
True Road To Robhood

Sent To DC to become a ROB

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chp 1 Reborn(Not Yet Official under revision)


I scream out loud as I feel like I fell and suddenly stopped

I try to move around but I can't feel anything

I begin to slowly panic but a white light shines in front of me

"You don't have a body anymore," Said a voice that originated from the light

"What..." I began but I was cut off

"Ok, I know you have questions but I am going to give you a summary of what is going to happen. You will be sent to DC which only has a universe left in it. No, you won't get any wishes but you get to make a request. The reason for no wishes is that I am the last ROB that remains as we had a civil war for supremacy which nearly ripped apart the omniverse to shreds before we were all nearly killed by a very powerful being called Aiden who is the second strongest in the Omniverse allowed us to live however, some others spit on his mercy and continued to fight. I killed the other one that remained but not before he mortally wounded me. Now, I am being annihilated and I can't stop it that doesn't mean you can't spin the wheel for an item from DC," He said as his voice was filled with pain the more he talked

"Ok, so what I am going to do would be seen as heresy by other ROBs but I am the last one so it really doesn't matter anymore. The reason I can't give you any wishes is that I am giving you the potential of becoming a ROB yourself," He said which nearly made me laugh in joy before his words caught up with me

"Wait, you said potential," I said realizing that I am not getting the power

"Yes, the potential to reach my level at least," He said

"Don't worry in fact this is going to help you out a lot," He began

"You will get some weak benefits to start with. You will be able to grow stronger as you get older and yes, even when you become immortal this will still be in effect. As you get older due to being human you can even get powers. For example, you may develop telepathy and telekinesis, although keep in mind that they will be very weak and you will get them when you turn 18 at the earliest. It will take a long time to reach the level of someone like Jean Grey so that you understand, but you may be able to reach that level provided that you live long enough, this is what I call the Essence of the ROb " He said to which I nodded listening to everything before I tried to raise a hand but remember my nonexistent body

Thankfully, he seemed to know what I was trying to do

"Yes?" He stopped and asked

"How long would it take me to reach the level of Superman with this?" I asked

"Around 169,005,209,001 years for at least the DCEU version," He said which made me a bit worried but remember that there are still other benefits that may help

"Ok," I said not really impressed by it

"Keep in mind that you can get other powers and they will also grow stronger maybe even faster," He said which got my mind racing

"Now, for your request but keep in mind it can't be anything that would make it seem like a wish," He said

"I would like the knowledge of every single piece of knowledge about magic in DC," I said to which I could feel the light deadpanning at me

"No," He said

I thought about it some more

(If magic knowledge is too much how about scientific then)I thought while remembering one specific Marvel Fanfic that I read

"I want the knowledge of Iron Man," I said

"No, that is too much," He said

I thought while remembering one specific Marvel Fanfic that I read

Marvel: Starting From The Bottom

(Perhaps...)I thought while remembering one specific Marvel Fanfic that I read

"I would like to know how to make every serum that appeared in Marvel or was even mentioned in the Webnovel Marvel: Starting from the bottom and I mean every single aspect of how they are made," I asked to which he was silent for a bit before...

"Agreed, some small little benefit is that the effects of the serums will only work with you. The second is that no one else can comprehend how to make the serums aside from you. The third is that the knowledge will take no space in your mind. Fourth is that your metagene will instead be an X-gene," He said to which I am fine with

In that web novel that was tragically dropped

Marvel: Starting From The Bottom

The MC Marcellus Hanley made a Sabretooth and Wolverine Serums, plus he managed to be part of Project Golden Sentry. Nathaniel Essex also made a serum that gave Omega Level Energy Manipulation to someone.

(Hopefully, he doesn't catch on) I thought

"Ok, time to spin the wheel," He said as a wheel appeared

The wheel began to spin and after what seemed like hours it finally stopped and I was surprised and happy at what I got.

An Nth Metal Longsword with a design of my choice

I had a question but the light began to dim a bit

"Goodbye and wait, you said every serum in marvel or was even mentioned in... you little shit," He said as he laughed out

"Oh, you will definitely become a ROB," He said as everything went dark and soon I was somewhere warm

(Where am I?) I asked as I lost consciousness but before I did I heard the ROB's voice

("Also, since this is the only DC universe left that means that nearly every storyline can happen in this universe including those of the Dark Multiverse,") He said as he coughed out and just as I closed my eyes I knew in my soul that he had died and I had a thought going through my head



("THAT FUCKING USELESS WORTHLESS CUNT") I scream in my mind as my new brother and I are with the police as our mother abandoned us at a carnival

My name is Trevor Batson and my new twin brother's name is William Batson/Billy Batson aka Shazam we were just abandoned

Too bad for that bitch I finally gained consciousness back a few weeks ago and remember her personal information that I memorized for this exact moment

I have an idea to get back at her for abandoning us

"There was a scary man with a mask and he was pointing at mommy with a toy," I lie to get that fucking bitch imprisoned or something and I go over all of the information that I got from staying with her

As I was born I fell 'unconscious' as I didn't have full access to my memories as they were mostly a complete mess and I think I was just a normal kid until a few weeks ago when I finally took control of my body. I can remember some flashes of when I was a toddler but now I remember my past life

Also, I am going to lie to the police and make sure that the bitch gets what she deserves

She didn't beat us but she did neglect us a lot

Sometimes she would leave for days at a time and when I finally took control, I began to take care of Billy as much as possible

What pisses me off the most is that she constantly came back drunk and while she never hit us, she did scream about how much we ruined her life

Something like that is just completely and utterly pathetic in my eyes

Bitch, please, you could have aborted us and saved me from being reborn as your son, or worn protection, or taken a pill to prevent pregnancy

Even yesterday I found her rambling off as she was drunk about how she would leave us in the carnival and hoped that we died or something

People like her are a complete waste of space in my opinion, she buys alcohol in packs of 6 cans each, and she usually buys 3 packs every week for the past few years

So putting that into account and considering that every pack costs around 7 dollars each equals 21 dollars a week. Multiply that number by 4 and you get $94 on beer

She earns around 1,600 dollars from three minimum-wage jobs that she works

She pays for a shitty apartment that is around $750 a month, around $80 on groceries in total, and around $130 in gas plus around an extra $70 per month

So she spends around $1,124 a month and the rest she either saves for drugs or spends it on going out somewhere or quite possibly invites guys to have sex with her

One thing to note is that the guy's clothes that she 'invites 'are almost always on the ground

So, I made sure to take some cash from their wallets

In total, from the number of guys that she invites, I got around $2,000 in a month

The jokes are on her, I found where she keeps her cash and looted it this morning and got myself another $1,000 as I prioritized taking the hundred dollar bills as they would be the easiest to hide

I have around $3,000 in cash maybe a little bit more which I buried a bit away this morning somewhere safe since the apartment that I lived in is next to a forest, I took some hundred dollar bills and stuck them inside of my shoes before I put my feet in to make sure I have something to fall back on in emergencies

I made sure to swipe some cocaine from one of the guys she slept with a few days ago and put it in the bottom of her purse today and put in a note on his back pocket telling him her name

Hope you rot in hell you fucking useless waste of space

If not I will be the one to send you there myself, because when I learn magic I will find a sacrificial ritual and sacrifice you for a can of soda, an empty one at that

"It's going to be ok," One of the officers says while another report an armed assailant taking a woman hostage

I begin to fake cry to mask my smile

Fucking bitch


Ok, looking back then I can tell there was something incredibly wrong with me back then

I look around as in my new room as I have been taken in by some people due to the foster care system

Honestly, I am just going to blame my past actions on me being pissed off that I died in the first place and was in that kind of environment when I 'woke' up

I sigh as I go over most of what I remember from DC comics

I read a newspaper about a freak accident on Ferris Aircraft and a pilot called Hal Jordan is currently missing

So no lantern ring for now I guess

There have been no signs of a vigilante in Gotham as of yet

Superman hasn't appeared in Metropolis yet

But some strange rumors are coming from Smallville

Thinking of Superman reminds me that I may have to kill Lois Lane

In one comic, she gets kidnapped and drugged to tell everything she knows about Superman and the Justice League when he was out in space.

The bad guys learned the secret identities of the heroes and began dismantling them one by one.

In another, she tells everything to Lex Luthor in exchange for money after she caught Superman 'cheating' on her when it was Maxima that kissed him by surprise

I don't even want to think about Injustice

Point is

Lois Lane ruined the lives of many individuals instead of actually trying to look behind the issues.

Many of Superman's villains got caught up in the attention and defamation that they were given because of Lois's articles that they were forced into the role of the villain.

Nevermind her possible obsession with murdering Meta-Humans

Maybe kill not only her but also a few of the love interests of the heroes that bring the most problems in the world

Iris West, if she is anything like in the CW show, I am killing her no matter what

(N/A: I am ok with the actress, but my god give her some better writing or something)

Mera gets to live unless she looks like Amber Heard then she dies, also I have to make sure she doesn't get cucked by Wonder Woman

Holy shit, I am going to have to kill a lot of them aren't I

This isn't a simple DC universe its a mix between a normal one and a dark one

This means anything can fucking happen at any given time so I am going to have to kill every non-trained/non-superpowered love interest of every major hero

Not out of malice, but for my own survival

I only have one single saving grace at the moment that can save me at the moment

My Nth Metal weapon

It eliminates my need for sustenance, it has gravity negation, it adapts to improve itself, it augments my powers but I don't have any yet, and it gives an all-around physical boost.

I can fly with it as well

Going over to the side of the serums and I am glad that I know everything about them

I already have a list of which ones I am going to be using first

I need resources to make the serums

Thankfully, I just need the materials and I can do the rest

When I requested every single bit of knowledge on how to make every serum from marvel, it truly means how to make every single aspect of it.

I know how to make a Vita Ray Chamber which is going to be my Deus Ex Machina

It is incredible and I have no idea why no one in Marvel even thought of using it properly

It is essentially a healing chamber and a Serum Effect Enhancer and stabilizer all in one neat package

I have thought about every bit of knowledge that I have and I want to scream in joy at this device.

If I am correct, it should work in every single serum that was created as a result of the original Super-Soldier serum from Project Rebirth.

This means that the effects of the serums like the one that was given to Black Widow and even the Sentry can be affected by the Vita-Ray Chamber.

The one given to Black Widow is the one I am going to use first

It can give improve my immune system, bodily condition, and longevity

After, that I am going to make the Modified Wolverine Serum from the Webnovel

That Serum gives someone the healing factor of Wolverine and the claws from Sabretooth.

After, that I am going to make the serum that gives someone Omega-Level Energy Manipulation afterward it's going to be the Golden Sentry Serum

I know that the differences in the serum made after the one from Project Rebirth will be less reactive to the Vita-Ray chamber.

I am going to tweak the serums slightly to make them a bit better for the chamber except for the Sentry Serum as I am going to use one that is a lot different than the normal one

In one universe in Marvel, there exists a version of Robert Reynolds that has all the powers of both Sentry and the Void perfectly

I may not know much about this version but what I do know is that this is the version that I want and thanks to the Vita-Ray Chamber the effects of the PS Serum will be even greater

Thinking about this reminds me of the recording that I received from the ROB

#Flashback start#

("Ok, so at this point, you have probably guessed that there is the possibility that I didn't tell you everything about the essence that I gave you. Also, this message is a recording that I made beforehand. There are a few others but that's it. After, those I will only exist in your memories forever. Don't worry at this point, I am truly gone. As I said this is a recording.") Said the voice

I hear the message in my head and I make sure to listen to everything even though I am sure that since its a recording, I will be able to listen to it again later

("Once you have reached a certain point try to reach into your mindscape. There you will find a colorless crystal and think of what world you want to go into. Yes, I gave this to you quite early. For good reason too. What did you really expect me to not help you? I am not a god idiot. I was isekai'ed too.")

I was surprised and rather happy about it since this means that

("I know what it's like to start with basically nothing. That's why I decided to help you out. I sent you to DC to teach you a lesson that I am sure you won't forget. After this message is over the first time. You will no longer have my artificial plot survivor armor. Yes, you wouldn't die in any sense until after you turn 18 or unlock true telepathy. I know that will probably piss you off but that's payback for tricking me.")

"Damn it," I said to myself not happy that I could have gone looking for Tala's mirror or the Mariana Trench for the Trident

("Ok, so the way that you used the crystal is simple just think of what world you want to go to and the crystal will change to a certain color. White means that the world poses absolutely no threat to you at all. It means that you are at the level where nothing can kill you at all. Yellow means that it possess some threat to you. Keep in mind that this is if you go to a universe where there are no powers. So basically just a normal Earth with nothing special at all whatsoever. Bullets and nukes can kill you if they get a lucky shot or something. Orange means that it will be challenging to some degree. This color means that people will have some level of power but nothing beyond the planetary level.

Red Orange means that there are beings at the galaxy level at most. However, this is some dangerous territory. As beings there can possibly travel through dimensions and if some are stubborn/stupid and knowledgable about the multiverse and beyond.

They can follow you back here

So be careful.

Red means that you will die to either a universal to multiversal being that notices you don't belong there. The last and final color are worlds that you can't go to yet and are so far out of your comprehension that you would be annihilated immediately.

Is black

These worlds you can't go to at all, whatsoever, until you are powerful enough for them to become at least Red, understand.

You can travel back and forth between worlds after a 1-hour cooldown. However, after you go back to DC you will have to wait 2 hours to get back the first time. Afterward, its back to the 1-hour cooldown

You will only be able to go into movie worlds possibly tv series as well with no true multiverse attached to them until you get the Sentry Serum, then you can go anywhere provided that it's not the black color.

I have to be honest with you

You seem like a smart guy not like those other 2

Yes, there were others before you that I sent to different worlds.

One was an otaku girl who I sent to the Narutoverse

Unfortunately, I gave her some wishes

For the three wishes, I gave her a gamer system, the bloodline of the Ootsuki god, and the knowledge of The Root from the Nasuverse and the capacity to use it to its full extent.

She was incredibly stupid

She chose to be reborn in Konoha where she was then kidnapped by Danzo once she began to train Mokutun out in the open like an idiot after which he discovered her true bloodline when she was 7 and began to breed her at 13 to make more soldiers for him to brainwash for 22 years. He easily managed to break her and make her his weapon to conquer the world alongside her offspring. The males he made his soldiers and the females were sent to be bred when they were old enough.

Until he caught the attention of the Ootsuki clan and by extension the Ootsuki god who came for her and her offspring and repeated the cycle once he found out she was like him and bred her himself.

He also managed to find out about the Gamer and she gave him access to it and he conquered the entire Narutoverse until I reset that entire verse

The second was a guy who I only managed to give a gamer system never seen in the omniverse capable of giving the user infinite potential and the capability of reaching it to match. He became powerful enough to beat a lot of the Marvelverse. However, he was defeated by Knull and partially devoured by him, which granted him access to his system. He then forced the guy to breed his own two adoptive daughters plus his two wives and then trained the children only to be killed and absorbed by his All-Black to increase his power.

He repeated this process many times.

The guy stopped trying to get stronger as he had obtained all six infinity stones but forgot that there will always be someone stronger

Until I hit the reset button with him again

After that my power was severely diminished to the point that I was forced to not give you any wish whatsoever. Which thankfully appeared to be a blessing in disguise since you actually know what is more or less to your benefit

If you don't this part of the message will explain it a bit more

This omniverse or whatever is left anyway was abandoned by The One Above All. Essentially given to me by him since I was one of the few ROBs left that wasn't bloodthirsty and actually tried to reverse the damage that was done to it

Aiden tried to help me out as well but he was forced out of this omniverse by The One Above All to the one that he made by ripping out some universes from this one and then making his own universes and then multiverses until finally, he made his own omniverse


Aiden is that powerful

Moving on

After I was given the omniverse, I was attacked and you know the rest

I am sure that at this point I am more or less gone if not a vegetable or cosmic dust at this point

The reason why I looked for people randomly is that I am leaving the key to this omniverse to you")

I took all of this information in

I have the key to the omniverse

"What the fuck is this," I say to myself

"Oh my god," I say out loud before having the urge to throw up

"There is no God," I say while I nearly pee myself out of fear

("You are the only one besides those two that knows. So don't go out saying you have it.

If beings of Azathoth or The Scarlet King's level find out. They will do anything to get you on their side. Either willingly or not. Your compliance will not be a factor.

Don't worry no one can find out you have it unless they have either Aiden's or The One Above All's permission to locate it. Even if you were next to them. You can think it all you want in your head. But, the moment you say it out loud, then they can find out.

This omniverse is yours now

There are huge benefits to having the key.

When you go to a different universe you are given access to anything that is considered the main source of power. For example, if you go to the Dragon Ball multiverse you will gain KI or at least the ability to harness it the way they do.

You are also given the ability to obtain the different forms of it. God ki, Demonic Ki, Time KI, or Space KI. However, if you go to a world like Naruto, you will have no elemental affinity until you use a Jutsu for any of them then that will become your primary elemental affinity. You will only be able to get four in the specific order you won't be able to get the 5th.

That is up to you to find out how to get it

Beings like The Living Tribunal or The Spectre will more or less become your servants however, you will have to say to them that you hold the key and prove it. This will be rather easy as once you figure out how to use any magic, you have to draw on the power of the key and use any spell that is powered by it.

Which they will be able to recognize

Remember that there are beings far more powerful than The Living Tribunal or The Spectre. To the point that they will seem like normal humans trying to fight a universal-level bomb.

However, they will only truly become your servants once you are old enough or become mid-multiversal level. You can find them before but once you prove to them that you have the key. They will leave you to your own devices until you are powerful enough to call them to you and obey your orders. If they have any underlings they will tell them to stay out of your way or at least be as polite as they can for fear of punishment.

Also, don't worry about Lucifer in DC

He is dead

Truly dead

Don't panic")

"Too late jackass," I say while throwing up on the floor

I am trembling all over

"WHY ME DAMMIT ALL," I scream out loud before I begin to cry out in fear as I understood the implications of the message

("Right now, no one knows who you truly are but beings capable of seeing different universes will soon notice that you don't have any counterparts anywhere in either other worlds or timelines

So keep your head low, bide your time, and fight battles you know you can win

If you die, this omniverse dies too

Now I have to end this recording here.

I still have to record the others.

The next one will be when you get the Sentry serum

Also, the crystal will give you more information about how it works and some other functions

Goodbye and good luck")

I was on the floor next to my own vomit curled up in a ball shaking in terror

I don't know how long I stayed here

Minutes, hours, I don't know

What I do know

Is that I have no idea what to do now


I was a mess as this was over 6 months ago, but now I have come to terms with it

I have to survive

I am not able to live as I am not going to be able to enjoy the benefits of being alive

I know far too much and with the ability to go anywhere, I will leave soon DC soon

I can't stay here, it is far too dangerous for me to stay here

I need somewhere I can survive

But, where

(N/A: Suggestions please any are welcome, keep in mind movies also please don't take this chap 1 seriously as it is still under revision and it will be way different in 2 days)