young man using some unknown techniques and spewing a fire from his mouth, without an ounce of Qi, I was baffled.

What astonished me was the young can run upside down the trees and can multiply himself which even the Elders of the sect was not able to do.

The young man's movements was swift and didn't do unnecessary movement and can even dodge the big claws of the demonic bear in a slight gap as if he can predict the movement of his opponent like a experienced martial artist.

The young man's fight left me in awe, but when I looked into his eyes, a strange red eyes with a strange small dot, like a demon. A chill ran down my spine.

After 10 minutes, the young man, a mortal without cultivation and without using a Qi, was able to defeat a demonic bear, which left me terrified.

After all, if I fight that demonic bear at my current cultivation level, it will last for 50 minutes or even more than an hour.

Thinking that this young man was a demon hiding his cultivation, I prepared myself, ready to attack at any possible moment, even though fear was all over my body.