
Vengeance Across Worlds

In a world of magic and swords, Magnus Stormblade was a revered hero, wielding immense power and respected by many. But envy and fear lurked among the angels, and they betrayed him, sealing his formidable body away. His soul, however, managed to escape, traversing through time and finding refuge in the modern age as Ethan Cross. Ethan then ventured across worlds travelling with his comrades to uncover the truth.

VodaBread · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Chapter 1 : The Fall

The dimly lit city streets of The Radiant Willow District were shrouded in an air of mystery as the moon cast its ethereal glow upon the cobblestones. Magnus Stormblade, the valiant leader of the Seven Stars and the supreme commander of the Empire, walked down the streets, his mind filled with thoughts of the impending war. The once bustling streets were unusually silent, the ominous calmness reflecting the tension that hung in the air as the war with the demons drew near.

Magnus, donned in his battle-worn armor, exuded an aura of strength and purpose as he made his way to a tavern. The white hairs atop his head and the piercing yellow eyes were emblematic of his sacred lineage and unwavering dedication to righteousness. His armor, etched with intricate symbols of valor and protection, gleamed under the moonlight, revealing the marks of countless battles fought in defense of his kingdom.

With each step he took, the weight of his responsibility was palpable, yet his resolve remained unyielding, ready to face the imminent danger that lay ahead in the demon realm. He was the sword of his kingdom, leading an army to confront the forces of darkness threatening their world. The Radiant Willow District, once a vibrant and bustling city and also the commercial district of the Empire, now found itself on the frontline of the impending conflict, making the streets eerily silent.

As Magnus entered the tavern, he was greeted by Seraphina, a woman of ethereal beauty, who had been an old acquaintance of Magnus. Her flowing golden locks cascaded down her back, framing a face adorned with captivating sapphire eyes that sparkled like the night sky. She wore a gown of delicate silk, its hues shifting between shades of celestial blue and ethereal silver, accentuating her radiant presence. Seraphina's attire was adorned with intricate embroidery, reminiscent of celestial constellations, symbolizing her connection to the heavens.

The tavern was bustling with soldiers, all preparing for the impending war. The atmosphere was a mix of anticipation and trepidation, as they sought solace in each other's company and the liquid courage that flowed freely. As the tankards clinked and laughter filled the air, Magnus raised his own tankard, a toast to their unwavering bond and the battles they've yet to face. The air crackled with energy, a mix of camaraderie, determination, and the uncertainty of the times.

"The War of Eternities," Magnus muttered, the weight of the name heavy on his tongue. The war between humans and demons had been raging for thousands of years, with countless lives lost on both sides. Now, Magnus and his army stood at the precipice of the demon realm, ready to face the ultimate challenge and bring an end to the unending conflict.

As the night wore on, Magnus and his comrades, the Seven Stars, gathered together in a corner of the tavern. The Seven Stars were a group of powerful warriors, each possessing unique skills and abilities, chosen to lead the charge into the demon realm. Together, they represented humanity's brightest hope for victory.

"This war... it's been dragging on for far too long," Seraphina said, her voice tinged with despair. "But we can't lose hope."

Valorius chimed in, his tone filled with determination. "We've come too far to give up now."

Embera added, her eyes shining with resolve. "We must press on and face the demon lord. It's the only way to put an end to this eternal conflict."

The Seven Stars shared a collective nod of agreement, their determination unwavering. They knew that the road ahead would be fraught with danger, but they were ready to face it together.

The next day, as Magnus led his army toward the borders of the demon realm, The Radiant Willow District lay eerily quiet. The once bustling city had been evacuated, its inhabitants seeking safety in the face of the impending war. The soldiers marched in solemn silence, their hearts heavy with the weight of the task ahead.

As they approached the borders of the demon realm, the atmosphere grew more ominous, and the air seemed to crackle with malevolence. The demons had sensed their approach, and a sense of foreboding washed over the army. But Magnus remained steadfast, his unwavering resolve inspiring his soldiers to stay strong.

As they crossed into the demon realm, the landscape shifted, becoming a twisted and nightmarish version of their world. The sky darkened, and the air grew thick with a palpable sense of evil. The demons emerged from the shadows, their grotesque forms twisted by dark magic. The battle was fierce and relentless, but Magnus and his army fought with unmatched determination.

As the Seven Stars faced the demon lord's personal guards, Magnus could feel the power and malevolence emanating from the dark figure that sat upon his ornate throne. Towering horns adorned the demon lord's head, a testament to his immense strength and otherworldly nature. His presence exuded a captivating beauty, both alluring and terrifying, leaving all who beheld him in awe and fear.

Magnus, brandishing his radiant sword, stood at the forefront of the battle. With each swing, he carved through the shadows that surrounded the demonic creatures, his strikes fueled by unwavering determination. Beside him, Seraphina chanted ancient incantations, her hands tracing intricate patterns in the air. Her spells crackled and sparked, launching bolts of raw arcane energy that lashed against the demon lord's impenetrable form, leaving trails of searing light in their wake.

What no one would expect that this majestic army comprising of the strongest people all over the world would not be able to even reach the Demon Lord's tower. As the Seven Star, who were still alive, were humanity's brightest hope. Magnus and his comrades made their way up the Demon Lord's tower with all the hope and determination they could muster.

The demon lord sat upon his ornate throne, adorned in noble attire that spoke of ancient power and dark authority. Towering horns adorned his head, a testament to his immense strength and otherworldly nature. His presence exuded a captivating beauty, both alluring and terrifying, leaving all who beheld him in awe and fear.

The Seven Star launched their attacks. But the demon lord was not so easily defeated. He effortlessly blocked their attacks with an impenetrable barrier of energy, his dark aura pulsing with malevolence. Each blow, no matter how fierce, seemed to be thwarted by the demon's overwhelming strength.

Valorius, the indomitable shieldbearer, stood firm, his massive shield deflecting the demon's relentless onslaught. But even his mighty defenses were slowly being worn down, cracks spiderwebbing across the surface as the demon's strikes grew more ferocious and the shield soon got burnt alongside Valorius burning his very soul itself.

Embera, consumed by grief and rage, unleashed another torrent of magic, her powerful barrage resulting in a smoke that enveloped the battlefield. Just as the smoke dissipated the demon lord's hand pierced her chest grasping her heart from behind. As if to mock the others he crushed her heart in front of everyone. Crimson blood spilled forth, staining the air as the life of another hero was extinguished.

Adara, lost in the depths of her own mind, spiraled into chaos. But Magnus, with his unwavering leadership, halted the battle, urging the remaining members to pause and regroup. With synchronized precision, the remaining members unleashed a devastating combined attack.

Magnus charged first, his radiant sword slashing through the darkness, creating a blinding cascade of light. Seraphina conjured swirling magical storms, their tempestuous winds tearing at the demon lord's defenses. Rhyssa, with her illusory mastery, wove a mesmerizing tapestry of illusions, confusing the demon lord with an array of decoys.

Kael, the shadowy assassin, struck from the shadows with unparalleled precision, his daggers finding their mark with deadly accuracy. But even his swift and lethal strikes seemed to have little effect on the seemingly invincible demon lord.

With each passing moment, it became clear that their current capabilities were not enough to secure victory. The demon lord seemed to taunt them, mocking their efforts with disdainful laughter.

"You are but ants before me," the demon lord sneered. "Your feeble attempts at resistance are nothing but an inconvenience. Do you truly believe you can defeat me?"

The demon lord's voice echoes with mocking disdain, "Is this truly the extent of your power? Allow me to demonstrate true might."

As darkness swells around him, he directs his malevolent energy to control an army of countless magic swords, each imbued with lethal intent. The swords rain down upon the Seven Stars, overwhelming their defenses with relentless precision. One by one, the brave warriors succumb to their wounds, their lives extinguished mercilessly as they could do nothing as their defense became useless against the might of the demon lord.

The storm of swords finally ends. Magnus stands alone with swords piercing all over his body. It was thanks to his divine skill that the Goddess of Light has bestown upon him, making him immortal and strengthening him by consuming his divine power and soul for a certain period of time. His divine protection shielding him from the demonic onslaught, he again launched a final assault in despair.

Magnus, fueled by grief and determination, launches a furious assault on the demon lord. With his mighty sword, he strikes with precise technique and raw power, aiming to break through the demon lord's defenses. The demon lord, an expert in dark magic, counters with swift movements, conjuring protective barriers and unleashing waves of shadowy energy to repel Magnus' attacks. The battle becomes a dance of skill and power, as Magnus employs his strategic mind, finding openings in the demon lord's defense and exploiting them with relentless strikes.

As the fight intensifies, Magnus sacrifices everything, risking his own well-being to land a crucial blow. He takes the full force of the demon lord's blast head-on, losing his left arm and left eye in the process. This sacrifice, driven by unwavering determination and fueled by the memory of his fallen comrades, proves to be the turning point.

With newfound resolve, Magnus taps into an inner well of strength and unleashes a final, devastating strike. The demon lord, caught off guard, is unable to defend against the sheer force of Magnus' attack. In a climactic moment, Magnus emerges victorious, but at great cost.

"Oh child of human," the demon lord rasps weakly, "beware the angels. They toy with your fate, using you and humanity for their own amusement."

Magnus clenches his fists, "I won't be swayed by your lies, you shall pay for all the harms you have caused."

Magnus retorts defiantly, dismissing the demon lord's warning as a desperate attempt to deceive. seizing the opportunity, delivering a final, decisive blow to the weakened demon lord, Magnus ended the demon lord's reign of darkness once and for all.

The battle had been won, but not without a heavy cost. The Seven Stars including the Empire's army paid the ultimate price. As Magnus looked around the throne room, he saw the fallen bodies of his comrades, their sacrifices etched into his heart. As he thought that he laid down on the ground, ready to say farewell to his life.

As he closed his eyes, a white room enveloped him, and the goddess of light stood before him, her radiance awe-inspiring. Adorned in a flowing gown of purest white, shimmering with iridescent threads, she exuded an otherworldly beauty that left Magnus in awe.

"ᛚᛟᚦ ᚨᛗᚨᛚ," the goddess said, her voice resonating with divine power.

In that moment, a strange light engulfed Magnus, and he felt a sensation of being bounded. As he looked behind, he noticed a gate from where countless chain were coming from to bound Magnus.

Seeing this unexpected change of events the demon lord's word suddenly came into his mind. Magnus, bewildered, asks the goddess, "Why are you doing this?"

The goddess responds, speaking in a language unknown to mortals, with symbols intertwining and shimmering in the air, conveying her cryptic reply. As Magnus was being dragged into the unknown gates that appeared behind him, suddenly a strange light engulfed him dividing his soul and body. The goddess was astonished and perplexed, for even she had no idea what had happened. She put a desperate attempt to capture the soul fleeing from the cracks that appeared in space, but It was all for naught.

The goddess, expressing a mix of anger and curiosity, questioned her own omnipotence. How could someone act without her permission in this void of space? Uncertainty gripped her divine being as she pondered the implications of this unprecedented event, realizing that her control over the mortal realm might not be as absolute as she had believed.

Magnus Stormblade - The Valiant Leader:

Magnus Stormblade, the heir to the noble Stormblade family, the valiant leader of the Seven Stars and the supreme commander of the Empire, possesses an imposing presence and a strong physique. Standing tall at 6 feet 3 inches, he has a muscular build that reflects his years of training and combat experience. His striking features are accentuated by his vibrant yellow eyes and short, white hair, emanating divine aura. Magnus wears intricate golden armor adorned with etchings depicting ancient battles, and a flowing crimson cape billows behind him, symbolizing his unwavering determination. He wields a radiant sword, its blade shimmering with an ethereal glow, and exudes an aura of leadership and strength.

Seraphina Ashborne - The Enchanting Witch:

Seraphina Ashborne, the enchanting witch, possesses an ethereal beauty that captivates all who meet her. No one knows where she came from. An old acquaintance of Magnus and his secret lover. With flowing golden locks, captivating sapphire eyes that shimmered like the night sky, and a gown of celestial blue and silver silk adorned with intricate embroidery resembling constellations, she exuded grace and enchantment. Her smile radiated warmth and love, reflecting the deep connection she shared with Magnus. Seraphina's presence was a captivating blend of celestial elegance and a tender, adoring heart.

Valorius Shieldbreaker - The Indomitable Shieldbearer:

Valorius Shieldbreaker, the indomitable shieldbearer, is a towering figure with a massive build that stands at 6 feet 8 inches. His formidable presence is accentuated by his shaved head . Valorius is adorned in heavy plate armor, intricately crafted with ornate engravings depicting legendary battles. His round shield, crafted from reinforced steel, bears the marks of countless battles. Valorius exudes an aura of unwavering strength and reliability, his calm demeanor and resolute expression reflecting his dedication to defending his allies. Though he is without a doubt the dumbest member of the Seven Stars.

Embera Flameheart - The Fiery Sorceress:

Embera Flameheart, the fiery sorceress, possesses a captivating allure with her flowing crimson hair and smoldering amber eyes. Her short slender figure is clad in a form-fitting crimson robe adorned with flickering runes that seem to dance with an inner flame. Embera's hands crackle with raw magical energy, and she often conjures fiery manifestations to augment her spells. She is also known as the mad witch among the soldiers for her anger issues. There is a rumor that she is in secret relationship with Valorius.

Rhyssa Whisperwind - The Illusory Master:

Rhyssa Whisperwind of the Whisperwind clan, the illusory master, possesses an air of mystery and elegance. With flowing silver-white hair cascading down her back and piercing sapphire eyes, her appearance evokes a sense of ethereal beauty. Rhyssa's attire consists of a flowing midnight blue robe, adorned with intricate silver threadwork that seems to shimmer with every movement. She carries an ornate silver staff, crowned with a glowing crystal, from which she weaves illusions that baffle and deceive her enemies. Rhyssa's graceful movements and enigmatic smile hide a cunning intellect and a deep understanding of the power of illusions.

Kael Shadowsong - The Shadowy Assassin:

Kael Shadowsong, the grandmaster of the ancient Shadow Syndicate, is a figure shrouded in darkness and mystery. With jet-black hair and eyes that gleam with an intensity that seems to penetrate one's soul, Kael's striking appearance commands attention. Clad in a sleek, form-fitting black leather suit that allows for swift and silent movement, Kael embodies the essence of stealth and agility. Twin daggers, crafted with deadly precision, are securely sheathed at Kael's side, ready to strike with unparalleled accuracy. Kael's aura exudes a sense of calculated danger and a keen intellect honed through years of training as an assassin.

Adara Stardust - The Celestial Sprite:

Adara Stardust, the enigmatic loli priest, radiates an aura of innocence and divine power. With her shimmering silver hair cascading in delicate curls and her large, vibrant violet eyes filled with wisdom beyond her years, Adara's appearance captivates all who lay eyes upon her. She dons a flowing lavender robe adorned with intricate celestial patterns, symbolizing her connection to the divine. In her small hands, she wields a mace bigger than her adorned with holy inscriptions, a potent weapon that she wields with surprising strength and unwavering faith. Despite her youthful countenance, Adara possesses deep spiritual insight and an unwavering dedication to healing and protecting her allies. Her gentle nature and compassionate demeanor make her a beacon of hope and solace in the darkest of times, as she channels the power of the divine to bring blessings and aid to those in need.