
Wanjie Fishing System

One piece fan-fiction Traversing in one piece with wanjie fishing system

MD_Nurnabi_Islam · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs


When several members of the Longjun pirate regiment welcomed their new partners, the naval camp in Rogge town.

"Colonel smog, Colonel smog, someone saw the people of Longjun pirate regiment in the port!"

A Navy rushed into the room of Colonel smog.

The room was filled with smoke, in which the figure of a big man loomed.

"Oh? It\'s the pirate regiment of Zhang Jun, the pirate thunder thunder with the highest reward in the East China Sea?"

The big man got up slowly, opened the window to let the smoke go, and then turned his head and said.

His upper body is undressed, and his large muscles show his great strength!


Wearing a Shanghai army coat and two cigars in his mouth, smog waved his big hand and took a team of Navy towards the port.

"A guy offering a reward of 50 million? I hope it\'s interesting!"

A very low murmur came from Smog\'s mouth.

"Hey, hey, boy!"

A middle-aged man with a strange hairstyle shouted from a distance and came towards the Longteng Wanli.

"Hmm? Is that boss yibensong?"

Zhang Jun said strangely, nodded to the crowd and jumped in front of yibensong.

"Isn\'t this the owner of the weapons store? What can I do for you?"

Zhang Jun asked suspiciously. He noticed a knife wrapped in thick cloth in bensong\'s arms. If he guessed correctly, it was three generations of ghost!

"Young man, I\'ll think about it. The young man before was your friend, right? Since he values this magic knife so much, I\'ll give it to him!"

"Please give it to him for me. If he says anything that doesn\'t deserve the knife, tell him and let him try to deserve it!"

Yibensong bit his teeth and said in one breath. At the same time, he handed the third generation ghost to Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun was surprised, but he didn\'t take the knife.

"Boss, I appreciate your kindness, but that guy only needs a knife."

As Zhang Jun spoke, he looked at the ghost Mo Yan holding the soul guard ghost knife on the Longteng Wanli.

"I see..."

Yibensong was disappointed but inexplicably relieved. Then he turned and left.

In fact, Zhang Jun misunderstood this time. Yibensong is not like sending out three generations of ghost, because it is a magic knife, but his wife is different. It is precisely because his wife grabbed his ear and asked him to send the knife away as soon as possible that he made this decision.

Zhang Jun shrugged and was about to return to the boat when he suddenly felt an unusual momentum approaching him quickly.


Smog roared all the way and quickly approached Zhang Jun.

"You are the pirate with the highest reward in the East China Sea, Lei Zhang Jun?"

Smog came to the opposite of Zhang Jun, smoked a cigar and said in the smoke.


Looking at the smoke, Zhang Jun\'s eyes flashed slightly. It was Colonel smog!

"Ding, task trigger: defeat Colonel smog. Task reward: high quality bait * 2!"

At the same time, the system sounds.

This system, rewards seem to be getting richer and richer?

A confused thought floated in his heart, and Zhang Jun looked at smog again.

In the pirate king, smog appeared several times, and a smoky fruit was superb.

At this time, smog was still a colonel, but Zhang Jun remembered that he became a lieutenant general two years after the war.

Now his combat effectiveness in 998 can be regarded as a strong enemy of Zhang Jun.

"Oh? It seems that you know me? Forget it. Don\'t bother talking nonsense. Let me see if you can afford the reward of 50 million Bailey!"

Smog\'s face was cold and solemn. As soon as his voice fell, he was surrounded by smoke.

Zhang Jun was not worried at all, but curiously observed the smoke.

At this time, when hill saw the Navy attack, they soon came to Zhang Jun.

"Come on, one on one!"

In Zhang Jun\'s eyes, there was a flash of lightning, and a bolt of lightning went straight to smog.


The lightning penetration was so strong that it was about to hit smog. Smog snorted coldly, dodged the lightning and rushed towards Zhang Jun.

Bang! Bang

The two boxed each other, and a muffled sound resounded through the whole port.

At this time, it was getting dark, and there were not many people in the port. Only a few scattered people were frightened by the vibration and ran away.

"Boy, good strength!"

After a fight, the two separated and smog praised.

"Each other!"

Zhang Jun shook his numb hands. Si Mo is worthy of his strange strength. His combat effectiveness is obviously dozens of points higher than him, but his strength is still better than him!

Yes, it\'s obvious that smog was just a temptation, but Zhang Jun did his best!

However, Zhang Jun\'s original advantage is not in strength!

"Colonel smog, I\'m going to be serious!"

Zhang Jun\'s voice became colder, and a murderous intention poured out towards the Navy.

Suddenly, some timid people screamed with fear.

"You stand back!"

Smog frowned. He didn\'t expect Zhang Jun to have such ability!

Zhang Jun no longer spoke. He threw the thunder blood from his waist into the air. It was steadily suspended in the air. The electric light on it flickered continuously. Coupled with the red streamer, it looked beautiful, but even the blind could feel the huge energy above!

At the same time, his whole body is full of lightning, but he doesn\'t intend to use the second gear at this time. The second gear can improve a lot of combat effectiveness in an instant. As a killer mace, he doesn\'t want to be exposed so early!

In his opinion, such protection is enough!

Smog on the opposite side was not idle. He was filled with smoke and shrouded the whole port in an instant!

A breeze blew, and the sword between the lightning and flint flashed wildly, and sparks splashed everywhere for a moment.

"Brother Mo Yan, you should be strong? Why don\'t you help brother Jun?"

Hill stood outside the fog and couldn\'t see the scene in the fog. She said to ghost Mo Yan with worry.


Ghost Mo Yan flashed a red light in his eyes and said faintly.

He can see that the water he put when he was fighting with him was as much as a river!

How could such a Zhang Jun fail to beat the Colonel?!

Sure enough, less than a incense, the smoke dispersed, and smog fell to the ground in scorched black.


A girl with glasses rushed to smog and dragged him back to the navy camp.

Zhang Jun on the opposite side clapped his hands easily, listened to the pleasant voice of the system and walked back to his partner.

"Ding, finish the task and defeat Colonel smog. Task reward: high quality bait * 2!"