
Villain System: 10,000x Reward On Murder!

[Warning: May contain; extreme bloody scene, gore and rape] A story of a Villan locked up by the government, freed by the apocalypse. With his Villian system, every murder grant's 10,000 times the reward!!!

Nixem · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


Inside the large Bio-tech company— Megatech, Ryver was currently in a glass elevator. There were several other people in the elevator with their ID cards around their necks or in their pockets.

Although the morning was still very young, a large company like Mega-Tech still had a few hundred workers working so early in the morning.

Meanwhile, Ryver sneered coldly as he spotted three individuals blending in with the workers.

Even if they tried changing their looks, clothes and demeanour, the training ingrained in them would never changed.

Their stance, their gaze as well as their hands being extremely close to their waist which obviously hid pistols in them.

It was very obvious to him. Laughing coldly he muttered. "Still keeping an eye on me even after five years?"

A hint of hatred, frustration and helplessness flashed in his eyes before vanishing as though it was an illusion.


The elevator chimed to a stop and a group of four walked out, letting two more others into the elevator.

Another chiming sound echoed as the elevator halted on the 49th floor. "Excuse me."

Ryver's cold voice hummed as he squeezed through the crowds of six and exited the elevator.

He walked through the hallway with a blank face, passing through various offices and workers, until he finally arrived at the end of the hallway.

There was a sign written in bold letters right at the front of the door, 'Janitor's Closet'

Sliding his ID card through the lock panel in a familiar move, the door opened, Ryver the walked in, closing the door behind him.

A few minutes later, the door opened and Ryver exited.

He was now putting on a clean, well-pressed dark-blue overall while dragging a light-yellow Janitorial trolley which contained chemicals, mops and various cleaning supplies within.

This morning, the 49th floor was his responsibility.

Ryver had just walked a few distances when he noticed his eye was starting to itch. He blinked his eyes in a pattern, trying to switch off the Bionic smart lens since it might be overheating.

Suddenly, he saw an holographic image of a dressed man in white lab coat and a pair of glasses appeared within his line of sight.

"Isn't this the CEO of Megatech?"

Suddenly, a forceful broadcast began to play as the man started speaking.

"Citizens of Earth, although I am honored to witness the evolution of this world, because it will bring many unprecedented benefits but it will be written and known as the greatest disaster as well as the greatest opportunity known to man."

"I am sad that not many people would be able to enjoy this privilege." The man sighed heavily, exhaustion audible within his tone as he said urgently.

"I don't have much time left. This disaster called Angel-fire is estimated to wipe out at least 95% of earth's population but i can't allow humanity to die out just like that!"

"The Military of all top countries had banned me from sharing this information to the public and had chosen the best of the best geniuses in every field out there, keeping them somewhere safe, leaving the rest of humanity to die out!"

"Knowing this, I cannot allow this to happen as I was once an ordinary person, I created the smart lens, using a Ancient alien Artefact with incredible and unfathomable power secretly retrieved from an Ancient Alien civilization!"

Suddenly, sounds of gunshot rag out from within the lab. The CEO face paled slightly as he looked backwards at the door.

The metallic door held but it was beginning to deform. His tone even more urgent as he grabbed the camera and spoke hurriedly.

"By the time you all get this message, I should be dead or gone. The real use of the smart lens isn't just as basic as stated. Figure it out by voicing out the word "HELLSCAPE!" increase the chances of humanity's survival!"


An explosion occured as the door shattered. Sounds of gunshot echoed and the recording

immediately ended in a blur.

Just as Ryver was frowning in confusion, his assistant immediately spoke with a slightly humorous tone.

"Ignore it, just some prank played by some Netrunner. You can tell its deep fake bythee sound."

Ryver didn't react, his face still scrunched up in thought. His head was telling him it was a prank played by some hacker, but his heart clenched and immediately started beating fast, telling him that this, was an opportunity!

"Ryver? Are you listening, you might get hacked and your entire information as well as your memories could be stolen if you say that word. Your memories are X-class classified and your body contains secret of the Soldier-X experiments even if you are a failed product!"

"This means you are the Military's property. Your body, memories and mind belongs to the military. Soldier, obey the chain of command and Do! Not! Say! That! Word!" The female's cold voice commanded, jolts of electricity jolting our from the steel bracelet in Ryver's arms, numbing him.

Apart from the commotion happening within the entire company and the and the outside world, the entire hallway descended to silence

Suddenly, a cold voice rang out from the hallway.


A message instantly popped up in his smart lens.

[Hellscape Program Initiated]

[Welcome Contestant #1,324,888]

[Cellular Diagnostics Completed]

[Ryver Mcgyver]

[Sex: male]

[Age: 28]

[Strength: 1.43]

[Agility: 1.45]

[Vitality: 1.9]

[Evo Points: 0.06]*NEW*

Ryver focused his gaze on the new information and it

immediately expanded.

[Evolution points; Evolution points are converted by the system when a certain form of radiation is exposed to the host; this is achieved when lifeforms not registered within the Archive are eliminated by the user's hands.]

[Evolution points can be used to increase the user's stats. For example, 1 Evolution point can directly increase the user's stats by one when distributed.]

[Report; Evolution points can only be distributed when it is 0.10 or above 0.10 points]

[ERROR!!! Host's genetic being not registered. Genetic makeup has been tampered and altered without redemption. RYVER MCGYVER CAN'T ABSORB RADIATION!!!]

[ERROR!!! Host's genetic being not registered. Genetic makeup has been tampered and altered without redemption. RYVER MCGYVER CAN'T ABSORB RADIATION!!!]

[ERROR!!! Host's genetic being not registered. Genetic makeup has been tampered and altered without redemption. RYVER MCGYVER CAN'T ABSORB RADIATION!!!]

[Injuries: Antisocial Personality Disorder]