
Convincing M'Shen

Felicia slept through the first half of the day and only woke up at noon. She groggily got up from the bed and opened the door to the living room that was connected with the kitchen.

For a second, she froze and had to think about who the handsome man in front of her was. In front of her, Zeta was preparing two sandwiches.

He'd been long since used to cooking and creating food. He was a bachelor and serial killer, he had no one to cook for him since his parent's death when he was 20. He either had to learn how to cook or he'd manage with noodles and pre-made foods.

"Here you go." Zeta placed a plate in front of the half-asleep Felicia.

"Hmm... thanks." She spoke.

"Have a fun night?" He asked.

"Of course, it was. The haunted expression on the guy's face when the thousands of dollars' worth of jewelry he was planning on giving his wife disappeared was priceless." She sadistically grinned.

"You should definitely smile more; it somehow makes you look even better." He flirted.

"Keep your mouth shut, you're still living in my apartment." She threatened.

"Exactly, if I seduce you, I get free housing on this planet." He joked.

"You'll have to try harder than using your attractive face then." Felicia informed.

"You said it, not me." Zeta laughed.

The rest of lunch was silent for the most part. Felicia smirked as the news spoke of a millionaire losing hundreds of thousands in jewelry. No doubt she felt a mass of pride, seeing her work broadcasted and despised.

However, after lunch had finished, the silence was broken.

"I'll be out for a bit." Zeta spoke.

"Good, get out of my hair for a while." Felicia teased.

"Don't worry, this handsome alien will be back soon." He spoke as he left.

Today, he needed to search for a location that looked luxurious while also having no one there. He wanted to summon M'Shen.

Unfortunately, there were no good-looking places without anyone in them. There's no reason to continue up-keep on a luxurious office that nobody would use, what a surprise.

'I should've included an apartment into the conditions...' He mentally slapped himself. He focused so much on pure benefits that he didn't think of quality-of-life improvements.

Zeta wondered around the streets of New York for what felt like days. The noise that filled the streets grated his ears, all the yelling, the cars and the chaos. He was more or less used to city life, but this was a step up from what he was used to.

It seems that the hot-spot for super-heroes has a population issue. It makes sense, New York has the highest concentration of superheroes, so of course people want to live here.

Nevertheless, Zeta soon switched up his strategy. Instead of looking for an empty building, he searched for one with a high population. One where he could hide in the crowd without asking for his credentials.

He then ended up wandering to a very large building, almost completely covered in glass. He tilted his head and found the building's name, 'Rand Enterprises'.

'Yeah, no. Another day.' He instantly turned around and searched for a different building. Thankfully, he found one that didn't have a name he recognized and climbed the stairs of the building, almost to the roof-top

Zeta stopped the floor before the roof-top. Allowing the best view possible. The floor was completely decorated but also completely abandoned. Dust caked every article of furniture, and there were no CCTVs to speak of.

Once again, Zeta turned into a Skitarii Ranger and used the spider-mech to clean everything up. Once again, it cost absolutely nothing.

Now cleaned, the office looked like one that a president of the country would use. Every object was worth more than Felicia's net worth and it looked like it was trying too hard at being comfortable.

Unfortunately, Zeta didn't have a place to complain, and took his seat behind the desk. He put on a carefree expression, using a harsh one may get his neck separated from his body if M'Shen thinks he's a threat.

With a deep breath, he summoned M'Shen.

Instantly, a long green, glowing blade was materialized at his neck. He didn't startle, but this was the first time he'd ever been so close to death.

"Who are you?" She coldly questioned; she spoke in Low Gothic that Zeta inexplicitly understood.

"Your master from this point on." Zeta smiled replying in Low Gothic.

[Loyalty Decreased!


"Heretic scum. Why shouldn't I let your blood flow this instant?" She was obviously pissed at the forcefulness of his approach.

"Because going against me is going against the emperor." Zeta spoke with a smile, still not reacting to the blade at his neck.

"You aren't worthy to speak his name!" She was about to slice when Zeta rose his hand and a Lasgun appeared it in. "What's that supposed to prove?" She mocked.

"I am blessed by every god from the warp. The emperor, the chaos gods, the ork gods, every single one of them." He spoke.

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Her hand tightened for a second, getting ready to slice when needed but giving him time to demonstrate. If she really killed someone blessed by the emperor, she'd happily give her soul to the chaos gods as punishment.

It took Zeta a couple of seconds, but in front of her eyes, the handsome man was replaced with a Adeptus Mechanicus. Then in another blink, an ork, and an Craftworld Wraithguard in the next.

[Loyalty Increased!


"..." She had never seen anything like this before, even with the best Callidus temple assassins. There was no turning into other races in split seconds like that, usually coming with heavy body modifications as well.

"We are not in the same galaxy as we once were." Zeta began his bullshit.

"What?" M'Shen asked.

"This world we inhabit is undoubtedly Earth. However, it is not out Earth. It is not Holy Terra. We are in a different dimension." He informed M'Shen. Her hand with the blade retreated from Zeta's neck. Her mind going at a hundred miles per hour.

"I was blessed by every god from our previous dimension. I can become a Space Marine, I can become a Grey Knight, I can become a Primarch. I can also rise the ranks in other factions. Eventually, I will summon more and more soldiers. However, the number of sentient beings I can summon are limited." Zeta explained.

"You are the first sentient being I have summoned. You, the Callidus Temple assassin who assassinated Konrad Curze, will join me in creating a foothold for the rest of the Imperium as well as the rest of the races." He continued.

[Loyalty Increased!


Loyalty Decreased!


"Why should we have to help those disgusting Xeno's? We can rebuild without having to deal with them!" M'Shen argued.

"Do you think the Imperium was perfect?" Zeta asked.

"...No." She answered through gritted teeth.

"Why not?" He inquired.

"Because we didn't kill all the threats to us." Her outlook perfectly paralleled the Imperium's.

"Incorrect." Zeta spoke. "The God-Emperor of Mankind was the strongest man to ever exist. He was also the greatest, he expanded the Imperium's territory and increased their strength. He was revered by all that were birthed to the Imperium." He spoke.

"However, that reverence was quickly misplaced the second the Emperor met his end. They twisted his every word to suit their needs, they twisted his every word to pardon their atrocities." Zeta spoke.

"Liar!" M'Shen rose her blade again. Zeta rose from his seat and approached her.

"I received a message from the Emperor himself. The faith that the imperium gave him was enough for him to solidify himself as a god. However, it was not nearly enough. He had to run from every single encounter with the other gods because the imperium had their belief in a false idol. The only thing they believed in was the Emperor's name, not him." Zeta explained to her. He put one of his hands on her shoulder.

"..." M'Shen had nothing to say. The man in front of her showed her something that no-one even in the Callidus Temple was capable of. He then proceeded to tell her that the Emperor was weak because of her race.

"Listen to me. We will rebuild everything. We will work with other races to make up for our flaws. We will instill the true gods into the minds of our people. However, to do that, I need to get stronger, and you need to help me." Zeta spoke with confidence.

[Loyalty Increased!


M'Shen steeled herself.

"Where do we start?" She asked.

"We start on another planet. It'll take some time for me to not only get there but start our rebuilding. In the meantime, I will seduce this world's most powerful women to help us from here on out. And you, will become the president of this country." He spoke while staring her directly in her eyes. Her skin-tight body suit covered her body; however, she was summoned without a mask.

"Shall I seduce the most powerful men?" M'Shen asked.

"No. We need to repopulate with sentient beings. The number of sentient beings I can summon are limited. Therefore, I need to procreate with them in order to create more. You will be one of them, and I do not allow my women to be touched by other men." Zeta commanded. M'Shen nodded. She was almost 100% certain this man was blessed by the emperor, she believed enough that she agreed with the plan.

The fact that he summoned multiple Laspistols convinced her slightly more as well.

"Am I understood?" Zeta asked.

"Of course. By the Emperor's command." M'Shen got on her knees in prayer.

"No. By my command. I have no use for you if you can't differentiate the two." Zeta spoke. This was the seed for the future. The more M'Shen agreed with his ideas and not the Emperor's, the less she'd think when receiving his orders.

"Yes, sir!" She rose from the ground and bowed instead.

"Good. Now, you will follow me to my temporary residence where I stay with a woman from this planet. After remembering my residence's location, you will infiltrate and become the President of this country. Is that clear?" Zeta asked.

"Yes, sir!" M'Shen replied. After her confirmation, Zeta pulled her in and kissed her on the lips. There was no need for hesitation or nervousness. M'Shen didn't resist the tongue that massaged hers in the slightest. In fact, she returned some tongue, trying to make it as pleasurable as possible for him.

"Follow me." He ordered as he groped her ass for a second. She nodded and slipped into the darkness.