
chapter 2

Third pv pov

Waking up and all white again asuramaru thought went wrong untill memories of how to use the skills and stuff

Pov asuramaru

"Well that hurt not gonna lie head is buzzing abit still aleast i know it worked now and this is my mental space where im practically a god and i can shape it however i want. nice lets shape it into a field of grass for now and check outside."

I can see saeko swinging her bokken and someone came to her said

???: "busujima its time for class see you there bye now"

Saeko:"okay thank you akane see you there"

Asuramaru 'so its about to start huh nice to know. i should talk her now or she be in danger in class or something'

Asuramaru:" 'so this is my host nice to meet you miss busujima saeko we will together for a long time to come'"

Saeko: " whose there! Come out!"

Asuramaru:" 'no need to shout I'm in your body/soul so no need to shout just think of communicating with me just like that okay?'"

Saeko:" ' okay so who are you and why are you in my head tell me now or else!'"

Asuramaru:" ' I'm asuramaru demon turned sword spirit in the sword in your body/soul you can summon or desummon i can also do alot of things also im binded to your soul so unless you die I won't be disappearing anytime soon so yeah nice cooperation I guess'"

Saeko:" ' okay let's get this straight you're a demon turned sword spirit attached to my soul wtf and you can't unbind i don't believe you doesn't make sense there are souls and stuff'"

Asuramaru:" ' it does exist and im, you know what I'm gonna show you'"

Asuramaru pulled saeko into the mental space and approached her and said

Asuramaru:" welcome to my mental space nice huh i can change it if you want like a dojo and stuff like this" (changes to a church then to a volcano then a moon then back to a field of grass)

Saeko watchs in amazement as the environment changes eyes wide and says

Saeko:" okay I believe you but why are you binded to me of all people"

Asuramaru:" well many factors like skillset, mindset and last great luck halo and well a god I guess? "

Saeko: " did you just say a god! Gods really exist!? And what is a luck halo?"

Asuramaru: " well yeah gods exist they made me so that kind of like obvious and well a luck halo makes you lucky very"

Saeko:" well i didn't know that and why didn't gods send didn't oracles or something why?"

Asuramaru: " i don't know really and it might be because this world theme is apocalyptic and it could be a magnitude of things really"

Saeko:" wait what do mean apocalyptic themed world!? Do mean this is entering the apocalypse or something but everything is fine outside i mean look!"

Asuramaru:" i am looking city is in chaos right now like 50 or 70% are zombies and its spreading to the school to. so oh yeah forgot its been 30 mins since that classmate of yours said its time for class sorry anyway you should going soon. one thing killing zombies and humans strengthen you and me you know what I'll show you I'll make a stat screen just for you to see just say status or think status outside and it will show up like this okay"

[name: saeko busujima]

[titles: holder of the demon sword]

[mp:100] ( by the way max normal human can reach is 0 in this world)

[str:3] (by the way max normal human can reach is 5)

[mobilty: 3] (by the way max normal human can reach is 5)

[durability: 2] (by the way max normal human can reach is 3)

[int: 3] (by the way max normal human can reach is 5)

[luck:9] by the way max normal human reach is 3)

Saeko:" what do mean 50 or 70 % are zombies! Also why is 5 the max what kg is it?"

Asuramaru: " its 635 kg it will update everytime you open it kill one zombie or human and it will strengthen every direction of your body surpassing 5 will be a breeze trust me oh and i will send out now watch out for zombies"

Saeko:" ok thanks I guess? Btw is there a limit to with how much i upgrade or what?"

Asuramaru: " no no limit also any skill i gain you can use except few which are dangerous so go mad I guess"

Saeko: " thanks bye now"

Asuramaru: " bye" ( saeko leaves mental space)

Asuramaru: 'now that thats done let's check the system'

[ shop ]

[ gacha ]

[ world travel ]

Asuramaru 'hmm let's see let's check the shop'


[training methods]


Asuramaru: 'let's check skills'

[ domain expansion: rank unique: points needed: 50,000]

[ poisen/curse/virus immunity: rank rare: points needed 5,000]

[ sds bans immortality: rank legendary: points needed 30,000]

( btw for readers killing one human or zombie gives one point for shop)

Asuramaru: 'okay let's check world travel'






Asuramaru: 'okay then thats alot and very dangerous worlds leave that for now'

Asuramaru looks outside to see Saeko finish getting into school uniform

Asuramaru:" 'hey finished getting dressed i see. looked out the window yet? '"

Saeko: " ' no I haven't looked out the window yet and just making sure you are a female yes? Or we're going gonna have to sort something out'"

Asuramaru: " ' yes i am a girl and look out the window its chaos'"

Saeko: " ' okay that's good. let's look outside and see'"

Saeko walks out the changing room and walks to the blinds and only to see buildings on fire. dead body's on the street and zombies walking around and eating people and them screaming for someone to save them. Saeko gasps covering her mouth looking at the sight before her in disbelief.

Saeko:" oh my god what happened! It was all fine a 40 mins ago!?"

Said saeko before she hears someone running and someone opened the door saeko gets in fighting posture before she saw who it was. It was akane with blood on her shoulder panting. Saeko relaxed knowing it was akane. came to her and asked.

Saeko:" are you okay akane there's blood on your shoulder is it yours or someone else's? "

Akane:" its mine some student bit me. Are you okay? Its chaos in the school students and teachers killing each other i don't know what to do ( sob sob crying noises) can you help sob bandage my wound please?"

Saeko:"okay sit down I'll go get the first aid kit"

Asuramaru: " ' I wouldn't do that zombie bites are infectious just kill her and put her out of her misery i say before she becomes a zombie '"

Saeko:" ' what do you mean zombie bites are infectious she's perfectly fine look!'"

Asuramaru:" ' fine once she starts throwing up blood. summon me ( asuramaru is a blade in case some readers forgot) and chop her head off its the only way just so you know'"

Saeko: " ' fine but how to summon you'"

Asuramaru: " ' just think about summoning me and i will appear '"

Saeko: " ' okay first let's go get the medkit'"

Saeko walks to the changing room where the medkit is picks it up walks over to akane kneels down behind her and starts bandaging her

Akane: " ow that hurt thanks by the way for helping with the wound"

Saeko: " no problem by the way how is inside the school ( start hearing screams) never mind! Chaos as well i can see"

Akane: " yeah hell broke loose 5 mins ago or so. really bad and what mean inside school. do mean outside school as well !?"

Akane gets up looks outside to see absolute chaos falls on her back on her butt and coughs up blood turns pale her eyes are rolling around limbs are twisting and twitching saeko jumps back and summoning asuramaru

Saeko " what! "

Asuramaru:" ' told you bites are infectious and you're not immune yet so be carefull anyway kill her now'"

Saeko:" ' fine I'll kill her once she fully turns okay and what do you mean not immune yet'"

Asuramaru:" ' well the god who made me also gave well ill tell you since you my host just don't tell anyone i mean anyone family, friends, anyone! Anyway he/she gave me a system where i can buy anything or travel any universe or gacha yeah gacha i know so i get points with how many zombies or humans we kill cool right?'"

Saeko opened her mouth wide knowing just what magnitude asuramaru just said and extremely surprised

Saeko: " ' what?! So can we can buy anything including like magic or something!?'"

Asuramaru: " ' yeah anything except the three omnis really. Oh and you're friend is about to turn zombie by the way I'd kill her now'"

Saeko came back out of her thoughts and looked at her friend.

Akane: " kill me please i want to die human saeko"

Saeko:" okay rest in peece"

Saeko swung the sword chopping her head off splattering blood on the floor. saeko shed a tear because she killed her only friend

Asuramaru: " ' just so you know you have me ill be your friend if you want'"

Saeko: " ' thanks asuramaru lets be friends then'"

Asuramaru: " ' then lets be friend from now on'"

Saeko then went towards the door leaving the dojo. opening the door only to see zombies everywhere but they turn towards her rushing forward ( there are only 10 to 15) saeko walking forward decapitated them one by one getting blood on her clothes.

Saeko: " i feel much stronger like i can punch though steel or something this feels amazing!! asuramaru how strong am i now?"

Asuramaru:" ' 5 in every stat so you can punch through a wall. another 5 in durability and you'll be immune to lowest caliber bullets but now you're going to need to kill more because you are at the limit of humans without breathing methods or training methods just so you know'"

Saeko: " ' that's amazing already just so you know! And whats a breathing method you are talking about?'"

Asuramaru:" ' breathing method from a certain world can strengthen you when using it alot depending which breathing method you use. Can strengthen normal person with 80 kg force up to 2 to 3 tons and subsonic speed if mastered i can buy the best one once you kill 1,000 zombies'"

Saeko: " ' thats alot! Only 1,000 I thought it was 5,000 or something! Anyway let's see if anyone is alive'" walking down the hall only to hear a scream of pain hearing the scream she start walking in that direction. Only to see a male student being bitten by three zombies and school nurse shizuka surrounded by zombies rushing forward with asuramaru in hand started killing the zombies by cutting off the heads the ones too close were cut in half or the arms then the head.

???: "please kill me i don't want become one of them!"

Shizuka:" what are you saying you can't kill him he is a human!"

Asuramaru:" ' stupid. he is infected kill him saeko its his wish after all'"

Saeko: "okay i will kill you anylast words?"

???: " no. thank you though. nice of you"( swish and the head was cut off)

Shizuka shocked and standing still after she awoke from the shock she asked.

Shizuka:" how did you get a sword at school did you sneak it in?"

Saeko: " no i didn't sneak it in and shouldn't you say thank you i did save you. You know"

Asuramaru: " ' why did we save her again saeko? No gratitude at all. Shall we leave her? She is only a burden after all ?'"

Saeko: " ' no we will take her along and find other survivors as well '"

Asuramaru: " ' what why? Hah whatever you're choice I guess'"

Shizuka:" you okay? You're spacing out there? Oh and thank you for saving me! "

After they finished talking they hear a loud scream they turn in that direction and start talking

Saeko: " let's head in that way and see if we can save anyone okay?"

Shizuka: " okay let's go!"

Asuramaru: " ' hah yay another burden let's go sigh'"

Saeko: " ' no complaints'"