
True Road To Robhood

Sent To DC to become a ROB

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Chp 2 Jumping



"Fuck this shit I am out," I say to myself as I go over everything that I remember about DC


I am too damn young and many events could be possibly happening already

I spent a few months trying to figure out how to get into my mindscape and I managed to do it a week ago

I am currently 9 years old at this point and if I am right I have around a year or so before something big happens that forces the Justice League to come together

Superman has arrived at Metropolis and has been fighting green-colored robots at this point

Batman has been confirmed to exist

I have to move quickly I can't let anything spiral from here onwards

I can't exactly make any move in this world

Thankfully, I have a list of worlds that I am going to for quick power-ups

First, off is the world of Chronicle to get telekinetic abilities and hopefully help jumpstart telepathy

Then I practice with those powers for a bit

Finally, I go to the world of Limitless and get the NZT pills and use some of them to try and make the effects permanent and mix it with one of the Serum preferably with the Widow serum to help with the others

I frown as I think of my biggest issue of all

A lab

Not just any lab but one that is state of the art, one that has every piece of equipment that I need

Making the Widow serum is arguably the easiest and the least complicated of them, but if I want to mix it with the NZT I am going to need to experiment with it

I smile as I think of what I asked the ROB

I asked to get all the knowledge of how to make the serums which means that I got scientific knowledge related to those subjects as well, I also know how to make my own Vita-Ray chamber

I got the relevant knowledge of engineering, chemistry, and biology to name a few

I frown again as I try to think of a world with enough resources to at least make the NZT-Widow Serum and the Vita-Ray Chamber

I rub my hand on my face as I continue to think about it

I want to make it as soon as possible but I can't think of a world like that

I stop as I think about it some more

I can go around to different worlds getting the materials that I need to make both things

"Fuck it can't think of anything else," I whisper as I go into my mindscape while I grab a bag of stuff that I am going to need

I stop myself before I go into my mindscape

I need powers and I know exactly where to get some after Chronicle

I go into my mindscape and grab the crystal and go to the world of the Chronicle

#World Of Chronicle#

"Ok, that is the best choice for now," I say letting out a sigh of relief that I am now out of the fucking mess that is called DC

I go near the rock and touch it after 2 hours are up so that I can leave

After I touch it I feel something getting into place and I hold my Nth Metal sword close as I feel like passing out, I force myself to stay awake through the process as my head starts to hurt as if I got hit with a bowling ball or something

My Sword begins to work on helping me with this as it adapts to it and heals me enough to stay awake a few hours later pass while I am in the cave, and I have what I came for


I stay awake only due to my sword helping me through the process

I sigh as I lift myself off the ground using my telekinesis as the pain goes away

"This was easy," I say while grabbing the crystal and taking off to return back to DC


I land on my bed and rest a bit as I just got Telekinesis something that will help me in the long run

I have to practice with it in secret as I want to keep a low profile for a bit


"Happy birthday to..." I smile as my foster family who decided to officially adopt me a few months ago, sing happy birthday to me and I am not going to lie, I love having someone that cares for me in this life

I needed something like this to prevent me from going on a power trip spree something that I have resigned myself to do once I turned 12

Today is my 12th birthday and I am leaving today to finally obtain the power that I am going to need

In my school, there is a chemistry class that I have been taking supplies from to make the bases for all of my serums alongside breaking in a few days ago to steal some of the tech that I am going to need to make them and put them somewhere I will retrieve them later

I went to the world of Limitless a week ago to take the NZT pills and get some more information about the worlds I want to visit

Like Resident Evil, while dangerous, I am going to take the Red Queen and reprogram her, and then I am going to the world of Terminator for the T-850 as he reboots himself and place the Red Queen inside the Terminator

I don't care if John Connor dies, there will always be someone to take his place

Then, I am going to another world for some time preferably one I can make the Vita-Ray Chamber and the serums in peace or rather I am going to have the Red Queen make the Vita-Ray Chamber while I focus on the serums


"Its go time," I say while sneaking out from the bedroom window flying using my telekinesis a bit above the ground and finally going over for my supplies that I hid away

Once I get everything I go to the world of resident evil right in front of the red queen and quickly set about reprogramming her


As soon as I arrive I input the command that will allow me to reset her


Soon she is rebooting and as she does so I begin to set up everything to make sure that she is loyal to me, soon I have an incredible USB with he capacity to have the Red Queen on it

I go out of the lab by breaking through the ceiling and flying away to pass the cooldown between worlds

As soon as it is over I go to the world of Terminator


As I arrive an hour and 50 minutes before the reprogrammed Terminator tries to kill John and I just wait in the hangar for them to show up

And show up they do as a reprogrammed T-850 tries to kill John and soon they leave as he shuts down

I sigh behind one of the cars as they leave the hangar and I go towards the T-850 and press a button that reveals a USB port on his jaw, but I have to force it the rest of the as I plug in the USB

After, 4 minutes it is done

"Master," It says in both a female and male voice and I nod toward it

As I grab its shoulder as the cooldown ends and I send us to the World Of Dawn Of The Dead just as the survivors leave the gun store


"Arm yourself with weapons from this store and kill the Zombies for at least 3 hours," I order it as I calm down and rest up a bit

Three hours later the Terminator comes down

"I have killed 6,937," It says as it comes towards me

"Good," I tell him while I think of the next world that I am going to in order to make more Terminators to take over this world
