
217. The End of war (3): Past Life

"What is happening?"

Nix asked sitting on the bloodied ground whilst panting heavily.

Along his side were a few of his members. Needless to say, they all suffered severe wounds.

For some reason, sirens echoed throughout the battlefield which was like an announcement of some ill omen and defeat. Moreover, it came from the Corrupted army.

When Nix adrift his eyes to the distance, he saw the nightmare soaring towards the sky. Possibly it was ascending to ether as it fulfilled its purpose.

Felishia didn't risk fighting and escaped using a portal. It was the same for the demigods. They were nowhere to be found. Rosalie hid in Nix's shadow and as usual, her soul was untraceable that they couldn't find her.

The only thing that made Nix perplexed was the purpose of gods and Heredia. What did she get in this? What did both sides of the gods achieve in this war? Chaos mainland has crumbled. The balance has been lost.