
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Chapter 30

They walked in the street one after another. I don\'t know why, ghost Moyan always kept a distance of more than one meter from Zhang Jun.

"Brother, look, it\'s him!"

Just then, a startling voice suddenly came.

I saw a thin yellow haired monkey pointing to ghost Mo Yan and said in surprise.

"Afraid, afraid of what!"

Hearing the thin monkey\'s words, a man who looked silly but was very strong said calmly.

Zhang Jun had some doubts, but to hell, Mo Yan looked like he didn\'t see anything, shrugged and continued to walk towards the front.

"Hey! Freak! You, why didn\'t you stay at home and come here?"

Just took two steps, the thin monkey\'s voice immediately made him frown.

Although ghost Mo Yan still looked indifferent, as if he hadn\'t heard it, Zhang Jun couldn\'t help it.

"What are you talking about?! talk less with a dog\'s mouth!"

Zhang Jun rushed to the thin monkey and poured out his murderous spirit towards him.

With a puff, the thin monkey actually knelt on the ground, his eyes wide open, as if he had encountered something terrible, and his body couldn\'t stop shaking.

"Hum! No matter what happened before ghost Moyan, since he has become my crew, no one is allowed to insult him!"

With a cold hum, Zhang Jun put away his murderous spirit.

No one noticed that the ghost Mo Yan behind Zhang Jun flashed an imperceptible moving color in his eyes.

Originally, he just saw that Zhang Jun\'s murderous spirit was to his taste, coupled with the knife that made his soul tremble, he decided to join his Pirate Group.

I didn\'t expect Zhang Jun to pay so much attention to love and righteousness!

"Well, this adult, my little brother doesn\'t mean that either. It\'s just, he\'s really a freak!"

The Han Han elder brother of the thin monkey is really Han. He dares to refute Zhang Jun at this time.


Zhang Jun was a little embarrassed. He was about to get angry, but he was stopped by ghost Moyan.

"Let him say! You\'ll know sooner or later!"

A trace of pain on ghost Mo Yan\'s face flashed away, still with an indifferent expression.

Zhang Jun\'s curiosity was hooked up again. It was obvious that ghost Moyan had an unknown sad past!

Led by Zhang Jun, the four came to a private room in a teahouse.


As soon as he sat down, Zhang Jun couldn\'t wait to urge brother han to speak.

"Yes, it is. My Lord, ghost Mo Yan and I are from the same place."

"He is the only son of the most powerful ghost family in our place."

"I was lucky to be one of his attendants when I was a child..."

Boss Han said in an eloquent way, but Zhang Jun thought it was so wrong!

What about the sad story?

When he looked puzzled, the story he was waiting for finally officially began!

"My family is a slave of the ghost family for generations, so I know that the ghost family holds a sacrifice every year."

"At that time, several of us were still young. We were very curious about the sacrifice that only the insiders of the ghost family could participate in."

"That night, several of us secretly lay on the roof and saw everything!"

"The hero of the sacrifice is ghost Mo Yan!"

"There was a red knife in the middle of the ceremony."

"I don\'t know why, as soon as we saw the knife, we were afraid from the bottom of our hearts and didn\'t dare to look more."

"What ghost Moyan has to do at the sacrifice is to cut his wrist with that knife."

"Drop blood on the blade."

"Although the original scene is strange, we can still accept it."

"But this is just the beginning of everything!"

"With the blood of ghost Mo Yan falling drop by drop, the needle dropping of the whole sacrifice can be heard."

"We couldn\'t help holding our breath."

"Suddenly, all the ghost families except ghost Mo Yan were crawling on the ground for a moment!"

"Their mouths utter syllables we\'ve never heard before!"

"The weird atmosphere became stronger and stronger. A friend of mine even peed his pants."

"But under the intense sense of fear, we dare not move."

"After a while, with the cry of the ghost family, the scene fell into silence again."

"And at this time, the ghost is silent!"

"He reached out and held the handle of a blood red knife almost as high as him."

"Suddenly, the blood red light enveloped all the knife ghost families."

"They seemed surprised, but they immediately shouted wildly."

"Ghost Mo Yan is very calm, with scarlet light in his eyes."

"Then we saw him, he dragged a big knife and killed all the ghost families one by one!"

Speaking of this, boss Han seemed to return to the scene at that time. He looked at the ghost Mo Yan with fear and rejection in his eyes.

After hearing this story, Zhang Jun understood why ghost Mo Yan was called a freak!

Although he himself killed countless people in the dreamland, after all, that is not reality!

"Ghost Mo Yan..."

Zhang Jun first drove the thin monkey out, then frowned and looked at ghost Mo Yan.

"Are you afraid?"

The remaining bitterness on ghost Mo Yan\'s face gradually disappeared with Zhang Jun\'s opening, replaced by a slightly ironic look.

"Joke! Will I be afraid?"

I don\'t know why, Zhang Jun felt some sympathy for him.

Bear so many things at such a young age.

Ghost Mo Yan seemed surprised, but he didn\'t intend to say a word.

"You boy, no matter what you used to be, you\'ll work for me when you join my Pirate Group. I\'ll beat them to death if anyone calls you the freak boss in the future!"

Zhang Jun patted ghost Mo Yan on the shoulder. He didn\'t ask much.

"It\'s a curse and a new life."

Ghost Mo Yan lowered his head. No one could see his face clearly, but a weak and inaudible voice came into Zhang Jun\'s ears.

Zhang Jun didn\'t speak. He sat down quietly and waited for him.

"This is a curse for the ghost family. Curse me that the ghost family will never see light!"

"And that knife is the source of the curse."

"The curse can only be broken if the ghost family recognized by it completes its conditions!"

Sure enough, ghost Mo Yan told the truth.

Although his expression could not be seen, the tears falling on the ground showed the sadness of ghost Moyan\'s heart.

It was he who killed his own people, and he made himself helpless and become a monster that everyone scolded!

He never explained to others, perhaps because of his inner guilt and uneasiness.

Anyway, Zhang Junxin him!

"From then on, the Longteng Wanli is your home, and everyone on board is your partner!"

The firm voice made ghost Mo Yan raise his head uncontrollably.

The remaining tearful eyes saw Zhang Jun\'s sincere eyes.


A hoarse but determined voice came from ghost Mo Yan\'s throat.