
Villain System: 10,000x Reward On Murder!

[Warning: May contain; extreme bloody scene, gore and rape] A story of a Villan locked up by the government, freed by the apocalypse. With his Villian system, every murder grant's 10,000 times the reward!!!

Nixem · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
5 Chs


Ryver's eyes immediately exploded with killing intent, hatred and despair once he understood what happened.

"X-Soldier Experiment!"

Even after such an opportunity, they still made sure to shatter his only hope at surviving!

Wasn't it enough that they didn't take care  of his family as promised, letting his father die from exhaustion, his mother from cancer his elder brother shot to death by a cop by accident!

He had signed up for X-soldier because of them but even after pushing through all the excruciating, soul piercing pain in order to see them smile in comfort, it was all for naught.

With the experiment failing to work on him, the military didn't keep to their promise and even had him locked for 5 years, only releasing him a year ago.

Now that he sensed an opportunity, they still tampered with it! "I will kill them all!" Ryver swore.

He didn't notice the red flash of light that streamed past his face.

Suddenly, a chime sounded.

[Ding! Talent Analysis completed]

[ERROR! You have no ta-l... Ding!]

[Talent Analysis completed]

[ERROR!! You have no ta-le... Ding!!]

[Talent Analysis completed]

[ERROR!!! You have no talen-t... Ding!!!]

[Due to rule **** Talent randomly generated... Please wait... ]


[ You obtained a level-SSS+ Talent: 10,000x Return On Murder]

[10,000x Return Murder: Level-SSS. After each 'MURDER' items looted from the corpse contains certain chances of increasing in quality. Ranging from 1-10,000x]

A rare expression of bewilderment, surprise and total daze appeared in Ryver's face.

"An SSS+level talent?" With his miniscule knowledge in gaming, Ryver was still knowledgeable enough about different tiers and was well aware that thee SSS+ Talent was of a very high grade.

In reality Ryver had never hoped to gain a talent from thee beginning, he just wanted a chance to grow stronger and take revenge which was dashed by the changes in his genes.

But with this talent...

Finally reading through it, he realized that the so-called Murder Return System could directly provide direct multiplier rebates.

Furthermore, it was in each murder!

However, the rebates were random. For the time being, they could range from a few tens, up to ten thousand times.

The higher the multiple, the stronger the items would be. There was also a limit to the quality of the items and rebate.

Ryver's murderous air was instantly roused.

This rebate system was tailor-made for him.

He would able to use this opportunity to obtain return items or treasures to train his body, increasing his strength, maybe he could even change his gene structure, most importantly, he also get to kill. It was like killing three birds with one stone.

Despite that, he needed a test subject to truly figure out the use of his talent.

A smile carved his handsome face and his eyes turned to the group of people who had walked to the hallway when he was distracted.

Not noticing the deep killing intent focused in them, the three were busy discussing the earlier forceful broadcast by the CEO, arguing back an forth that it was fake.

"Haha! The Hell scape actually works! And I even got a grade E talent 'Speed reading!'" One of the workers bragged, smiling and laughing smugly.

The others showed signs of hesitation. In fear of getting hacked by some virus.

Grabbing the steel mop from his trolley, his grin widened to an evil smirk.

Just as he was about to move, he noticed something from the corner of his eye, checking to see what it was, he looked through the glass walls only to see thick glistening, golden raindrops falling down from the skies, onto to the buildings in the city below.


Ryver's pupils constricted as a single drop of the golden rain, dropped on a slightly shorter skyscraper close to Megatech.

In that instant, the building top immediately exploded, glowing a resplendent golden colour, reflecting the explosion that had occurred not before him.

Ryver blinked his eyes, making sure he hadn't been hijack into a virtual game.

He looked to the left and a few distances from him, the group of three office workers were in shock, witnessing this scene.

Ryver immediately backed away slowly from the glass wall it was then he saw those raindrops fall so close to the glass wall that Ryver noticed the rain drops weren't pure rain drops but seem to contain an astonishing amount of power within.


A blast of explosion rippled through the air from the building, fiery heat engulfing the entirely of the building with golden massive flames, roaring like a raging fire storm, devouring everything in its presence.

Massive overlapping shockwaves erupted out from it as it spread in all directions, slamming into the glass walls of Megatech.


The fist wave cracked the glass and the second wave if shockwaves immediately shattered thee glass as it exploded to pieces


Ryver immediately rolled, quickly diving behind his yellow trolley but the shockwaves carried him like paper amidst a tornado, slamming into a glass door, directly shattering through it explode as the force pushed him into the office.

Several glass shards and debris erupted, shooting in all directions like bullets. Ryver's body rolled unceremoniously on the ground, his head slamming into the edge of the metal desk, with a 'ding'.

With his head hitting the table, the remaining force forced his body to spin on the ground as he smashed into the wall, directly unconscious.

The entire building of MegaTech rocked back and forth as though it was about to tilt and fall. The earth rumbled like a high magnitude earthquake rippling through the earth. It was as though an earth dragon was waking up from underneath MegaTech.

A massive amount of flames raged through the entire city like wildfire!

The individual raging flames created by the explosion down the city below reached for the skies and suddenly merged.

In the skies above, golden flames soared upwards, coalescing into one massive firestorm.

The combination of many smaller fires within the city directly heat the air, causing winds of hurricane strength directed inward toward the fire, which in turn fan the flames, turning it into a large catastrophic disaster!

The standing glass walls of the skyscraper glowed golden, reflecting the explosion and wildfire storming through the city.