
188. Samia

Her Accenture curves were phenomenal. The brightly glimmering moonlight and her silky white velvet robe and her smooth, moderately red skin induced him to touch her. Plus her face was flushed red. She didn't refuse his touch rather she seemed to be delighted by his touch.

It all raised his carnal desire. His consciousness was split into two that he did not feel like it was himself. These were the side effects of using Nova manifestation even though it has been over several minutes. It kindled his emotions, desire, will, and lust. It would be a lie if he stated that he did not want to love the women around him. He suppressed his desire and stayed loyal to those he was committed to. Obviously, he cannot just behave like a scum.

'You son of a bitch! What are you doing?'

He scolded himself while looking at Samia.