
True Road To Robhood

Sent To DC to become a ROB

DarkHelixDragoon24 · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chp 3 Future Is Now


I appear in the world of Subnautica and quickly kill this version of Riley as I chose one where he was an absolute asshole

I sigh in regret but I bite it down and focus on ignoring the bile rising up my throat

I ignore it as best I can and focus on looting his body and going over to the base that he left here

I take a wetsuit, or rather the reinforced suit, and go around dismantling everything, and yes, even the vehicles can be dismantled

I soon have every material noted down in a list and we go back to my new world to begin preparations for the serums


"Begin preparations," I ordered the Terminator, and off it went to make a base for us to be in for now

While I thought of something that made me want to facepalm

I can probably find Billy if I find the foster home that he gets to right before he gets his powers

For now, focus on getting everything set up properly


I cough out loud as I come out of the Vita-Ray chamber after taking the Widow-Serum

"This feels fucking awesome," I say to myself as I see my new muscles

Thanks to the effects of the Vita-Ray chamber the effects of the widow serum were multiplied by 3 times

Once I reach my physical prime I will at 1/30 the speed that I would otherwise

I sigh as I think about the NZT-Enhanced Soldier Serum

It is one of the most frustrating serums that I have to figure out and be careful with

The Serums from Marvel are protected in my mind no one will know about them if they read my mind. But, Serums that I make myself are free game for any telepath to discover

I am nowhere near confident enough to face a telepath on my own

I run around a bit and see that I am not getting tired at all

In fact, any exhaustion that I go through is gone within a minute

Thanks to the Essence Of The ROB I am already getting stronger thanks to my new base level of power increasing little by little now has become slightly more noticeable now

I smile as I breathe in the air around me

I look at my hands before reaching out and calling my sword to me

As soon as it is in my hands I feel even stronger

"I think this is how it feels to be high," I say while I float off the ground a bit

"This is not enough,"

I sigh as I realize which serum I am going to be taking next

The Wolverine Serum is my next step

It is already finished but I am going to wait for a week or two to test my new limits

After that, it is going to be the Energy Serum

I sigh as I think about the final serum

The Sentry Serum

Not the Golden Sentry Serum, just the Sentry Serum

The Sentry Serum only has the powers of the Sentry, no Void is involved

The universe that this specific serum comes from is one where Robert managed to isolate the Sentry in one serum once he became the Merged Sentry he time-traveled back and gave the Sentry Serum to his younger counterpart.

Preventing the Void from ever existing, but not for long due to the nature of the paradox

Robert began having visions of the Void from the timeline that was erased and he began to think that the Void is his ultimate enemy coming from another timeline

He saw himself and the Void fighting destroying most of the world in their clash

Once Robert came to his senses he began working on a serum that would increase his powers enough to effortlessly defeat the Void

The Serum that he made work

But not in the way that he intended

Once he used the Serum his powers did increase a lot

He became the Merged Sentry once again as he had unknowingly created the Void Serum

Once he did so he obtained the memories of his previous self and realized that he could never get rid of the Void forever

So he left the Earth in order to master his new limits

I sigh as I think about the Marvel Multiverse

I have knowledge of so many serums that it is not even funny

Hell, I even know about the True Lifeline Serum once I went over the knowledge in my mind

The True Lifeline Serum is something that was discovered by a version of Odin who not only sacrificed his eye and hung himself on the Yggdrasil after stabbing himself, he traded an Infinity gem to get more knowledge from the tree. Before Eternity himself retrieved the Gem from the tree and threw it back out into the appropriate universe

The True Lifeline Serum is my final goal

However, I lack the necessary components to make it

I need six primary components

I need shavings from all six Primordial Infinity Gems to complete it

I need the Gems that were sent out into the universe that Nemesis gave birth to after she killed herself to make it

The True Lifeline Serum makes it so that anyone who takes it will be as if they have the power of the Infinity Gems at 50% of the power of all six Gems combined, forever, in every universe, possibly even in other multiverses

If I get my hands on it I will be able to even surpass their power due to the Essence of the ROB

Once I am able to travel to that Marvel universe I will focus solely on that serum

Even then I will make sure that I can stop anyone from stopping me from getting it

I frown as I realize what exactly I need for it

The Gems are the easiest thing to get the 'secondary' components are not

I also need True Pure Vibranium which I have since discovered something rather 'peculiar' about it

When they referenced that Vibranium was organic, I didn't know exactly how it was organic until I figure something out

Vibranium and all its different variations are bone marrow

Bone Marrow from fucking Celestials

The reason Wakandan Vibranium is capable of taking in Kinetic energy so well is the fact it is the most primitive and easiest method of charging the organic metal

Not all variations act the same way some variations react very differently to the same form of energy and when I said I need Pure Vibranium, I mean that I need the metal to be as fresh as possible

Otherwise, I am working with something that is decomposing and not viable for the serum

This means that I need to get the Bone Marrow of a living Celestial then I need to liquefy the metal by heating it up to supernova temperatures to get it to well turn into a liquid state then I need to place the shavings from the gems inside it, then I have to use my blood in order to cool it down

I need to bleed enough that I can cool down a metal that can barely even be melted into a liquid by supernova-level temperatures then once I do that it will turn into a pure metallic lump of glowing rainbow color metal finally after that I need to create the last thing in order to heat it up again

I need to cause a fucking big bang in order for it to heat up again

As if that wasn't enough I still need to incomplete Lifeline serum and mix it in when I mix both the True Pure Vibranium and the shavings of the Gems

It will be worth it

I slap myself a few times as that is far off in the future

I need to focus on what I am going to do in DC

"OK, first, I need to get to the Sentry Serum, after I use every other serum that I want. Then I focus on finding Billy and getting close to him in order to get access to the powers of Shazam until I can take Black Adam's power for myself. Then I focus on finding a way to connect myself to the speedforce," I say to myself while remembering my failures at using the Speedforce Equation

I tried it multiple times but it just doesn't work

I have recited every equation that I found on DC but none of them work

At this point, I am considering replacing Barry as the progenitor of the speedforce when he is supposed to be struck by lightning but I have no idea of what the ramifications would be I do that

But, maybe, just maybe I can take Wally's place when he is struck by lightning and gain the connection to the speedforce that way

I resist a frown at that

Something that is given can always be taken

It is far too much of a risk for me at the moment to do much

Taking Black Adam's powers for myself is a sure way of taking away Billy's authority of the Rock of Eternity

I rub my forehead at that and shake my head

"I am thinking far too small," I say to myself

I am able to go to other worlds for different types of powers

However, I don't want to spend all of my time training by going to the world of Naruto and training for years to make any actual progress

I think about it for a little while and come up with different plans

For magic, I am going to the world of the Mummy during the time Zi Yuan makes the Emperor immortal and she reaches Shangri-La

Possibly even when she reaches Shangri-La preferably a version where she lost her daughter after being stabbed in the stomach during her escape

With her, I will look for the Emperor's mystics and force them to serve under me to teach me their elemental magic

I will go there once I reach I use the Energy Serum