
Villains, heroes, And vigilantes

Elie, a loved vigilante, taro, a wanted villain. . can Taro keep Elie safe or will the fail? can elie find her true family?

MysticJamie · Others
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15 Chs

Chapter 8

Elie's pov.

I'm sitting at the table, thankfully hawks won't be home till tomorrow because I'm freaking out over a cup of milk and cookies next to it. I jump as I hear a VERY loud banging at the door. I jump up ready to make a dash to the phone.

"Where do you think you're going?" a dude appears blocking her from the phone.

¨WHAT THE HECK?!?!?"I turned to run towards the window.

"Look, we just want to hang out." Some guy blocks the window and they block any exit point.

I reveal My wing to fly up and attach to the ceiling fan. I'm not about to be kidnapped here, they are gonna have to not do that!

"Holy sh*t. Boss was right about her having wings. Look, we don't want to fight, we are just here to watch you to make sure you dont sell the boss out." the man says.

"Yeah right!"

"It's the truth."

"People always lie! Especially if they just broke into somebody's home!"

"Well, I did try to knock." The translator from before walks in. "you didn't answer."

"Yeah! Cause i don't know you! Never answer the door if your home alone and dont know them!" I puff my wings up. I was just following the rules!

"Fair enough. The boss just wants us to watch you for a bit. We won't cause you much trouble."

"Yeah sure.."

"I will have the others leave but I will stay here." the others leave.

" I still don't trust you!"

" I promise I will not cause any issues so just deal with it for an hour at least."

I hear a familiar flap of wings

"He's back!" I yell.

"Who?" the translator tilts his head to the side.

Hawks flies in through the window,

"What the-?"hawks says, The translator freezes staring at hawks.

"sh*t." The others appear knocking out hawks and one grabs elie.


Jake POV

sh*t sh*t SH*T! Everything has gone downhill. We were just supposed to watch her but look at this now! We have not only her but also hawks. Boss is going to unalive us! I might be his translator but he can easily replace me. Not to mention the others are just playing cards not freaking out about what's to come.

"CAN YOU ALL STOP PLAYING CARDS AND HELP ME FIND AN EXCUSE TO TELL THE BOSS" I yell at them. I sit back down thinking about any way to get out of this.

"sh*t, sh*t, sh*t." I keep mumbling until I hear a car pull up. I jump up fixing my suit and go to the door and once I open it, I get punched in the face. Boss steps over me.

"kann mir jemand erklären, wie ein einfacher Job ruiniert wurde." Taro speaks slightly, yelling.

"Well, sir everything was going to plan until Hawks showed up and we had to improvise." one of the males spoke.

"Der Einbruch in ihr Haus war also Teil des Plans"

"No sir…"

"Nun, worauf wartet ihr alle! Lass sie gehen!" The men stumble over the the cages opening them letting both hawks and Elie go.

"Please forgive us. We acted out." Taro exits the building and the others follow, disappearing once outside the door.