
Operation: Save my family

As soon as i got the skills a stream of information got into my brain explaining my new skills and how to use them.

i'll think about them later, i need to save my family first time is ticking so i called my mom i checked the timer there is 27 minutes left until zombies starts spawning, so i called my mother.

"Mom it's me come outside i'm here"~ Me

" What how ? that's impossible !"~Mom

"Mom please we have no time to loose come outside we still have to get dad and my brothers"~Me

"okay just a sec i'll be there"~Mom

" mom when you see me don't be surprised or keep your questions until we're safe okay ?"~Me

"your making me scared what happened to you?"~Mom

"mom what did i tell you about questions?"~Me

"okay okay but you better explain later"~Mom

"I promis"~Mom

as soon as i closed the call i started calling my father

" dad where are you ?"~me

" i'm home"~Dad

" okay stay there get grandpa and grandma into the house and close everything until i get there"~me

"what happened son ?where are you?" ~Dad

" not now dad i'm bringing my mom and then i'm going to fetch my brothers"~Me

and i saw my mom coming out of the building she became taller younger and became a blond i called her, when she saw me she stopped and kept staring so i told her it was me and we have no time to waste she approached me slowly as soon as she came near me i grabbed her hand and willed to teleport to my room thankfully the skill explained that i can teleport and take a person with me at lvl1 i opened my eyes and i see my self in my room. my mom kept staring at me shocked and my dad came running holding a knive.

" what just happened? who are you ? how did you get in here?"~Dad

" Dad it's me i swear my change took a big turn my gender changed with other things and i don't have a lot of time i need to bring my brothers and how i got in here i have the ability to teleport please keep your questions until we're safe okay?"~ Me

" okay but you'll explain everything to us "~ Dad

so i shook my mother to get her out of her shock and i called my two brothers thankfully they both are in places i'm familiar with, my older one was at work which is a place i recognise i dropped him at work when he woke up late so it wasn't hard to get him home it took me about 10 minutes as for ly younger brother he was at his university which i'm familiar with too so i got him home too. for the first time i was happy that i was the only one that owned a car in my family i used to drive them which helped me recognise their places which made it easier to grab them.

i checked the remaining time it was 6 minutes till hell opens it's doors cna't wait. but on the other hands i have a conversation that i realky don't want get through and by the look that my family are giving me there is no escaping it. so i kept stalling it until the timer hit zero and a message appeared

" Zombies are out it will take them about 2 hours to reach cities and start their massacre"

i guess i couldn't use the i need to level up excuse to escape this discussion. well the sooner i finish this the monsters i kill.

"so what happened is...."