
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Kỳ huyễn
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20 Chs

Chapter 4: The Thread of Fate

[ Where... Where am I? ]

As Seraphina found herself lying in a dense jungle she wondered.

[ Arghhhh! ]

As she was about to get up she felt a severe pain in her abdomen. Apparently Donovan's sword scratched her sides enough for a wound as big as her palm to open up. Seeing this she mustered her arcane energy and focused it around her wound for it to slowly heal.

[ !!! ]

While the would did heal what surprised her was that it didn't even took her half a minute to completely close her wound where normally it would take at least a half an hour of continuous pouring of arcane energy. As her pain subsided she could feel it. Her surroundings... it was bustling with raw arcane energy.

She quickly checked his belongings and got up with the help of her staff.

As she looked around herself she wondered, "Did it work?"

The jungle was filled with trees so tall that it could reach the skies and it was abundant with raw arcane energy. She quickly cast a spell around the surroundings found that there was no other living being around her within a radius of a km.

Not knowing what to do she quickly cast a spell to teleport her to her home.

As magic circle formed under her feet, it started glowing only for the magic circle to be destroyed after a few seconds. "Seems it worked."

There was only two reason for a teleportation spell to not work, either the caster doesn't have proper knowledge about the spell or doesn't have enough fuel (arcane energy for Seraphina) to perform it, or the place the caster wants to go to doesn't exist.

Considering Seraphina's knowledge and the abundant arcane energy in her surroundings it couldn't be the first reason. So, it was most definitely the second reason, where she wants to go doesn't exist, not in this world.

Not knowing what to do she decided to go north. After some hours of walking she sat under a tree to rest. Strangely enough on her way she didn't meet any creatures no matter how small let alone monster. After closing her eyes for a bit she could hear a sound. It was the sound of water flowing.

She remembered what Magnus once taught her in their adventure,

"If you are ever lost somewhere, look for source of water. Living beings tend to build their home around water since ancient times"

She quickly took her staff and went towards the sound and found a large river. She washed her face and drank some water. She took out her empty bottle and filled it up. She then decided to follow where the river flows to. She's bound to find someone or something.

As she walked and walked soon the sun set. Thinking that going around in unknown places at dark could be dangerous, she stopped beside the river and decided to set a camp. she gathered the twigs she found on the way and set it on fire. Taking out the dry foods from her satchel she began munching on them as she thought what to do now.

[ For now I escaped from Donovan ]

[ But what now? ]

[ I don't even know where I am. ]

[ Did I really come to another world? ]

[ How will I free Magnus from that goddess? ]

[ Can I even reach Magnus much less free him? ]

[ No, let's think positively. I may have succeeded in travelling worlds so I can also travel to that goddess's realm. ]

[ I have to get stronger. ]

[ Donovan said that witches were the enemies of gods, what was that about? ]

As thoughts blurred her mind, her eyes were shut close from all the exhaustion. It was surprising enough that she kept awake after all she had gone through.

Morning came. As rays of sunshine fell upon Seraphina's face she awoke from her sleep while covering her eyes from the light.

[ ??? ]

As Seraphina opened her eyes she was shocked to see herself imprisoned somewhere. As she hurriedly got up and went to the entrance, she shook the vine-like gate as hard as she could, but nothing happened.

Seraphina then looked around her to examine the surrounding. It looked like she was inside a tree trunk. Just as she looking around, she heard a noise from the entrance.

"Gol'mok wazog"

Two short goblin-like creature appeared in front of the entrance.


As one of them seemed to cast a spell the vines from the gate crawled out from the way while one of them gave a gesture to Seraphina meant for her to follow them.

As Seraphina stepped out of the tree trunk, she was greeted by a hoard of small goblin-like creature that freed her. Al of their height was around her waist. All of them seemed to carry a staff meaning they were trained personnel for combat. Then the two small creature led her to a cave. After entering the cave she found a female creature which seemed to be sitting on a throne. This one however was taller than others and it's skin color was darker. After it raised his hand, all others left the cave one by one.

[ Greetings oh traveler! ]

[ ??? ] Seraphina was shocked as she suddenly heard a voice in her head.

The female creature got up from her throne and poured some kind of juice to Seraphina. [ Since you will not understand our language lets talk by telepathy, if you want to ask something do so. ]

[ Where am I? What do you mean traveler? ]

[ As for your first question, we call this lovely world Terra Nova. As for your second question, I called you a traveler because it's not uncommon for witches to make mistakes during travel and this is my third time dealing with outside witches. ]

Seraphina felt somehow insulted by the reply [ You mean there are other witches that came here? What happened to them? And what do you mean by inexperienced witch? ]

[ Shouldn't you at least introduce yourself properly before asking all these questions? You really are an inexperienced witch by how you sound. ]

[ I am Seraphina Ashborne. ]

[ And I am Zugluk, the current witch-mother of our tribe, the proud Gobari and your senior. You should finish the drink quickly before saying anything, it's served to only precious guests after all. Also drink it all at once to get the best taste. ]

Seraphina was hesitant at first but she then drank it all.

[ The taste is heavenly no? Now if you want my help, I need to know about you circumstances first. ]

Not knowing if she should trust her or not Seraphina only told her that she happened to find an ancient book for wizardry in a tomb while traveling and only managed to get here without reading the book fully as it was burned by someone who discovered her.

[ I understand. Now you want to get back to your world right? I think I can help you but it's too late today, Now go get some rest and meet me tomorrow. Your staff and other belongings will be in your lodging. ]

The witch-mother then called a subordinate to take Seraphina to her lodging.

The night passed by quickly and Seraphina was back in the cave in the morning.

[ You are here? Good, follow me. ]

Seraphina followed the witch-mother out of the cave. On their way she saw children playing around. Soon they reached to a place what seemed like a training ground. The Gobaris there stopped their training and bowed down to the witch-mother.

"Krulokcha yukka naknok, gromnok torglug."

As she said that the Gobaris resumed their training.

Seraphina was fascinated by how they trained. Fighting styles she never saw or heard of yet felt very familiar.

[ Though they don't know wizardry, they at least know the essence. ]

As soon as Seraphina heard that she instinctively blocked the incoming attack from the witch-mother.

[ ??? ]

Before she could even realize what was happening a flurry of attacks dismissed her thoughts. This time she countered as well. Using the knowledge from all the texts she found in her world, her power was nowhere where it used to be.

The witch-mother had a surprised face on her. [ She can do it. She's the one. ] Many thoughts came into her mind as she was laughing inwardly. With a quick spell she was able to take down Seraphina in a matter of few minutes.

[ ??? ] What Seraphina was surprised about wasn't how she lost in such a short time. She was surprised about how the witch-mother was able to successfully counter her spells buffed with large amounts of arcane energy with little to no arcane energy. While Seraphina casted big spells one after another, the witch-mother only casted spells that Seraphina learned when she was a child like basic Arcane Ball.

[ You make too many useless movements and waste way too many arcane energy. From now on Everyday you train here. Don't expect any help from me until you can defeat me. The library is across the streets from here, though I doubt you will understand the language. You are free to challenge me once a day. Now then, good luck to you.]

A sudden breeze then came from behind and swept away the witch-mother like she was never there in the first place.

It has been 3 months. The streets of the town didn't change since the first time Seraphina came here. She was going to the library to freshen her mind after her daily training.

"Good morning lady Seraphina" A cheerful Gobari librarian greeted her.

"Good morning, how you?" replied Seraphina in Gobari language.

"You are getting better Lady Seraphina"


Seraphina then went through some aisle in the library while picking up some books and then sat in her favorite spot. During these 3 months, Seraphina trained tirelessly, learned the Gobari language by conversing with others and read books about wizardry. She also challenged the witch-mother daily.

In the passage of time, as the sun embraced the afternoon, Seraphina closed the book shut.

"It has to be today."

She left the library and went to her lodging to recover her body quickly. As night fell, she made her way to the witch-mother's abode.

"Greetings witch-mother."

"Here young one oh you are."

"No matter how many times I hear you, talking in telepathy felt better."

"speaking in telepathy, the essence of what other wants to say you only understand, it not the way he or she says."

"Whatever, let's go"

"Follow me..."

The duo made their way into dense jungle far from the town.

"Why are we not going to the training ground"

"Reasons everything in this world has, my dear"

Seraphina didn't say anything else. Soon they found themselves in a open field with a temple.

"What is that?"

The witch-mother didn't say anything but instead just like the first day, attacked without warning. Seraphina realizing her intentions fought back.

After an intense battle, Seraphina's cleverness came into play. She noticed that the witch-mother relied heavily on her mastery of basic spells and underestimated Seraphina's ability to adapt. As they exchanged blows and spells, Seraphina strategically lured the witch-mother toward the edge of the field.

With a swift movement, Seraphina dodged a spell and maneuvered the witch-mother closer to a large ancient tree. Just as the witch-mother prepared to cast another spell, Seraphina unleashed a powerful burst of arcane energy directly at the tree. The impact caused the tree to shake violently, and a large branch came crashing down between them, creating a temporary barrier.

Seizing the opportunity, Seraphina swiftly cast a complex spell, creating an illusion that obscured her movements. With stealth and precision, she circled around the fallen branch, out of the witch-mother's line of sight. Seraphina remained calm and focused, gathering her energy for a decisive strike.

The witch-mother frantically searched for Seraphina, unaware of the danger lurking behind her. In that fleeting moment of vulnerability, Seraphina launched her attack. With a powerful incantation, she conjured a swirling vortex of energy that spiraled around her opponent.

The witch-mother realized her peril too late. The vortex tightened around her, draining her energy and weakening her defenses. Seraphina pressed her advantage, striking with precision and agility, until finally, the witch-mother's defenses crumbled.

A triumphant smile spread across Seraphina's face as she witnessed the witch-mother fall to her knees, drained and defeated. The battle had taken its toll on both of them, but Seraphina had emerged victorious.

As the dust settled, Seraphina approached the weakened witch-mother, offering a hand to help her up. With a mix of respect and admiration, the witch-mother accepted the gesture, acknowledging Seraphina's skill and determination.

"Indeed worthy you are. Come."

After recovering herself with basic healing the witch-mother took her inside the temple.

[ This is??? ]

The temple was just like the temple in her world. The pillars, the carvings on them, the celling everything was same. Deep inside the temple lay a book. It was the book that was burned by Donovas.

"Called 'The Book of Arcane Realm' this book is. Take it."

After finally holding the book Seraphina rummaged through the book for the pages she couldn't finish. After going through the book for half an hour, Seraphina absorbed all those knowledge in her head.

Seeing Seraphina finished reading, the witch-mother opened her mouth. "To Terra Nova, why do you think you traveled, hmm? Spells, without location coordinates, naturally take you to the nearest world filled with arcane energy, yes. The further you travel, the more arcane energy you would require, hmm. With how you are now, reach that place, you should be able to."

"What pla-"

Before she could finish that sentence the witch-mother put her finger against Seraphina's forehead and suddenly large amount of numbers flowed into her mind along with extreme headache.

"AHH! What did you-" Just as she was about to finish that sentence she realized what flowed into her head was information about a certain world.

"Help you reach your home, I may not, but people who can, I know. Go, find Elara you must."

Without waiting for a second she came back to the open field casting the ritual yet again, only this time with specific destination.

"Thank you for everything."

A huge beam of light fell upon her from the sky taking her along with it.

Unlike last time, when Seraphina opened her eyes, she found herself not in jungle but in a room.

"We didn't have anyone scheduled to arrive today, who are you?"

A gentle looking girl asked in ancient language.

"I am Seraphina and I must meet someone called Elara."

"... and how am I supposed to let you meet our grand witch just because you need to meet her? How did you come here?"

The door suddenly opened revealing another woman. The gentle looking girl instantly bowed down after seeing that woman.

"Seraphina Ashborne, the high witch has been waiting for you. Follow me."

Seraphina hesitantly followed the unknown woman. On the way she found out that she was in something like a castle. After reaching the highest floor, she found out there was only one room in the entire hallway.

"Go in"

After Seraphina entered the room, darkness greeted her. She unconsciously created a barrier blocking an incoming Arcane Blast.

"Seems you are better than I thought."

As Seraphina looked at the way the voice came from, suddenly another Arcane Blast came from the opposite direction hitting the flustered Seraphina.

"But still immature."

A child-like figure came out of the shadows. With a snap of her finger the entire room lit up revealing a cozy nice office. The child-like girl then introduced herself.

"I am Elara, Elara Jotunheim. The high witch of the council of witches and the lord of Eldoria. I was informed by that brat Zugluk that you will be coming. So, what do you want?"

"I just want to go home."

Elara then looked at Seraphina from head to toe. "No I don't think you do... what do I sense...? Ah its longing for someone. Are you searching for someone? And it has to be related to the god of your world right?"


"Seems I was right. Most of the witches that leave their world has only one reason, vengeance against their gods. And you are no different. Such childish dream... going against those arrogant, conceited, self-centered bastards with little to no power. Witches and Gods are mortal enemies in the first place, they won't show any mercy. This is simply suicide. Look, I have taken an interest in you, defeating that brat is a big deal and you managed to do that in such short time. Become my disciple?"


"Yes disciple, I can also help you in you adventure."

Seraphina realizing she won't get another chance like this decided to tell Elara everything.

"That... truly is an interesting story. The god sealing a body? That's the first time I'm hearing something like that. Hold on."

Elara then brought a blue orb from her shelf and placed it on the table. Then whispered something and started pouring arcane energy into it. After a nosebleed she finally stopped at 5 minutes.

"You are in luck. Your man is safe, at least his soul is. But he is in a faraway world right now."

Seraphina blushed a little while holding the ring she had . "Then please tell me how can I get there."

Elara then flicked Seraphina's forehead. "You are just an immature weakling. The moment you travel such distance you will immediately be targeted by multiple gods, you going there right now will only bring more trouble for him. Train under me for some years and you will be fine. I will give you his coordinates when I think you are strong enough. You should rest up toda- no we will start training right away."

As Elara said that she grabbed Seraphina's hands teleporting to somewhere else.

5 years passed by just like that. Seraphina was now upset with how her teacher still thought she was yet to be worthy. No one in the castle could now beat her except Jasmaine, the grand witch and the witch that guided her when she first came and Elara. As Seraphina opened the door Elara welcomed her.

"What's up Sera~ it's still not our training time."

"Just when are you going to tell me where he is."

"When you are strong enough."

"Aren't I strong already? I can also last more than half an hour against Jasmaine."

"That's not what I think being strong means."

"I have had enough of this training just tell me already."

Seeing Seraphina's face Elara got up from her seat and teleported both of them to an unknown place. It was a field that was meant for dueling on top of a volcano.

"This is where the previous high witch and I often fought at. If you can make me bleed even a little, I shall grant you the coordinates."

Seraphina fired her spell without even saying it. With a mixture of determination and trepidation, Seraphina unleashed her spell one after another, her movements filled with a sense of urgency. But try as she might, she couldn't land a single blow on her agile and elusive teacher, Elara. Every attack was swiftly dodged or deflected with ease, leaving Seraphina feeling frustrated and disheartened.

As the duel intensified, Seraphina struggled to keep up with Elara's graceful and calculated maneuvers. She threw wave after wave of spells, pouring her arcane energy into each one, but they all seemed to miss their mark. Elara seemed to anticipate her every move, effortlessly evading or neutralizing her attacks.

Seraphina's brow furrowed in concentration as she desperately searched for a way to gain the upper hand. She attempted to outmaneuver Elara, to catch her off guard with unpredictable spell combinations, but her teacher always seemed one step ahead.

Time and again, Seraphina found herself on the defensive, desperately blocking and deflecting Elara's powerful strikes. She could feel her energy waning, her spells becoming weaker as exhaustion began to take its toll. Doubt started to creep into her mind as she questioned her own abilities.

Despite her struggles, Seraphina refused to give up. She summoned every ounce of determination within her, pushing past her physical and mental limits. She knew that this duel was more than just a test of strength—it was a test of her resolve, her resilience, and her growth as a witch.

With renewed determination, Seraphina adjusted her strategy. Instead of focusing solely on offense, she honed her defensive skills, carefully blocking and evading Elara's attacks with precision. She analyzed her teacher's movements, seeking out patterns and vulnerabilities.

In a moment of inspiration, Seraphina realized that she could use her environment to her advantage. She created illusions and distractions, aiming to catch Elara off guard. But even then, success eluded her grasp as Elara effortlessly saw through her tricks, countering with swift and precise strikes.

The duel raged on, each passing moment testing Seraphina's endurance and willpower. She fought through fatigue, pushing herself to her limits and beyond. Her spells became wild and erratic, fueled by desperation and determination. And yet, despite her efforts, victory seemed elusive.

As the battle drew to a close, Seraphina stood before Elara, her body battered and bruised, her energy nearly depleted. Sweat dripped down her brow, mingling with the dirt and grime that adorned her face. She looked into Elara's eyes, a mixture of exhaustion and admiration shining in her own. Elara, too, appeared weary but impressed.

"Continuing further is meaningless."

"No I can do it."

Elara ignored Seraphina's words. "I will give you two options, stay here and train more and fight the gods. Or go now and reunite with whom you seek."

Seraphina without hesitation chose the second option.

Suddenly a bag appeared in front of Seraphina with a snap of Elara's finger.

"This bag contains necessities you might need in your travels. I am after all your master."

As she held out her hands, a staff suddenly appeared in her hands. With a stomp of the staff a giant magic circle appeared under Seraphina.

"I will take care of the ritual so relax. See you again my disciple. I hope you find him."

As a beam of light fell upon Seraphina, she bowed towards her master who taught her so many things.

As the beam of light took Seraphina away, Elara closed her eyes.

"Did I do the right thing mother?"