A soldier in the world of Marvel awakens abilities. Now with abilities, Andrew is pulled head first into a world he never expected. Now Andrew must navigate a world full of dangers at every corner. (the MC isn't reincarnated.) I do not own marvel, all I own is my own character. everything else belongs to them.
"This team is an off the books, black out team, the united states of America will use to do our dirty work, that we can't do in the public eye, and will never confirm its existence if the team is leaked." the Colonel said, as he leaned back in his chair.
'Fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck.' My brain kept saying on repeat.
'But I was about to go home.'
The Colonel, seeming to read my mind, spoke.
"I know tomorrow was supposed to be the end of your first deployment, but the team is about to start its first mission in a few days, and we wouldn't want you coming in, when the team has already bonded together through the missions you missed, so do as marines do, suck it up." The Colonel said, with a cheeky smile on his gruff face.
I let out a quiet sigh through my nose, and did what I knew I didn't have a choice in.
"Yes sir." I unwillingly agreed.
"Very good." The Colonel said, before reaching down to his desk, and picking up a piece of paper.
"You will be transferred to colonel Rawlins command in Kandahar, so it's good you already packed your bags, because your plane leaves in an hour." The Colonel said, as he put a half smoked cigar in his mouth, and started chewing the end, as he handed me my transfer papers.
'what a Stereotype' I thought, before saluting, and about-faceing, and leaving his office.
As I left, I looked down at the papers in my hands, and sure enough, it was transfer papers.
Going back to my room, I finished packing the last of my belongings and gear into my bags, and headed out, without saying goodbye to anyone.
Except for one.
Setting my bags along the wall, I knocked twice on the door.
I heard the thump, of something bumping into something, then the sound of footsteps, and a second later the door opened to reveal Larry.
"Yo man, what's up?" He said, as he opened his door all the way, to let me in.
"Oh not much." I said as I stepped into his small room.
Larry's room was bare, with nothing but an old rickety bed, and a small plastic drawer for clothes.
From the look of it, he was also finishing up his packing, to go back home.
Wanting to rip the bandaid off I just came out with it.
"Hey Larry." I said, as I tapped my transfer papers in my hand. "I'm being transferred to Kandahar."
Larry came to a halt, and looked over at me.
"We're being transferred? But we're about to lea~"
"No Larry, I'm being transferred, just me." I said as I gave him a sorry look.
Over the deployment, me and him had become as close as blood brothers, and have seen some pretty gruesome shit together, and developed a bond, we both knew would last for a lifetime.
"I just got the ward from the Colonel, my plane leaves in less than an hour." I said, handing him my papers.
Larry grabbed them, and went over the sheet.
"SHIT!" Larry spat, as he read through it.
He looked up at me.
"Why the hell did you get transferred this close to shipping back home?" He asked.
"Something about a new team that's being put together."
"Seriously, they're going to keep you over here to join a new team."
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Apparently. But I need to get going if I want to catch my flight." I said, as we gave each other a real hug, instead of the usual bro hug.
"Once you get back, you need to go talk to that girl you were always telling me about, ask her out on a date, and don't be a coward about it this time." I said jokingly, as I patted him on the shoulder.
"Yeah, and once you get back, give me a call, and maybe I'll let her meet you, if you don't try to steal her away from me with your good looks." Larry shot back.
I let out a laugh as I left his room, and grabbed my duffle bags.
Walking down the halls of the Barracks, I looked back one more time before leaving to see Larry standing outside of his room watching me leave.
I gave him a nod of my head, as I opened the door and left a place that had become a home to me.
My ride to Kandahar air base was a C-17 globe trotter that was bringing new humvees to the base, as well as a handful of soldiers traveling there.
Not wanting to sit through the whole flight.
I decided to use one of my many new abilities I have learned to use while in the military. Like "sleep", it's where I have cultivated myself to sleep anywhere, no matter the heat, or noise, I could fall asleep in less than 2 minutes.
And that's just what I did. The rhythmic hum of the plane's engines, and rattling of the chains holding the humvees in place, became a soft symfony in my ears as I slowly drifted off to sleep.
Outside a well lit military base, with high walls. A group of men carried large wooden crates with 'Stark' written on the side.
"This should be good." A bald headed man said, as he brought binoculars up to his eyes and scanned the darkening sky.
"They should be here any minute, hurry up and set up the launchers." the man ordered, as his men broke open the crates and pulled out rocket launchers.
My eyes shot open with a start, as the mental image of fire played in my head.
My heart pounded away, like the rhythm of a drum, as I sat forward.
Looking around, all I could see was the few other soldiers who were also asleep on my side of the plane, and the tied down humvees.
But that feeling remained in my head, like a blaring alarm.
Standing to my feet, I quickly made my way to the front of the plane, where I saw one of the crew men reading a book.
"hey!" I whispered urgently, as I came close to the man.
The middle aged man looked up at me confused.
"what?" he asked, in a louder tone.
Realizing whispering was pointless, I spoke in a regular, but still urgent tone.
"How long until we land?" I asked.
The man shrugged, and looked down at his watch.
"like five minutes. If you gotta shit, hold it, and go sit down." the man said, as he shewed me away with his hand.
But before I could take a step, a loud beeping sound filled the compartment, and the white light that filled it changed to a dark red.
"Fuck!" Both me, and the crew man said in unison, as the plane banked hard to the side, causing me to grab onto the buckled in crew man, so as to not topple over.
"What the fuck is happening." I yelled to the crew man, as I held on tightly.
"Someone is shooting rockets at us, we are taking evasive maneuvers so we don't get hit." The crew men yelled back.
"How the fuck can something this big maneuver out of the way of shit." I yelled, as I remembered the impressively large plane from the outside.
The crew man never had a chance to respond, as a "sho-sho-sho!" Sound could be heard.
"That's the flares" the crew man yelled, as the plane banked to the other side, and threw me over the crew man.
As I held on for dear life, I could hear the sound of creaking metal.
Turning my head, I saw the humvees, as they violently shook, with the erratic movements of the plane.
But what caught my eye was the metal chains holding them in place.
At the moment, the plane was at a nearly complete sideways tilt.
Putting massive amounts of strain on those chains, as they held the entire weight of the humvees in place.
There was only so much they could hold.
And just as I thought would happen, the leading humvees chain snapped, causing the humvee to slide sideways, and right into a wide eyed soldier. Crushing him in an instant.
But that humvee was only the first.
In a matter of seconds the other two humvees broke away, and crushed a number of soldiers on the left side of the plane.
"WHAT THE FUUCK!!!" The crew man screamed as we watched the soldiers get crushed.
I was unable to respond, as a new problem became clear to me.
With the weight of three fully armored humvees, which can weigh around 12,000 pounds each, went crashing to one side of the plane, it made it impossible for the pilots to pull the plane out of its steep side bank. And in less than a second, the plane turned farther to the side, until we started to head diving.
And I knew what would happen when that happened.
Those same humvees that just crushed everyone on the left side of the plane, would come crashing forward, and turn me into a flesh and blood pancake.
"we need to move!" I yelled as I tried to quickly undo the crewmans buckle harness, that was keeping him in his seat.
"what the fuck are you doing!" he yelled as he started to push me away from him.
I didn't have any more time to waste, we were starting to go weightless.
Grabbing at my belt, I pulled out my ka- bar, and brought it forward and started to saw away at the straps.
"Get the fuck away from me!" He yelled. Using his foot, he kicked me in the chest. Throwing me away from him, as we had finally gone completely weightless.
His kick sent me at an angle backwards, to hit the right wall of the compartment, giving me a wide view of what happened to him next.
The humvees started to slide along the left side of the plane, causing a screeching sound, of tearing metal, as they came right for the screaming crew men, as he saw what I tried to save him from, but now it was too late, and his fate was sealed.
In a blink of an eye, the three humvees crashed into the front of the plane, completely decimating the front side of the plane, as the three humvees shot through the underside of the pilots cabin, and straight through the plane, causing a massive gust of wind to enter the plane, and to send me hurtling back, and to smash into the tail door of the plane.
As I did so, I passed the few surviving soldiers, who were holding onto the straps of their chairs for dear life.
As I hit the back wall, I hit with the force of a car hitting a tree, as the metal dented under my collision.
My vision blacked out for a moment as I felt a few of my bones break.
But my vision did return long enough for me to see the fast approaching ground, through the large hole created in the front of the plane by the humvees.
For only a second before complete darkness, my brain managed to think.
"I should have gone to college!"
Before I let out a primal scream, and met my death.
This is without a doubt a bit on the dramatic side, but I have no idea how much damage humvees can do to a plane, or how planes work in general.
But what was going through my head as I wrote this was that the plane was doing a hard left bank (completely sideways), and the chains holding the humvees broke, causing them to fall to the left, shifting the weight in the plane, making it impossible for the plane to correct itself. Of course there is the chance they could save it, but since the humvees just shot through the front of the plane, causing massive amounts of air to fill the plane, and taking out much of the plane's control, making it a certainty that the plane would crash.