
Traveler final destination: Marvel multiverse

Theodore Mondelli, reincarnate in one piece world, transmigrate in Naruto, Resident evil, Boku no hero Academia, Harry Potter, Mahouka kouko no rettousei and finaly arrive in MCU-X-F4-X-men. This is AU This purely to satisfy my imagination and English is not my main langauge. this is the first time I write so I beg your forgiveness

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When I got home I directly entered the Mansion heading to the living room. When I arrived I was shocked because Michelle Jones was accompanied by Grandma Kate and Grandpa Alfred. They were talking with my parents and Grandma Kate noticed me and gestured to take a seat opposite her and Mom's side that was like it was left especially for me. I took a seat and gesturing for them to explain what's going on.

"Theo, I assumed you already met Michelle, my granddaughter" Grandma Kate said, "Theo, Michelle's direct relative is your Grandpa Alfred and Michelle's father is the son of my husband's brother."

"Yes I already met her and she was one of the four new student's in our class" I replied, "I assumed that you put her directly in my class grandma."

Theo I heard you got asked by a girl in your school and so what happened to your date? Mom suddenly asked.

"Mom it's not a date, she just wants to have a talk" I replied, "I just waited for her and told her I need to go home and gave her one of my phones so that we can communicate easily." I then stared for a while at Michelle.

"Sweetie you waited for the girl then left her while giving her a phone because she just wanted to talk to you" Mom said, while giving me a suspicious look.

"Mom, it's really nothing." I said. Raising my hand in denial," Mom, if there is really a girl I like, I will bring the girl home to meet you ASAP."

Mom stared at me for a while and then we continued talking about Michelle and getting her to feel comfortable and not out of place.

Next Day

Me and Michelle are sitting in the car heading to school. It was already discussed that the two of us will go to school together and head home together, except if one of us has any plans on not going home immediately he/she can just have to find a way home. When we arrived at school and both of us got out of the car we received stares from everyone outside. We ignored them and walked inside the school and headed to our classroom. I sat down in a chair and chillin and moments later Gwen, Betty, Peter and Ned the four of them got inside and Peter and Ned were sitting but fidgeting like they were debating whether to ask me or not. While Both Betty and Gwen put their things down and talked to Michelle.

Lunch Break

Same group as yesterday except for Felicia and MJ. While having lunch Michelle shared about our situation to others and chip in from time to time. But Gwen has been giving some stares for a while ever since she arrived at school. I just ignored her stares like I didn't notice.

When we were in our Physics class our teacher announced that we will have a group project and he will choose one of the groups in the class to participate in a science fair. There are a total of 5 groups while the 6 of us were in the same group for having 26 students in this class.

Gwen took the lead in the discussion and Michelle suggested that on Friday after class, that they would spend the whole weekend in our house. and I agreed because I got my own workshop in the basement so we could make our science project there.

Friday, after class

Me, Michelle, Peter and Ned are currently inside the Car the four us will head home first, While Gwen and Betty they would follow us later Mr. Stacy will send them personally. After we arrived Michelle headed directly to her room while I led Peter and Ned to my room because I already Both Mom and Dad and Grandpa Alfred suggested that we could add 2 more additional beds in my room and they would add 2 more in Michelle's room. The Three of us just put our things down and we head together to my personal workshop. Both of them were amazed at my workshop. In my workshop I got my own gaming rig and we played there until the girls arrived to start doing our project.

Gwen wanted to create a program for a health assistant and Peter and Ned wanted to do robotics while the rest of us just listened to the three of them convincing and arguing with each other. Betty noticed that we could not move on from this; she then told them to stop.

"Guys, Stop arguing" Betty said, "Theo, what do you think we should do?"

"Both Gwen and Peter and Ned have good ideas" I said, "Why don't we just combine them in such a way that we could then create a unique project."

"Do you have any ideas in mind?" Michelle asked.

"Red Queen could show Project Baymax " I said. While it was shown immediately on the screen in front of us. "I planned to build this in next the 2 years but since both of you are here it is possible to make this. This is a personal health assistant, I already have the general program but both the health related program and its body are still not made." I explained.

All of us agreed and I sent both of them the general idea about Baymax and they could modify it as they saw fit. Pete and Ned started working on the body with the assistance of the Red queen. While Gwen, Betty and Michelle joined together for the health procedure , the interaction of Baymax for patients and red queen help them about the program and sometimes give suggestions to optimize it. While I personally modify Baymax and while optimizing them throughout the weekend.

We are still far away from completing this project. Some think that I could complete this project on my own and yes you all right about it but I choose to do this to everybody. I let them make progress on their own in such a way that they could have a sense of being part of this project and if we complete this they could all feel accomplishment. This could help them build confidence for themselves.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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