
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 3: Crossroads of Destiny

"From now on you will be Ethan Cross." raising his child with his two arms, Alexander Cross announced proudly.

"That is a nice name. I am sure he will make you proud" said Genevieve Cross.

"He is my only son. Of course he will."

Ethan's birth in a wealthy European family was celebrated with grandeur and opulence, marking the beginning of a life destined for privilege and success. The Cross family, known for their influential status and affluent lifestyle and love for arts, spared no expense in welcoming their newest addition. From the moment he was born, Ethan was surrounded by opulent surroundings and attended by the finest caregivers.

Growing up in the lavish family estate, Ethan was exposed to the customs and traditions of the wealthy European elite. From extravagant ballroom dances to exclusive social gatherings, his upbringing immersed him in the refined culture of his lineage. The family held old-world values, cherishing heritage and maintaining a sense of aristocracy that had been passed down for generations.

From childhood Ethan was unusually brilliant for children his age. However people avoided him. When Ethan was of 5 years of age, rumors began to circulate that Ethan brings bad luck to others. Whoever would be Ethan's personal maid would get sick within 1-2 weeks of duty. Any pets or plants Ethan cared for would die. His mother Genevieve who was always cheerful and healthy would now be sick for the most of the time. Now the lonely Ethan would spend most of the time in his family library.

"Ethan, spending time in library as always?"

Ethan turned his head and saw his father behind him picking up a book from the ground.

"'Shadows of Enchantia' huh? perhaps you like reading this kind of stories?"


"Ethan, these rumors that have been circulating, they are just baseless. You are not bringing bad luck to anyone, my dear."

"I know, father."

"It pains me to see you isolated because of these unfounded beliefs. You possess a brilliance and kindness that should be celebrated, not feared."

"But I like reading books. I like swords."

"Ethan, you are not alone in this. Your mother and I stand by you, we will always be there for you. If there's anything bothering you let me know your mother and I will help you.

"Thank you, father."

"Wanna go to a banquet tomorrow? My friend's son's birthday is tomorrow. You are of the same age. perhaps you could be friends. "


kissing Ethan on the forehead Alexander went on his way.

The next day Ethan and his father entered their car to go to the banquet.

"It's been a long time since you came outside isn't it?"

"Yes", replied Ethan while looking through the windows.

"Ah Alex! You are finally here!"

A cheerful bald man hugged Ethan's father just when they were getting out of the car.

"Let me go you idiot. You are not a child anymore." said Alexander while trying to push that man away.

"Ah is this my cute little nephew?"

"Introduce yourself Ethan."

"Good evening. I am Ethan cross."

"Ah look at you manners. I am Jacob. Your father's best buddy."

"Like hell you are."

"Haha Let's go in."

Grabbing Ethan's tiny hand, Jacob let the group inside the mansion. This mansion didn't lose in any way to Ethan's family mansion. As the group entered the grand mansion, Jacob held onto Ethan's tiny hand, guiding him through the lavish hallways filled with elegant decorations. The atmosphere was lively as guests gathered for Oliver's fifth birthday party.

"Look, Ethan, this is Oliver," Jacob said, gently nudging Ethan forward. "He's the birthday boy."

Ethan stared blankly at Oliver, his expression devoid of emotion. "Hi, Ethan. I'm Oliver. It's nice to meet you!" Oliver exclaimed, extending his hand for a handshake.

Ethan hesitated for a moment, his voice monotone, "Nice to meet you too, Oliver."

Jacob chuckled, noticing Ethan's lack of reaction. "Oliver, this is Ethan. He's a brilliant and talented young boy, just like you. I thought you two could become great friends."

Oliver's eyes sparkled with excitement. "Wow, really? That's great! Ethan, let's go play in the garden. I have some amazing toys there."

"You should go Ethan." encouraged Ethan's father.

Grabbing Ethan's hand Oliver swiftly made their way to the garden.

"So Ethan what do you like to do most?" asked Oliver cheerfully.

"Reading books", said Ethan in his usual emotionless voice.

"That's so boring. You should do stuffs like sports."

Ethan tilted his head slightly, his expression unchanged. "Sports? I haven't really tried them before."

Oliver grinned mischievously. "Well, today's your lucky day, Ethan. I'll teach you how to play soccer!"

Ethan followed Oliver to a corner of the garden where a miniature soccer field was set up. Oliver handed Ethan a small soccer ball and began explaining the basic rules and techniques.

With each passing minute, Ethan's skills started to shine. His precision and focus were evident as he effortlessly kicked the ball, displaying an innate talent for the sport. Although his face remained stoic, a hint of satisfaction glimmered in his eyes as he became more engrossed in the game.

Oliver's excitement grew as he witnessed Ethan's remarkable abilities. "You're a natural, Ethan! I've never seen someone pick up soccer so quickly."

As they continued playing, the garden echoed with their laughter and the sound of the ball hitting the ground. Oliver's infectious energy and Ethan's remarkable skills created an unusual but undeniable harmony.

"See Alex? Your boy is just fine. He just needed a friend" said Jacob looking at the boys through a window.

"I hope so", said Ethan's father as he sighed.

As the sun began to set, Oliver and Ethan sat on a nearby bench, catching their breath. Ethan's face showed a hint of satisfaction.

"You know, Ethan," Oliver began, his voice filled with genuine admiration, "despite your serious demeanor, you're a really cool friend to have. I'm glad we met."

Ethan nodded, a subtle nod of agreement. "Likewise, Oliver. I appreciate your friendship."

With the day coming to an end, the two boys walked back to the mansion, their bond forged through shared laughter and newfound camaraderie. Although Ethan's emotions remained concealed, his time with Oliver had unveiled a new side of his existence — the ability to connect and find joy in unexpected places.

As they bid each other farewell, promising to meet again soon, Ethan's father approached him, a proud smile on his face. "I saw you playing soccer, Ethan. You were amazing! I've never seen you so engaged before."

"It felt... great", said Ethan with a small smile oh his face.

Throughout their high school years, Oliver and Ethan became inseparable friends, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. While Oliver was outgoing and charismatic, Ethan's calm and composed demeanor provided a steady anchor for their friendship.

Together, they navigated the hallways of their prestigious high school, supporting each other through the ups and downs of teenage life. They formed a dynamic duo, with Oliver leading the way in social interactions and Ethan providing a sense of stability and wisdom beyond his years.

Their classmates were intrigued by the enigmatic Ethan, drawn to his quiet confidence and unparalleled intelligence. Despite his reserved nature, Ethan gained the respect and admiration of both students and teachers alike. His academic achievements were remarkable, his dedication to his studies unmatched.

Outside the classroom, Ethan and Oliver explored various extracurricular activities, challenging themselves to try new things and broaden their horizons. They joined the school's soccer team, where Ethan's exceptional skills dazzled both teammates and opponents. Oliver, with his boundless energy and natural athleticism, served as the team's charismatic captain.

"That dream again?", asked Oliver as Ethan woke up from sleep exhausted as if he fought something all night.

Ethan looked around. It was his familiar dorm room.

"Get up we are gonna be late."

"For what?"

"??? Are you serious right now? Today is our field trip. Seriously how long has it been that you so called nightmare keeps coming in you dreams? Don't you think at this point you should seek medical assistance?"

"It comes once or twice every week. I think it will get better soon. And the girl I see in my dreams every time, I... feel like I know her somehow."

Oliver chuckled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Oh, Ethan, you and your mysterious dreams. Maybe you're just watching too many movies or reading too many fantasy novels. I mean, come on, a girl you feel like you know? That's straight out of a cheesy romance story."

Ethan's expression remained unchanged, his gaze focused and unwavering. "I understand your skepticism, Oliver. But these dreams feel different. They're more than just figments of my imagination. There's a connection, a sense of familiarity that I can't explain."

Oliver's laughter subsided, replaced by a more serious tone. "Alright, alright, I'll humor you for a moment. Let's say these dreams are somehow real. What do you plan to do about it? Go on a quest to find this mystery girl?"

Ethan's voice held a touch of determination. "I don't know yet, Oliver. But I can't ignore this feeling. If there's a chance that these dreams hold some significance, I want to explore it. I want to uncover the truth."

"Tch tch tch. You are reading too many fantasy novels. Just get ready already or we will get left behind", said Oliver while leaving the room.

The morning sun cast a golden glow over the bustling streets as students gathered in anticipation of their three-day field trip to the enchanting city of Prague, a popular tourist spot in Europe. Ethan and Oliver, accompanied by their classmates, boarded the buses bound for the historic city with its charming cobblestone streets and breathtaking architecture.

As the group wandered through Prague's charming streets, Ethan observed their surroundings with a detached gaze. The vibrant colors and bustling atmosphere seemed to be in stark contrast to his cold and aloof demeanor. While his companions reveled in the energy of the city, Ethan remained reserved, maintaining a sense of detachment.

Anna, always the lively one, attempted to engage him. "Ethan, isn't this place incredible? Look at the beautiful architecture and the lively street performers! Don't you feel anything?"

Ethan's icy gaze met hers briefly before averting. "It's a picturesque city, I suppose. But sentimentality doesn't interest me."

Oliver, never one to back down, raised an eyebrow. "Well of course the only thing that would interest you is the girl in your dream. I'm truly disappointed. Come on, Ethan. Loosen up a bit. Embrace the moment and enjoy the experience. You might actually find it worthwhile."

Anna, shocked from what she heard, "GIRL??? Ethan has a thing for girls? I almost thought he was... you know..."

Ethan's eyes narrowed as if he felt irritated, "Shut up both of you."

Max, the peacemaker, chimed in with a playful grin. "Well, we can't force you to change, Ethan. Just know that we're here to have a good time, with or without your participation."

The group continued their exploration, each lost in their own thoughts. While Ethan appeared detached on the surface, his observant nature took in every detail of the city. The complex details of the architecture, the melodies of street musicians, and the whispers of history woven into the cobblestone streets — they all left a mark in his mind, even if his emotions remained hidden.

As the day transitioned into evening, they found themselves in a quaint café, the scent of freshly brewed coffee filling the air. Ethan quietly observed his companions' animated conversations and couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment from their shared excitement. Their laughter and friendly banter echoed around him, yet he remained a silent observer in their midst.

Oliver, sensing Ethan's disconnection, leaned closer and spoke in a hushed tone. "You know, Ethan, there's more to life than just cold logic and detachment. Sometimes, embracing the moment and connecting with others can bring a different kind of fulfillment."

Ethan's eyes met Oliver's, his gaze piercing and unreadable. "Fulfillment is a subjective concept, Oliver. What you find fulfilling may not resonate with me. I have my own path to walk."

Oliver as if to mock him said, "Sure, good luck on finding the lady of you dreams~"

Their exchange hung in the air, a silent acknowledgment of their differences and acceptance of one another's choices. Despite Ethan's cold persona, the unspoken bond of friendship persevered, transcending individual quirks and preferences.

As they exited the café, their footsteps echoed in the quiet streets. Unbeknownst to them, danger lurked in the shadows. Suddenly, a group of masked figures emerged, blocking their path. The atmosphere grew tense as the robbers demanded their valuables, their intentions clear.

Ethan's instincts kicked in, honed from years of self-defense training. With a swift and precise movement, he incapacitated one of the attackers, his movements fluid and calculated. The shock on the robbers' faces was evident as they realized they had underestimated their targets.

"Run to the hotel !" shouted Ethan.

To Ethan's surprise, Oliver stood by his side, unleashing a flurry of punches and kicks, mirroring Ethan's proficiency in combat. Together, they fought back against the assailants.

As the fight reached its end, the robbers retreated, vanishing into the night. The group stood breathless, the adrenaline coursing through their veins. Ethan, despite his victory, couldn't shake the feeling that his supposed bad luck had once again tainted the moment.

His gaze met Oliver's, who wore a mixture of exhaustion and excitement. "That was insane, Ethan! Who would have thought we could take on those guys?"

Ethan's voice held a tinge of melancholy. "It seems my bad luck extends even to this moment."

Anna interrupted while trembling from shock, "S- shouldn't we let the teachers know about this?"

Max strangely enough was calm as if he had experienced things like this before. "We can't, they will worry about us and what's more, we may even be not allowed to move alone anymore."

Oliver placed a reassuring hand on Ethan's shoulder and ignored what others had said. "We can't let superstitions define us. Let's go to the hotel now and take a nice hot bath."

Ethan nodded. Would he ever be free from the stigma that plagued him?

The first night in Prague, Ethan and Oliver found themselves in their hotel room, the dim lighting casting a cozy ambiance. As they settled in, a knock on the door broke the silence. Ethan opened it to reveal Max, their easygoing and adventurous classmate, holding a tray of drinks.

"Thought we could use some refreshments," Max said with a mischievous grin. "I also brought company."

Jake, the popular guy in school, came laughing. "Hey, guys! Get ready for a taste sensation. I've crafted some signature cocktails just for this occasion."

"Just why in this room of all the places." Ethan said irritated.

"Of course because big bro said so"

"He did"

The twins, Leo and Liam peeked through the door.

Ethan instantly turned his head to Oliver only to find if shrugging his shoulders. As Ethan knew resistance was pointless he accepted it with a deep sigh.

With drinks in hand, the group settled in the hotel room, creating an impromptu party atmosphere. As the evening unfolded, laughter and lively conversations filled the air, with Jake showcasing his skills as a mixologist, crafting unique and flavorful cocktails that delighted their taste buds.

Oliver, being the life of the party, took charge of the makeshift karaoke setup. He pulled out a portable speaker and began playing their favorite tunes, encouraging everyone to sing along. Ethan observed the scene, his stoic expression softening as he watched his classmates sing and dance without a care in the world.

As the night progressed, they engaged in a friendly game of cards, the competitive spirit coming to the forefront. Ethan, known for his strategic thinking, found himself in an intense battle with Max, the master of bluffing. With each round, the tension in the room grew, accompanied by bursts of laughter and playful banter.

Leo and Liam, the mischievous twins, added an element of unpredictability to the game, devising secret signals and clever tactics to outwit their opponents. Their antics brought a sense of lightheartedness to the gathering, earning chuckles and bemused glances from the rest of the group.

As the night went on, the room was full of laughter, friendship, and a feeling of togetherness. They told stories, shared secrets, and talked about their hopes and dreams, getting to know each other better and becoming closer friends.

[ What is this? ]

As Ethan found himself waking up on the floor amidst his sleeping friends, he couldn't help but question the events of the previous night.

As he looked around, the clock suddenly came into his vision making him realize that they were being late for the reporting time. He knew they couldn't afford to waste any more time. With a sense of urgency, he reached out and delivered a swift slap to Oliver's cheek, jolting him awake.

Oliver's eyes shot open, startled by the sudden awakening. Rubbing his cheek, he groggily muttered, "What's the rush, Ethan?"

"We have to report in, remember? Wake up others I will go first and buy some time" Ethan replied sharply.

As the group gather at the hall they find themselves scolded by the teacher for being late. After a nice breakfast the group broke up into there pre-divided group.

"See you again tonight", said Jake while goin on his way.

"We had fun". "A lot of fun", said the twins.

On the second day of their trip in Prague, the group found themselves immersed in the vibrant atmosphere of the city. They explored the historic streets lined with colorful buildings, wandered through bustling marketplaces, and marveled at the architectural wonders that surrounded them.

In the afternoon, they stumbled upon a lively talent show taking place in a picturesque square. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation as performers of all ages showcased their skills. From dancers gracefully moving to the rhythm of the music to musicians playing soul-stirring melodies, the talent show captivated the attention of everyone present.

The group found themselves drawn towards a group of girls who were preparing for a dance performance. Their graceful movements and synchronized choreography were mesmerizing, commanding the attention of the crowd. Each dancer exuded confidence and passion, their expressions reflecting their love for the art form.

On the last night of their trip, a talent show organized by the teachers for students. The auditorium buzzed with excitement as performers showcased their talents, leaving the audience in awe. While some sang soulful melodies, others showcased their skills in magic tricks or dramatic monologues.

However, Ethan, being how he is, decided to step out for a solitary stroll. The beauty of the night in Prague felt similar for him, its cobblestone streets bathed in the soft glow of streetlights. As he walked, captivated by the beauty of the architecture and the tranquil ambiance, his mind drifted to the nightmares that had been haunting him.

Suddenly, a piercing headache struck him, causing him to stagger and fall to his knees. The images of him being with a mysterious girl in the midst of a similar street flashed before his eyes, tormenting him with their vividness. Clutching his head in pain, Ethan fought against the overwhelming sensations, his heart pounding in his chest.

After a few moments, the intensity of the pain subsided, allowing Ethan to regain his composure. Ethan, fearing further seizures, quickly made his way to the hotel.

Afternoon came, and they hopped on the bus heading home. Ethan's heart swirled with a mix of emotions. The trip had been a wild ride of adventures. But his nightmare still kept bothering him.

The time finally came.

As graduation approached, a bittersweet feeling settled over their final days of high school. Ethan, with his trademark stoicism, quietly reflected on the memories they had created together. Oliver, however, couldn't help but express his excitement and nostalgia, eagerly planning their next adventures beyond the walls of their beloved school.

After a journey of academic challenges, and bittersweet farewells, Ethan finally emerged as a high school graduate. Clad in his cap and gown, he stood among his peers. The echoes of applause filled the auditorium as he accepted his diploma, marking the end of a significant chapter in his life.

After the exhilarating high school graduation, Ethan and Oliver found themselves on a new journey together. Their academic excellence and shared ambitions had earned them acceptance into a renowned university, known for its rich history and intellectual rigor.

As they stepped foot on the campus, a sense of excitement and possibility filled the air. The university's grand architecture and esteemed reputation created an inspiring backdrop for their future endeavors. Ethan and Oliver, undeterred by the challenges that awaited them, embraced the opportunity with unwavering determination.

The university's freshman orientation ceremony, known as the Freshers' Ceremony, marked the official beginning of their college experience. Dressed in their finest attire, Ethan and Oliver joined their fellow classmates in a grand hall filled with anticipation and nervous energy. The atmosphere was electric as they eagerly awaited the start of the event.

"M- Magnus?" as they were going to the ceremony hall a cold hand suddenly pulled Ethan from behind.