
Traveling the multiverse with three Namekians in my head (Tfs)

I have the tfs versions of piccolo nail and Kami stuck in my head, God help me.

Ken_Uzumaki · Phim ảnh
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"What the hell is going on!"


"Oh look the kids awake."


"Calm down piccolo, your going to give the kid a migraine if you continue to loose your shit."


"We are green alien slug people, I do not think we fit in the category of normal."


"Um..." Shiro was kind of confused, maybe he watched to much team four star shows... "Team four star, what is that?"

"I don't know, but it sounds interesting."

"Well, maybe,, if you look at the kids memories you will have an idea...."

"....looking at the kids memories..."


"Quiet kid..."


"So, Our life's a television parody of a show? How awesome...."

"No your wrong, and I refused to believe that shit, it is most likely the multi verse, where someone kidnapped us and stuffed us up in this kids head."

"Wow, that ..actually makes sense, "

"Shut up nail!"

Shiro stared for a quick second... before he did something he thought was logical, "MOOOOOOM!"

"Hey kid, you are not going insane, you really are hearing voices of people in your head."

"Like he would actually believe that?"

"Shut up Kami, I am trying to help the kid out."

"Yeah, and your doing a pretty good job at it, it's not like he'll believe you anyway..."

"Nail..I swear to god..."

Shiro blinked, now that he actually thinks about it, the voice that resembles tfs nail is right. It makes me believe, simply because they aren't trying to make him.

"I am the real Nail..."

"Like he'll believe that..."

"I actually am starting to believe it now..."



"Oh looks like piccolo's mad...

"I am not mad, I am just annoyed."

"Aren't you always annoyed?"

"Fuck you Nail...."

"You can't fuck me, because we don't have a dick."


Shiro chuckled, "So, how did you guys get here, in my head at least?"

"We don't know, one moment, we were meditating in the look out, and the next moment, we were here."

"I see..." Shiro, "So uh....I guess this is the part where I should say...welcome to my world? Literally?"

"You know kid..." Piccolo's gruffed voice spoke, "Your not bad."


"Waiting for the bus...we are waiting for the bus....we are waiting for the bu-us....we are waiting for the bus" Piccolo's voice sang.

"Can you stop singing Mr. Piccolo?" Shiro asked in annoyance, repeating the same song in his head over and over again for 30 minutes. If he was a normal kid, it would have driven him crazy...

"Sorry kid, but it's just that I am soooo GODDAMNED BORED"

"Then why don't you find something to do!" Shiro roared. "You don't see Nail and Kami complaining do you?!"

Shiro ignored the odd looks being sent his way, and focused on the cars in the streets...

"Hey Piccolo, why don't you play Subway Surfer with me?" Nail's voice suddenly rang...

Shiro blinked, "Wait a minute I have subway surfer's in my head?"

"You have a lot of stuff in your head, kid." Nail replied, "Kami just finished watching Pokémon..."

"Truely an incredibly horrifying show," Kami spoke up, "I mean humans that beat the hell out of these adorable creatures to submission, then they are stuffed into this small ball till whenever the humans decide to let them out, afterwards when they do let the creatures out, they force them to beat some other creature into submission, and possibly death to submit another creature of the same race, tand here is the funny part, they said that this was a kids show."


"Wow...this world is fucked up..." Nail eventually broke the silence, you could, here the frown in his voice.

Shiro winced, "Yeah...I hadn't really thought of that...now that you mention it thats pretty messed up, but in my defense, I never really paid attention to that, just like the cute and cuddly, and the action, they had a pretty decent plot too, but I never really paid attention to that"

"Hey...is that bus coming this way?" Nail suddenly asked causing Shiro to actually focus on what was Infront of him...and sure enough, the bus was going out of control, and off world, eventually it started flipping.

"Holy shit...." Piccolo's stunned voice rung through shiro's mind, "KID WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING, NOW IS NOT THE TIME TO BE STARING IN SHOCK, DODGE!"

It was too late, before he could even begin to move the bus smashed into him, causing him to black out