
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

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20 Chs

Chapter 2: Unyielding Love

Seraphina awoke from the brink of death, her heart pounding with disbelief. As she looked down at her shattered mother's necklace, realization struck her. The fragile trinket had absorbed the fatal blow meant for her, saving her life. With Magnus nowhere to be found and the lifeless form of the demon lord before her, Seraphina's anxiousness intensified.

Though filled with anxiety for Magnus's whereabouts, a glimmer of hope remained. Seraphina's ring, which was gifted by Magnus as a sign of friendship and trust, was bound to Magnus's soul. It would shatter if his essence ceased to exist. It assured her that his soul was safe.

She meticulously searched the vast throne room, her eyes scrutinizing every crack and crevice. Finally, after an exhaustive search, her gaze fell upon an ornate tapestry depicting a forgotten era behind the throne itself. Seraphina, drawn by the mysterious aura emanating from the tapestry, it was a unique aura she had never felt before yet it felt so familiar to her. Upon more investigations she found that tapestry had a strange connection to the throne. With curiosity driving her, she explored the intricacies of the throne, eventually discovering a hidden mechanism. As she activated it, a low rumble filled the air, and the tapestry widened, revealing a secret room beyond.

Entering the hidden chamber, Seraphina marveled at the treasures that lay before her. Gems of unimaginable beauty, ancient scrolls, and artifacts long lost to the human world adorned the room. As she carefully examined each item, she found out artifacts like the Draconian Scepter, the Amulet of Celestial Wisdom, and the Book of Forgotten Spells that were once used by the previous heroes.

After an extensive search, Seraphina's persistence paid off once again as she discovered yet another concealed entrance, concealed in a peculiar manner that puzzled her. It was disguised as a wall and had no keyhole or door knob. How did she know it was a hidden entrance? It's because the door was hidden with the power of wizardry. Something that should not have come into the demon realm.

"Was the demon lord then a wizard?"

A thought suddenly stuck her. The door before that felt way too familiar for her, the demon lord's attacks, it were too similar to the wizardry she knew. As these thoughts consumed her mind, she poured raw arcane energy into the door, something that all wizards and witch are born with.

Entering the chamber, Seraphina's eyes widened as they fell upon ancient texts inscribed in a long-lost language. As a skilled witch, she possessed the knowledge to decipher their meaning. But she would require a lot of time. However she felt the backup reinforcements coming, however she has yet to find Magnus.

"Something must have happened to him", she thought.

She quickly gathered all the texts and some good artifacts and stored them in her ring and mustered all the arcane energy she had to cast a greater teleportation.

As Seraphina mustered all her arcane energy, she channeled it into a powerful spell of greater teleportation. In an instant, she vanished from the hidden room, leaving the tower behind. When she reappeared, she found herself standing in the heart of a lush jungle, surrounded by towering trees and the symphony of wildlife.

Entering the Forest of Sin, Seraphina felt a rush of familiarity as she gazed upon her cherished home, nestled among the verdant foliage. The weathered charm of the quaint house held a special place in her heart, surpassing any grand mansion. Its allure beckoned her inside, a sanctuary of memories and love.

Entering, Seraphina was overwhelmed by a flood of emotions. The walls held her mother's treasured keepsakes, the scent of old books intertwined with the lingering essence of potent potions—it was a place alive with nostalgic echoes, stirring a mix of sentiment and longing. Each room whispered enchanting tales of their shared history, evoking a delicate dance between melancholy and hope.

With a heavy heart, Seraphina longed for Magnus's presence. She knew he was out there somewhere, and she would stop at nothing to find him. Drawing strength from their shared connection, she vowed to uncover the truth behind his disappearance and bring him back.

Little did Seraphina know that her journey was just beginning. As she set forth into the unknown, her determination burned bright, fueled by love and the resilience of a witch who refused to accept defeat.

As Seraphina ventured through the world, unraveling the mysteries concealed within the ancient texts one by one, she discovered the startling truth. Each world was under the control of a different god, using their creations as mere playthings for their entertainment. Her blood, bearing the lineage of wizards, granted her the ability to evade the watchful eyes of these deities. Determined to find Magnus, she embarked on a relentless pursuit of clues, delving deeper into the heart of the mystery. She needed a new identity, so she changed her face and hair and set out on her journey.

One beautiful night as Seraphina entered the dimly lit tavern, she couldn't help but overhear a conversation among a group of adventurers huddled near the bar. Their voices tinged with concern, they spoke in hushed tones about the bounty on her head.

"Did you hear about that Seraphina? They say she killed the Seven Star!"

"I heard she betrayed humanity, turned her back on us! They're calling her a traitor now."

Seraphina, her heart sinking, approached the adventurers cautiously.

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear. Can you tell me more about what they're saying? I need to know."

"You haven't heard? Seraphina, they say she's dangerous. Wanted dead or alive. They're blaming her for the entire downfall of the Seven Star. The whole city is in an uproar."

Feeling the weight of their words, Seraphina pulled her hood over her head, obscuring her features.

"Thank you for the information. I must go now. Have fun."

Feeling the adventurers' suspicious gazes intensify, Seraphina inwardly panicked, knowing that a confrontation could escalate quickly. With a quick flick of her wrist, she traced an intricate symbol in the air, calling upon her spell, "Eldritch."

"Let me go."

As Seraphina's spell took effect, the adventurers' suspicious gazes softened.

"Wait, what were we talking about again?"

"I don't know, it's like everything just went blank."

"Looks like we have been drinking too much lately."

With their memories altered, the adventurers continued on with their chatting, completely oblivious to the encounter with Seraphina.

Relieved that her ploy had worked, Seraphina swiftly made her way towards the exit, keeping her hood tightly secured. She disappeared into the night, her heart heavy with the weight of her circumstances.

"That fake goddess must have something to do with this," was what she thought.

With her reputation shattered, she became a fugitive, hunted and haunted by the shadows of her past.

[ I have to get stronger. ]

[ I have to kill the goddess. ]

[ I definitely have to do this. ]

[ If I don't kill that fake, Valorius, Embera, and others won't be able to rest in peace. ]

[ And I won't be able to feel better. ]

[ How can I get stronger? ]

[ Should I train my wizardry? ]

[ Should I look for allies that can be trusted? ]

[ Will anyone believe me? ]

[ Speaking of which, I wonder if Magnus's brother will believe me. ]

[ Will he even listen to me since he thinks I killed his brother? ]

[ No, I have to do this alone. ]

[ I can't trust anyone. ]

With these thoughts clouding her mind she made her way to an inn to stay for the night at.

Seraphina delved deeper into her research, deciphering the ancient texts and connecting the puzzle pieces of her quest. With each passing day, her knowledge grew, and she meticulously prepared herself for the journey ahead. The more she deciphered the ancient texts the more surprised she became. But none of this knowledge could give a clue on what had happened to Magnus. In rage she threw the book at a corner of the room where it hit a shelf as a gem kept there fell on the text. To her surprise a strange pattern had appeared on the cover of the text. She quickly picked it up to examine it, however the moment she picked it up the strange pattern was gone. Not understanding what had happened she dropped it on the floor again to see if something would happen.

"That's too stupid. Thankfully no one saw me" said Seraphina while blushing.

[ But just how did those pattern appear? I couldn't have seen it wrong. ]

She again thought of other possibilities.

"What if... !"

As she poured her arcane energy into the text a mysterious pattern appeared on it.

[ Maybe it will work on the other texts as well? ]

As she thought that she hurriedly placed all the texts she found at demon lord's treasury and poured arcane energy on all of them. Just as she predicted, all of them displayed a mysterious pattern unique to each of them.

after she pondered for a few minutes, she started to rearrange the texts into different order and poured her arcane power again. This time didn't work either. She kept doing this for a few times until she finally found the right order.

[ Is this!? ]

To her surprise it was none other than a map. She was able to identify it quickly because the map was for a place she knew very well, The Forest of Sin. Even for her discovering even half of that forest was pretty impossible. Even the empire left it as it is as dangerous monster roamed inside whose identity were still unknown to the humans. The map showed that something was in the inner part of that jungle. Her eyes were filled with hope as she found a map in the texts. It didn't state to what or whom this map led to. But Seraphina knew she had to make a gamble.

Preparing for her treacherous journey, Seraphina meticulously packed her satchel with essential supplies. Since it was equipped with space attribute it could hold a huge amount of items. She gathered potions, elixirs, scrolls whatever she thought could be of use to ward off potential dangers and her staff that accompanied her for a long time carved from the elder tree for protection. Clad in her Ethereal Feather, a mystical cloak that possesses the remarkable qualities of being incredibly lightweight, yet boasts exceptional physical and magical resistance. She was now prepared for whatever that's to come.

Seraphina, fueled by determination, traced the lines of the map she copied from the patterns that appeared.

Her first encounter came in the form of a group of fearsome creatures known as the Shadowfangs. With sleek obsidian fur, gleaming amber eyes, and razor-sharp claws, they surrounded her in the undergrowth, a pack born of darkness itself. as they lunged towards her, Seraphina's reflexes kicked in, she instantly covered herself in a defensive sphere with her arcane energy. With each strike, she countered the predatory onslaught with a mix of defensive spells and calculated strikes, using her inner strength and arcane prowess to keep the shadowfangs at bay. The clash of their claws against her staff echoed through the forest as she skillfully dodged their lunges, turning their aggression against them. The battle was intense, but Seraphina's determination and skill proved superior as she neutralized their attacks one by one, forcing the shadowfangs to retreat, their growls becoming distant whispers swallowed by the shadows.

Fearing more monsters to come that way from the noise and smell of blood, she quickly made her way forward.

[ If wolves are of this level in this damn forest than how am I supposed to go to the inner parts? ]

[ In the end, everyone died. ]

[ Magnus is missing. ]

[ I must do this. ]

Continuing her arduous journey, Seraphina's path led her to the murky waters of a corrupted spring lay stagnant. As she approached, the murky surface stirred, revealing the menacing figure of a monster she saw on an ancient book once, Waterwraith. This ethereal creature, with shimmering cerulean skin and hair flowing like liquid, possessed a haunting beauty that masked its deadly intent. Without hesitation, Seraphina engaged in a dance of spells and maneuvers, evading the Waterwraith's enchanting allure while countering with bursts of elemental magic. The battle was fierce, the very essence of water and magic colliding in a mesmerizing display. In the end, Seraphina emerged victorious, her determination and skill overcoming the allure of the Waterwraith's enchantments.

As night fell upon the treacherous depths of the Forest of Sin, Seraphina found herself seeking refuge in a small clearing amidst the dense foliage. The weary adventurer set up a makeshift camp, her hands trembling with exhaustion as she struggled to gather dry twigs for a fire. She brought out the dried foods she brought with her from her satchel.

Seraphina's flame ignited the twigs as she cast her spell, its feeble glow offering a glimmer of solace amidst the encroaching darkness. She huddled close to the fire, her cloak pulled tightly around her, seeking warmth and respite from the unforgiving elements.

The night in the Forest of Sin was unlike any other, filled with eerie whispers and the haunting echoes of unseen creatures. Seraphina's senses remained on high alert, holding tight her staff, her ears straining to catch even the faintest rustle of movement. Every crackle of twigs and distant hoot of nocturnal beasts seemed to send a shiver down her spine, a reminder of the perilous nature of her surroundings. Even a witch of her caliber cant guarantee her own life.

Seraphina's eyes grew heavy, but the forest's tricks kept her wide awake. The battle between exhaustion and vigilance raged within her, her body craving rest while her mind remained alert to the lurking dangers in the darkness. Even several barrier spells couldn't ease her need for sleep.

As dawn broke, casting its gentle rays through the canopy of leaves, Seraphina emerged from her weary state, her resolve unyielding. She had weathered the night in the heart of the Forest of Sin, where few had dared to venture. With each passing moment, she grew more resolute in her quest, knowing that she possessed the strength and determination to conquer the seemingly impossible.

Rising from her camp, Seraphina extinguished the dying embers of the fire. With renewed vigor, she set forth once again, her footsteps resolute and her spirit unbreakable. The Forest of Sin may have tested her, but it had also forged her into a warrior of unwavering strength. And with that strength, she would continue her journey, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Deeper into the Forest of Sin, Seraphina encountered a massive creature known as the Thornback. This colossal beast, with armor-like scales and intimidating thorny protrusions, towered over the undergrowth, a symbol of primal power and untamed ferocity. With each thunderous step, the ground quaked beneath its weight. Seraphina knew that defeating the Thornback would require a combination of strategy and sheer resilience. However her weak body full of exhaustion made the task very hard. She weaved intricate spells, hiding her as she knew it would be a suicide to face that beast head on. With deft agility, she maneuvered around the creature, avoiding its gaze as much as possible. However what Seraphina didn't knew was the Thornback had incredible nose. Realizing the need of a plan, distracting the creature with a dazzling display of light and illusion, she created a diversion, allowing her to slip away unnoticed. Utilizing the dense forest to her advantage, Seraphina eluded the Thornback's pursuit.

[ Thank god that was a giant and not something like a wolf. ]

[ Oh Magnus where are you? ]

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting an ethereal glow through the dense foliage, Seraphina's determination remained unwavering. She had faced formidable adversaries, each fight pushing her to the limits of her abilities. Yet, her resolve only grew stronger as she pressed on, driven by the mysteries that lay ahead.

Undeterred by the challenges she had faced, Seraphina pressed deeper into the heart of the forest. The map guided her through treacherous terrain, leading her to an ancient temple enveloped in an aura of mystery. Its crumbling walls whispered long-forgotten secrets, and the air carried a weight of ancient power. With a mixture of trepidation and excitement, Seraphina stepped inside, the echoes of her footsteps resonating through the cavernous halls.

She soon found herself standing before a hidden mural just like the one in the demon lord's tower. Unlike that one, this one had something written on it with in ancient text.

"In life's embrace, you hold the key,A sacrifice of essence sets it free.Blood of the chosen, a crimson touch,Unveil the secrets that it may clutch."

She understood what it meant at a glance. Taking a deep breath, she pricked her finger, letting her witch blood drip onto the mural. As the crimson droplets mingled with the ancient paint, a deafening rumble filled the air, unveiling the secret entrance to the underworld.

As she pushed open the heavy door, the flickering candles lining the walls suddenly burst into brilliant flames, illuminating the chamber. Before her, a solitary book rested on a pedestal, its weathered pages bound in aged leather. Despite the cryptic text that adorned its pages, Seraphina possessed the knowledge to decipher the ancient language, allowing her to read the words with ease. The book held profound knowledge of world-traveling, something Seraphina could never imagine in the firs place.

Just as Seraphina was about to finish reading the passage,

"The goddess was right, you are indeed here."

[ ??? ]

A figure emerged from the shadows, standing on top of the stairs. It was Magnus's older brother, Donovan Stormblade, who gave his title of heir to his little brother and followed the steps of saint of the goddess.

"Your excellency, why are you here? " asked Seraphina while holding the book tightly in her arms.

"You and Magnus are both same. Ignoring the balance of the world and defying the goddess"

"What balance? What are you talking about? Where is Magnus?" asked Seraphina panicking as she finally found someone who could tell her Magnus's whereabouts

"That idiot is long gone. The goddess showed mercy on him and instead of killing him, sealed him in her holy realm." said Donovan with his unchanged cold eyes.

"WHAT? We have to save him. He is your brother."

"My brother gave his life up for the sake of balance. But you? you defied your death using unholy and filthy powers. The blood that flows through your body is enough proof that you are the goddess's enemy. For the sake of protecting the balance, the goddess have given be the noble duty to eliminate you."

"What are you talking about? The goddess is fooling you! That fake is fooling all of us!" Seraphina pleaded to Donovan to save Magnus, but it didn't work.

Without warning, Donovan launched continuous swift and relentless attack with his holy sword, his movements fluid and precise as he unleashed holy skills one after another. Seraphina on the other hand, exhausted from her previous endeavors, struggled to defend herself, barely blocking and dodging most of the attacks. The clash of their divine power and arcane energy echoed through the shaking room.

Amidst the intensity of the battle, Seraphina's grip on the book wavered, the flames of the candles licking at its pages. As Donovan pressed his assault, the book was caught in the crossfire, its pages half-burned by holy flames. Seraphina still hadn't finished it but there was no time for her to worry about that.

It didn't take long before Seraphina was on the ground with Donovan's sword on her neck.

"As you were once a friend of my brother I will hear if you have any last words."

"I don't plan on dying before I meet Magnus."

"..." as Donovan aimed a slash at Seraphina's neck a bright light covered her body repulsing Donovan.


As he hurriedly got up he was surprised to see the magic circle that was drawn on the floor. What's more surprising was that Seraphina drew that while fighting him at his fullest.

He hurriedly threw his sword engulfed with divine power and threw it inside the pillar of light. Soon the light along with Seraphina vanished into thin air. leaving Donovan alone in the ruins.


Arcane energy: Arcane energy is a powerful force that flows through the very fabric of the world, tapping into the unseen realms of magic. It crackles with an otherworldly intensity, capable of shaping reality and fueling the spells and incantations of those who possess the knowledge to harness it. Only those bodies possessing the noble blood of wizards can wield this power.

The Forest of Sin: The Forest of Sin is a treacherous and mysterious expanse, situated to the south of the empire, shrouded in legends and teeming with hidden dangers. Its dense foliage obscures the path ahead, while its ancient trees whisper secrets of forgotten creatures and forbidden spells. Some say the lost Elf race lives within this forest. Only the brave or the foolhardy dare to venture within its depths, for it is said that even the shadows hold malevolent spirits waiting to ensnare the unwary.