
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 5: Shadows of The Past

"M- Magnus?"

As Ethan suddenly looked back, he was baffled by what he saw.

"You know her Ethan?"

Despite Oliver's question, Ethan remained silent while staring at the unknown girl.

Noticing Ethan's strange behavior Oliver waved his hand in front of Ethan making him awake. "Hey?"

However Ethan ignored Oliver and kept staring at the unknown lady. "Who are you?"

"So it's like this." With a deep sigh that girl turned back and went away.

"Hey-" just as he was about to chase that lady Oliver stopped him.

"Hey what's up with you? You know her?"

"It's her. It's her Oliver! The girl that always comes into my dreams."

"Ah look at you. Just admit that you are lovestruck. Everyone has their 'fell in love at first sigh' moment. But we are gonna be late for the ceremony."


Again Oliver spoke before Ethan could finish. "No buts. You can find her later. Let's go now"

After that Oliver dragged Ethan to the fresher's ceremony with him.

The freshers' ceremony was a grand event held in the heart of the academy, where new students gathered to mark the beginning of their journey. The venue was adorned with colorful banners and shimmering lights, creating an atmosphere of excitement and anticipation.

As Ethan and Oliver made their way to the ceremony, the air buzzed with chatter and laughter. Students from various backgrounds and disciplines mingled, sharing stories of their past and dreams for the future. The hall echoed with the sound of music, as talented musicians filled the space with melodies that spoke to the hearts of the attendees.

The stage, adorned with intricate decorations, stood proudly at the center of the hall. It was there that the headmaster and esteemed professors would address the incoming students, welcoming them to the academy and imparting words of wisdom for the years to come.

Ethan's mind, however, was still preoccupied with the encounter he had just experienced. He couldn't shake off the image of the mysterious girl who had evoked such a strong sense of familiarity within him. He couldn't help but feel a deep connection, as if they were destined to meet.

As the freshers' ceremony continued, Ethan found it difficult to focus on the speeches and festivities around him. The image of the mysterious girl lingered in his mind, like a vivid dream refusing to fade. The more he tried to suppress his thoughts, the more they consumed him, urging him to seek answers and unravel the enigma of their connection.

Feeling restless, he excused himself from the ceremony for a moment, hoping that a breath of fresh air would clear his mind. Slipping out of the crowded hall, he stepped into the cool night air, the moon and stars overhead offering a comforting solace.

Taking a deep sigh while seating on a bench, he closed his eyes.

[ Just who was she? ]

"Are you talking about me?"


while jumping while getting up from the bench suddenly Ethan slipped and dropped on the ground.

"You are still as clumsy as ever."

"??? Do you know me?"

That unknown girl then put her index finger against Ethan's forehead. "More than you know yourself."

"What do you-"

Ethan suddenly got dizzy and his visions started to get blurry.

"Good morning princess sunshine~"

Ethan woke up after a hard slap on his right cheek. He quickly got up from his bed while rubbing his eyes. He looked around himself.

"Where is she? Where am I?"

"Who's she? And what do you mean where are you? Don't tell me you don't remember anything? You called me suddenly saying you were in the dorms and were feeling sick so I came running and found you burning with fever while laying on the bed."

"Where is she? The one we met before the ceremony?"

"Should I punch you now? Just how love-struck can someone like you be? I don't care anymore I need sleep. Class is in 3 hours so wake me up half an hour before."

Oliver then jumped on his bed and within a few seconds started snoring.

[ Just what kind of talent do you need to sleep like that? ]

[ But what happened yesterday night? ]

[ Did that woman drug me? I felt dizzy as soon as she touched my forehead. ]

Ethan got up from his bed and went to the washroom. He splashed some water on his face. He then looked at himself through the mirror.

[ What? ]

His eyes which were originally black was now yellowish. He then rubbed his eyes and looked at himself again. To his surprise his eyes were now again back to their original color. He wondered what had just happened but felt tired for some reason. He went back to the room and sat on a chair while closing his eyes.

A sharp pain came to him as soon as he closed his eyes. Ethan jumped out of the chair while grasping his heart.

[ What is happening? ]

[ I had the same nightmare but... it was different. ]

[ I could hear everything. ]

[ Magnus... Magnus... ]

[ That girl... exact same face and body figure... her name was Seraphina? ]

Ethan then rummaged through his drawers to find some pain relieving tablets. He took two pills at once because that was how uncomfortable he was. He then made his way out of the dormitory and went to a park near the dormitory for a walk. After somewhat calming down he came back to the dormitory and took a shower.

[ What is going on? ]

[ Should I meet a doctor? ]

[ Father said one of his friends were a doctor. ]

Ethan was frustrated with all that was happening to him. After coming out of shower he woke Oliver up the same way Oliver woke him up. After that they both got ready and went to their university.

Ethan and Oliver stepped onto the vast campus of their new university, their eyes wide with anticipation and nerves. It was the first day of their academic journey, and the air buzzed with excitement as students from all walks of life milled about, eager to begin this new chapter.

They made their way to their first class, a course on advanced chemistry. The classroom was filled with eager faces, each student hoping to learn and excel in their chosen discipline. The professor, a short man with a white beard, welcomed the students warmly, setting a positive tone for the class.

As the lecture began, Ethan did his best to concentrate, jotting down notes and listening attentively. Oliver, on the other hand, seemed to be lost, staring blankly at the board. It seems he realized this thing was not for him.

[ Now that I look carefully, he seems to be getting fatter day by day. ]

Despite the fascinating topic, Ethan's mind couldn't shake off the encounter with the girl—the strange connection they had, her mysterious words, and the strange events that followed. He felt there was something extraordinary about her, something he couldn't explain.

Finally, the lecture came to an end, and the students slowly filed out of the classroom. As the crowd thinned, Ethan spotted her once again—standing by the window in they corridor, as if waiting for something or someone.

[ I have to confront her now. ]

Just as Ethan was approaching her, she spoke up first. "How much do you see?"

"What? Just tell me what did you do to me. Is your name Seraphina?"

"So you finally remember it. Looks like everything hasn't returned yet"

"What hasn't returned yet?"

"ᛁᛟᚢ ᚨᚱᛖ ᚾᛟᛏ ᚱᛖᛞᛁ ᛁᛖᛏ" That girl whispered something in Ethan's ear.

Ethan suddenly seemed to have lost all will to confront that woman anymore. He then went on his way to his next class.

"I will be waiting, Magnus."

Few days passed by just like that. Every time Ethan tried to confront Seraphina, he just couldn't do it. It was like some otherworldly force was stopping him. These days Ethan's nightmare kept getting intense and intense. The more he dreamt the more real it felt. He could now not only see or hear but also feel other sensations as well.

It was just another night. For Ethan however, it was another suffering. Fed up from the nightmares, Ethan decides to study the whole night. He bought some snacks and coffee from the store in the day.

Ethan, being an uptight man who favors discipline, had no experience staying up all night. Tired from all the study, Ethan decided to go to the park for fresh air.

After reaching the park he sat on a bench.

[ Just how long do I need to suffer? ]

[ I can't handle it anymore. Maybe I should consult a doctor like Oliver said. ]

"Can't sleep?"

Ethan looked back and found that she was standing there, the root of all her problems.

"You, you? What did you do to me that day? Did you drug me?"

"Pfttt" She put her hand on her mouth as if to hide her laughter.

"Drugs? That's the only thing that came into your mind? It's amazing to see how much a person can change. Well... I guess your mind is prepared now."

"Prepared for what? I'm going to call the cops don't take a single step more."

Ethan without knowing what was happening started feeling dizzy again.

[ Shit- Not again. ]

"And here I thought you are gonna stay up all night."

A ray of sunshine woke Ethan up from his slumber. He then suddenly rose up while holding his head. After getting up from the bed he frantically checked his entire body and then looked at the surroundings. His eyes suddenly filled with hatred he muttered something. "I will find you!"

Suddenly realizing something his face changed and he quickly made his way outside.

[ "I will be waiting for you here, Magnus~" That's what she said ]

[ She's alive ]

[ I don't know what happened but she' alive ]

He ran to the park where he found her sitting on the bench smiling at him. Ethan ran towards her and hugged her with all his might.

"Seraph, I thought you were-"

Seraphina didn't let Ethan finish his words "I missed you."

"How did you find me?"

"That's a long story."

Seraphina then sat together with Magnus now Ethan and shared each other's story.

"So this gods? sigh... Anyways how did you find me after coming here?"

Seraphina then showed him the ring. The ring had a connection to his soul and it led her to the university.

"So what do we do now?" Asked Ethan sighing.

"First of all, you said that you saw your body getting dragged into somewhere before losing consciousness right? And seeing how your soul is unscathed your body must be like that as well. We must get back to our own world. But we can't fight the gods in this state, we need to get stronger, ESPECIALLY YOU. This world doesn't barely has an ounce of mana. I am already running low on my arcane energy after traveling here."

"If magic doesn't work, there's physical strength, But I doubt that would be enough."

Seraphina then held Ethan's hand "Magnus, listen, I told you there were apostles of gods in the world in disguise. It could be anyone. To reach the gods we must first kill their eyes in the world. And fortunately or unfortunately, there is one in our campus."

Ethan then rose up from the bench. "Who is it?"

"Don't rush, your current state will be no match for him. First of all you need to train you body, its a mess. We also don't have any weapons."

"I understand. The classes will start soon we should go. And call me Ethan from now on."

Ethan and Seraphina then went to their separate dorms. After Ethan opened the door a frustrated Oliver greeted him.

"We are going to a doctor today."


"Somethings wrong with you the moment we came to this university. I am going to call your father." Oliver reached out to his pants pockets to bring out his phone.

Seeing this Ethan snatched the phone away. "Chill Oliver! It's fine now."

"What's fine? Give me back my phone."

"Trust me. Now if you will excuse me, I need sleep." Ethan slipped the phone into Oliver's pockets and went back to his room shutting his door. He tore some pieces of paper from his notebook and started to draw some magic circles on it. He then stuck those pages around the room.

He then sat on the ground in lotus position and closed his eyes. Ethan, though his body was different than before, his soul however, remained like it was before. Ethan was a man of focus, he used to meditate every night when he was still Magnus.

[ My soul doesn't seem to be damaged. ]

[ But how did my soul escape? ]

[ How did it even come into this body? ]

[ Did I destroy someone else's soul and replaced it with mine? ]

[ No that's not important now. ]

After some heavy breathing, an uncomfortable look appeared on his face. Suddenly the bones in his arms shattered. Ethan, however endured it without a slight scream. One by one all of his body started to shatter and then form yet again. Ethan did his best to not shout but couldn't help but scream in pain. After around 20 minutes it finally ended. Ethan checked his body. His body has been reformed. The bones have been strengthened.

[ Thankfully the body reformation was successful. ]

But he was not done yet. He relaxed for a minute then with a deep breath he started to gather mana into his body.

[ It's just as Seraph said, there's barely any mana. ]

[ Let's gather all I can. ]

Ethan then meditated for 5 more minutes only to rise up with a disappointed look on his face. He understood he needed something different. But he had to take care of the mess he created first. When a body takes mana for the first time it forces out the impurities inside a body. Ethan's room including Ethan now reeked of disgusting smell.

[ Well at least the noise-cancellation scrolls worked. ]