
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Tranh châm biếm
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36 Chs


Zhang Jun is not very interested in Rogge town. In addition, it will take a long time for Lu Fei to be beheaded.

So he went straight back to the Longteng Wanli with ghost Mo Yan.

"Mo Yan, you..."

While fishing, Zhang Jun asked ghost Moyan about the whereabouts of the evil knife that cursed his whole family.

"In the volcano."

Ghost Mo Yan leaned against the pillar, hugged his hands and said faintly.

This loser, that knife is a good one. You don\'t want me!

Zhang Jun\'s heart is sour, but in fact he still understands ghost Mo Yan\'s practice.

After all, he cursed the evil sword of his whole family. He must hate it in his heart!

"Ding, congratulations to the host on obtaining the soul guard ghost knife!"

Just when they were silent, Zhang Jun\'s mind sounded a systematic voice.

A knife appeared in Zhang Jun\'s hand out of thin air.

The blade is 270 cm long. The body is dark and the blade is red. The deep black handle has a strange attraction and makes people want to hold it involuntarily.

While the knife appeared, the thunder blood in Zhang Jun\'s waist trembled violently, as if he had met his opponent.

However, this phenomenon did not last long, and Lei Xue calmed down.

Obviously, this is a good knife, even better than the third generation ghost that makes thunder blood tremble slightly!

But it\'s not as good as Lei Xue who almost killed Zhang Jun.

"Mo Yan, come on! Here you are! Don\'t say anything you don\'t deserve. I believe you can grow up with this knife. One day you will think you deserve it!"

After carefully reading the profile of this knife, Zhang Jun found that it was tailor-made for ghost Mo Yan!

Sure enough, when ghost Mo Yan\'s eyes lit up and took the soul guard ghost knife from Zhang Jun\'s hand, a strange change took place.

Ghost Mo Yan had a dark ghost spirit. At this time, he resonated with ghost knife!

As the resonance becomes stronger and stronger, the red in ghost Moyan\'s eyes becomes deeper and deeper. At a glance, it looks like crazy in legend!

In fact, the cold momentum of ghost Moyan was swept away and replaced by a sense of madness, which also made Zhang Jun restless.

And this is only the most basic performance. What is more strange is the death of ghost Mo Yan.

A ghost like Sauron will appear behind him!

But the ghost statue was red all over, and a smell of bloody killing came from the pavement.

After watching the ghost Mo Yan, Zhang Jun swallowed his saliva. This boy is really strong, but I seem to be stronger now?

"Information template:

Host: Zhang Jun

Combat effectiveness: 1070

Skills: Navy six styles (shaving, paper painting, LAN foot, iron block, finger gun, moon step), Lei Dun thousand birds, martial arts, thunder crazy knife.

Fruit: true * lightning fruit (current development level: 3, total gear score: 10. Note: each gear raised can permanently enhance the combat effectiveness of 20% when raising the gear.)

Items: about 1.5 million Bailey, super grenade * 1, high-quality bait * 1, ordinary bait * 3, one switch cracked version, compass * 1... "

Sure enough, after checking the information template, Zhang Jun found that his combat effectiveness had made a qualitative leap after two consecutive devil fruit upgrades!

"Mo Yan, come!"

Zhang Jun looked so moved that he took down Lei Xue and held it in his hand. He looked at ghost Mo Yan with full of war.


Ghost Mo Yan nodded and roared at Zhang Jun.

He held the knife in both hands, and his moves were open and closed. He felt crazy.


Zhang Jun deliberately felt his strength, so he took his knife in the front, and suddenly a wave of air flew over. Zhang Jun actually felt that his right hand was paralyzed!

"Well come!"

A loud cry came from Zhang Jun\'s mouth. At the same time, Zhang Jun broke out with all his strength. In a moment, ghost Mo Yan was beaten and flew out.


There was a loud noise, but the ghost Mo Yan rolled over and landed on the deck steadily.

"Mo Yan, you have to play with me!"

Zhang Jun put a smile on his mouth and threw the thunder blood out of his hand.

Ghost Mo Yan\'s blood red pupil flashed a trace of confusion, but it was fleeting. His legs were slightly bent and then suddenly straightened. The whole person turned into a red streamer and rushed towards Zhang Jun!

Zhang Jun was not in a hurry. His right hand finger inched. The thunder blood in the air suddenly turned its direction and stopped ghost Moyan\'s way!


With a loud noise, ghost Mo Yan was directly split by thunder blood and flew to one side!

This is the ability of Zhang Jun\'s third gear, electromagnetic force!

But this strength exceeded Zhang Jun\'s expectation. I\'m afraid it exceeded his own strength!

"Crazy knife ghost flash!"

The ghost Mo Yan, who flew out upside down, burst out and drank. His feet stepped on it out of thin air and rushed over again like a shell.

Zhang Jun commanded Lei Xue to meet him again.

Once in a while, Zhang Jun felt a little out of strength, but ghost Moyan became braver and braver!

That won\'t work. At least I\'m the boss!

A blue light flashed in Zhang Jun\'s eyes. For a moment, the thunder blood in the air was also full of lightning!

The form changed obviously. Every time ghost Mo Yan came into contact with thunder blood, a lightning struck him.

Over time, his action became more and more slow. Later, he was even beaten to the ground by Lei Xue manipulated by Zhang Jun several times.

However, ghost Mo Yan did not admit defeat at all. Instead, his Qi and blood soared and fought hard with Lei Xue again and again!

So hill and misoga, who came back from shopping, saw such a scene:

On the Longteng Wanli, a man who looked like a madman was knocked to the ground or flew out again and again by a knife flying in mid air. Then he stood up and rushed up and was photographed again, while their captain Zhang Jun sat on one side and flipped up and down with his fingers, sighing from time to time.

"Well, hill, what do you think is going on?"

Misoga, carrying a big bag and a small bag full of sweat, came up to hill and asked in a low voice.

"How do I know..."

Hill first pushed away the sour misoga, and then said with the same look of ignorance.

"Yo! Are you back? Come on, Mo Yan, we should stop. I\'ll introduce them to you!"

After Zhang Jun photographed the flying ghost Mo Yan again, his Yu Guang saw the two ignorant people on one side and quickly took back Lei Xue and said with relief.

This ghost Mo Yan really deserves to be a crazy swordsman. I don\'t know why he is so crazy when he looks at cold and cold fighting alone. Is this still a person?!

After touching the sweat on his forehead, Zhang Jun introduced each other.

"Good brother Mo Yan!"

Hill said with a playful wink, while the ghost Mo Yan who returned to normal nodded faintly.

"Hello Mo Yan, we will be a family in the future! However, hill! Why don\'t you call me brother!?"

Misoga shook hands with ghost Mo Yan with a smile, then immediately turned his head and said to hill bitterly.

"Because you\'re ugly! Slightly ~"

Hill stuck out his tongue.