
Traveler final destination: Marvel multiverse

Theodore Mondelli, reincarnate in one piece world, transmigrate in Naruto, Resident evil, Boku no hero Academia, Harry Potter, Mahouka kouko no rettousei and finaly arrive in MCU-X-F4-X-men. This is AU This purely to satisfy my imagination and English is not my main langauge. this is the first time I write so I beg your forgiveness

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It's been 3 weeks and I am currently hovering at a high altitude in the place where Iron man and Iron Monger will fight. When I was in my parents' private plane that is currently heading to Los Angeles. I receive a call from J.A.R.V.I.S that uncle Tony cannot pick me up at the Airport. I already planned to spend my weekend here in Los Angeles. Anyway, Stane is already inside the Stark Industries and a moment later, Pepper arrived with Phil Coulson with a bunch of Agents from Shield.

I view the situation inside my visor. They were already late and Iron Monger is already killing some agents to delay time while Agent Coulson is evacuating Pepper outside the building. I got inside and get near some Agents who are barely alive I used Regrowth Magic which is one of the Innate abilities of Shiba Tatsuya. I was able to learn this and improve it thanks to the Reparo spell in Harry Potter and Akashic records. I exposed myself to Shield because I mostly appear in major events. This is all to earn their goodwill because I saved and healed their agents. They will not view it as hostile. Iron Man and Iron Monger are fighting at the Top of the building.

"Tony needs any assistance?" I asked. While pointing to Iron Monger my personalized CAD was made with the help of Tatsuya.

"Yes, I could use some help," Tony responded.

"You have two choices, first I could destroy his armor but he will die, and second I could destroy his armor but he will live with an injury," I said. I would cast a curse that he could no longer feel his body and make him mute so it will be hard to extract information from him.

Tony wants him to live but when he remembered that Stane wants to kill Pepper He wanted him dead. After all the inner debate to himself. "I choose the second option."

I cast decomposition magic and cast a curse after his armor is decomposed. Stane is lying there and Tony carried Stane with him where Pepper and Coulson are together with shield agents. I just followed down but I was a few steps away from them, and Tony put down stane and headed to Pepper talking and comforting her.

Agent Coulson led his agent to arrest and took away Stane. After he gave a few agents to surround the perimeter he headed towards me.

"Hello, I am Agent Phil Coulson from Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement and Logistics Division." Coulson introduces himself. "I would to say thank you for saving my comrade and also my superior would like to thank you personally if possible."

I did not reply immediately because Tony and Pepper is already a few steps before arriving at my position.

"Hey, man nice seeing you again, and thanks again for your help," Tony said. Tony stretched his hand for a handshake he is sincere enough I know his attitude toward outsiders he will never take the initiative for a handshake.

I responded with a handshake and nodded to him. And "thank you very much for your help" Pepper thanked me. I still nodded in response.

"I will help you, one last time tonight." I pointed to my CAD and cast Regrowth and the structure returned from its appearance 24 hours ago. All the Damage things inside are repaired. and "Agent Coulson I would like to apologize because this is not the time yet to talk with your Director." I said and fly directly up high and when I am inside the cloud I teleported to my room in the plane.

The Next Day, Together with Uncle Tony and Sister Pepper. We are currently waiting in one of the rooms for the press conference and Uncle Tony is going to explain what happened in Star Industries last night. What I came here for is to witness live one of the most epic scenes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Agent Coulson arrives and gave Uncle Tony a ready-made script and informed him about his alibies. He also explained what will happen in Obadiah Stane and that he will be charged with a bunch of cases that he will be spending the rest of his life in Jail. Agent Coulson started walking out but Sister Pepper thank him first and then headed on his way.

Sister Pepper is helping uncle Tony putting his coat and uncle Tony is talking about that night they were having their moment until Sister Pepper told him that he made her wait out there. Uncle Tony could save the situation if he could confess but he didn't and he just said nothing. He head out and I followed him and sister Pepper remained in the room. And both of us headed where Uncle James Rhodes is already finished telling a bunch of things to reporters and gave way for Uncle Tony for giving a statement. I am on the side of the stage and Agent Coulson joined me to watch Uncle Tony give a statement. He joke in his opening statement and continued giving his statement until that blond reporter interrupted him.

He started getting nervous telling some random things and Uncle James whispered to him and calmed him down.

"Truth is.., I am Iron Man," Tony said in a normal voice and straight face. He walked out of the Podium. and Agent Coulson disappeared by my side probably contacting Nick Fury. I followed uncle Tony heading to his car and Sister Pepper is already for us out there. We got in and I still took the front seat and I let the two of them have a moment. Happy is driving us to the Mandelli Company branch in LA.

We arrived at the company and Mom welcomed us. She took us to one of the vacant conference rooms. There are already dishes there prepared for us to have lunch, We took our seats and have lunch.

While we were having lunch, "Tony did you want to have a collaboration in our company?" Martha asked(MC's Mom)

He took a sip of Cola, "what kind of collaboration?" Tony asked

"Our Company is planning to have a big investment in Energy resources, specifically renewable energy," Martha replied, "Theo provided help in our Energy Department to develop much advance Solar panels compared to the current Solar panels in the Market. Our newly develop Solar panels are much more durable and flexible and their energy storage and efficiency are 45% more than the current technology."

"I think you already know that I already made a miniaturized nuclear reactor," Tony said.

"At first, we are planning to collaborate with a new emerging company Tesla, but Theo convinced us that is better to collaborate with your company." Martha said, "Our first collaboration is to make an electronic car. While you make a suitable engine, we provide our solar panels in the car. Tony while your miniaturized nuclear reactor is impressive is still too expensive and you don't want to sell it."

"Okay I agree, but I want to know how are we going to divide the profits," Tony asked, "Pepper you can talk the details with Martha."

"We create another company and We each hold 50%," Martha replied. "Theo, could you show your uncle there your proud work, While I and your soon-to-be Aunt will talk about the future." Martha teased Both Tony and Pepper.

Pepper bows her head and hides the blush on her face. Tony stared at Pepper and then at Martha.

Martha just smiled at Tony and Tony shrugged it off and got out of the Door to avoid any embarrassment.

He stood up and tried to fix his suit "Theo show me your proud works." Tony said.

I stood up and follow uncle Tony out of the Door, when we were inside the Elevator I asked. "Uncle Tony is Sister or should I call Aunt Pepper are the two of you a thing?"

"No, not yet" Tony replied not showing any emotion on his face.

I want to tease Tony and show an ignorant face "Uncle then will I be able to see my cousin soon?" ignoring uncle Tony I continued "Uncle I will ask Alfred to send you some medicine that can help you to let me see my cousin sooner." I said proudly while tapping my chest.

We arrived at my personal lab in LA. I showed him a lot of things I invented. Like the Lightsaber and I purchased the Kyber crystal in System Shop. I also showed the fireflies from G.I.Joe. The original Dominator, some other things inside my lab. I then showed him the solar panel and graphene batteries my biggest killer.

We stayed in the lab for 2 hours. Tony and Pepper then leave and I made my way to the studio to talk with the producers and director about my new movie. Since Lord of the Rings did not exist in this world. I brought it into this world and I want to make into a movie.

The meeting with them went smoothly, I already gave them the scripts and I will just accompany them in some movie shootings.

Tony POV

I went to my company to discuss with Pepper the company direction and took her out for dinner. I returned home and saw a stranger inside my house and called "Jarvis!" Jarvis responded "Welcome home, Sir"

The stranger started talking "I am Iron Man. You think you're the only superhero in the world? the man then started turning his body to face me "Mr. Stark, you've become part of a bigger universe." The man started walking to while saying "You just don't know it yet."

"Who the hell are you" I asked.

The man walked out of the darkness and I saw his appearance and introduced himself. "Nick Fury, Director of S.H.I.E.L.D"

"Huh" I responded.

"I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative" Nick Fury said.

Nick started talking about the Avenger Initiative and I just listened to what his saying. After finishing talking, "Mr Stark, I would like you to join the Avengers" Nick said.

"Sorry, I declined" I responded

Nick Fury looked me for a while and stood up and leave my house.

"Mr Stark thank you for your time" Nick said while leaving.