
Villains, heroes, And vigilantes

Elie, a loved vigilante, taro, a wanted villain. . can Taro keep Elie safe or will the fail? can elie find her true family?

MysticJamie · Khác
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
15 Chs

Chapter 9

Taro POV

I returned to the cafe the next day, ordered the same thing, then sat at the same table. I scrolled through my phone. A man walks over throwing a file onto the table and sits across from me.

"As I said , boss. A siren." carbon says opening the file. "Turns out her name is salene and it's not the first time.'' Some workers stop and look at them once carbon says the siren's name. I look through the pictures and papers in the file.

"She seems quite useless and worthless." Carbon says, opening his phone. "I don't understand why she's important. She didn't even try to get me to help her, don't they have a siren voice or something? She just seems like a fish, a useless one at that."

"She is not useless nor is she worthless, she is the best bar owner i know." Dianna smash her hand on the table glaring at carbon

"So you come to interrupt our meeting. Didn't your boss tell you to mind your own business." Carbon stands up.

"Surprise, surprise buddy you're talking to the boss."

"You li-" I smash carbons face into the table and bow my head to the lady, pick up the files, and drag carbon out of the building leaving $100 dollars on the table. Once out the table snaps in half.

Salene's pov

I am awoken to a bright light shining through the mini cave. I stick my head out to see what is happening, when I am snatched upward by something. I start wiggling to get free when I am taken out of the water and strapped to a table.

"Take some samples from her."

The main guy yells from behind a layer of glass, what a lucky man, because I start to bite the people in the room. They eventually get something and throw me back in the tank. They are so lucky they destroyed my siren voice last time. because I swear if I had that back they each would be taking a dive!!

I swim to the mini cave and stay in it for the rest of the day. Gosh I miss my siren voice.

Carbon's POV

After they all left the room i open the vent and jumped down into the room pulling my mask down. I run to the door locking it then over the tank. I didn't see the siren so i hoped in finding a little hatch. I opened it looking at the buttons, I clicked one and the water started draining. I got out of the tank before it drained completely.

"You in there fish?"

"I'm not a fish."

"Sure. Hurry up, I got to get you out of here before they come back." someone starts banging on the door. I jump over the side breaking the floor in the tank.

"Come on and follow me or stay here with them!" I walk through the hallway.

"Yeah yeah" The 'not fish' followed me through the hall as we made our way outside. I opened the hatch, climbed out and ran to a parked car.

"Get in! The boss wants to see ya!"