
chapter 3

Third pv pov:

Here we can see a fat student with a nail gun modified too resemble a rifle running to help a pink haired girl with hand drill killing a zombie screaming "i can't take it anymore! Someone please!" Then here our protagonists saeko and asuramaru arrive along with takashi komuro, rei miyamoto and shizuka

Saeko:" I'll take the right side!"


Rei:"I'll hold the left "

Rei taking the left stabs the zombie in the head from below and

Takashi takes the middle with a overhead swing hitting the zombie in the head throwing the zombie against the wall banging his head on the wall and dies

Saeko holds asuramaru overhead and swings two consecutive times splitting the head in half killing the two zombies now that the zombies taken care of. saya is having a mental break down and rei and shizuka asks if she is okay

Asuramaru pov:

Here saeko says to takashi

Saeko:" you already know the school doctor shizuka right? And I'm saeko busujima from class 3A"

Takashi: I'm takashi komuro from class 2B"

Rei: "miss busujima I remember you won the national championship last year. I'm rei miyamoto I'm in the spear martial arts club"

Kohta:" I'm kohta kirano from class B just letting you know"

Saeko:" nice to meet you!"(smiling)


Asuramaru:" ' weirdo'"

Saya:sniffle exhale:" why are you guy being all warm and fuzzy! Why are you being polite to miyamoto you flunked last year! Your the same age shes not your elder!"

Takashi:" what are you talking about takagi?"

Saya screams:" don't talk to me like i'm stupid!! I'm smarter than all of you combined!! You should be lucky I'm in the same school as you! Imma imma"(mental break down)

Asuramaru:" ' wow thats pretty mean'"

Saeko:" 'not now asuramaru'"

Saeko walks up to her puts her hand on her shoulder and says

Saeko:" it's okay that's enough " (in a gentle voice)

Saya turns to look in the mirror only herself in blood stains shaking.

Saya:" look at me all these blood stains now mom will have to take it to the cleaners( says in a shaking voice)" saya starts crying into saekos chest while saeko hugs her to calm her down. And everyone watchs with sad faces

Timeskip 5 to 10 mins everyone is in the teachers lounge

Takashi says to kohta

Takashi:" what do you think?"


Talking about the barricade infront of the doors

Saeko:" i think that's enough right now"

Said saeko while shizuka rests with the head on the desk and kohta walking up to saya who's washing her face and asking

Kohta:" hey just wondering are you okay?"

Third pv pov

Saya who just finished drying her face and putting on her glasses asked

Saya: " huh?"

Kohta:" you wear glasses?"

Saya:" shut up my contact lenses keep on moving around! Argh"

Kohta:" she wears glasses (he says in a dreamy voice)"

Switching to rei and takashi

We can see rei walking up to takashi hand him a water bottle and says

Rei:" here you go( rei says in a gentle voice)

Takashi:" thanks. Doctor shizuka? Where's the car key?"

Shizuka:" oh! Its in my purse somewhere?"

Saeko:" are you sure you're car is big enough too fit all of us?"

Shizuka:" well now that i think about it!"

Saeko:" what about the school bus we use for the clubs away games? Looks like the keys are on the wall hook?"

Kohta:" hey guys i see the buss!"

Shizuka:" thats fine but where are we going?"

Takashi:" We're going to check if our families are okay we'll start with the family who lives closest to here if you are worried about your family we will bring them with us after that we will look for a safe place and.."

Saya:" whats wrong?"

Rei is looking the tv freaking out saying

Rei:" what is this?"( says in soft voice)

Tv:" government has begun to consider emergency measures against the outbreaks that has been occurring around the city! However the all the political people are express their" switch channels

Takashi:" outbreaks! what do they mean outbreaks!!"

Tv:" its been feared that 10,000 has been victimised in saytama area! So far the government has already called for (gunshots in the background)estate of emergency and requested the emergency disaster relief. its a gunshot! They are finally using firearms! From what i can see. No no!(screams)tv goes static.

Everyone can't believe what they heard and saw and stand still.

Tv turns back on to the newsroom and they say.

Tv:" there appears to be a problem with the remote from on we will bring you the story from within the studio the conditions outside seem extremely chaotic so stay home unless absolutely necessary to go outside we will bring you more stories as soon as its safe to cover current situation from the site!"

Takashi hits the table and shouts

Takashi:" is that all!! Why didn't it tell us anything else!"

Saya:" they are afraid of causing a panic"

Rei:" a panic?"

Saya:" yeah you idiot! First panic then chaos and chaos will cause a disruption of order then when order is disrupted well you should just hand it all over to the walking corpses!"

Tv:" this unusual and unprecedented biological phenomenon spread though out North America has yet to be put under control government authorities has evacuated the white house and will relocate to a command center on board the aircraft carrier george washingten there are reports of transfer of power is in preparation for the use of tactical warheads to combat the infestation currently we have lost contact with moscow beijing has been set a blaze london has maintained while Paris there shows of looting government officials has declared martial law"( static)

Takashi:" so they are everywhere!?"

Kohta:" thats crazy! everything was normal when i checked the internet this morning!?"

Rei:" i can't believe this. This happened all over the world in a matter of a few hours? But they will stop it right? I mean they have to stop it. From spreading i mean everything is going back to normal soon"

Saya:" thats not gonna happen!"

Takashi: why do you have to be so blunt about it"

Saya:"this is a pandemic! There's nothing we can do!"

Shizuka:" a pandemic?"( soft voice)

Saya:"its a outbreak of infectious disease the entire is experiencing the same outbreak"

Takashi:" so what its some king of epidemic?"

Saya:" this is exactly like the Spanish floo in 1918 more than 600,000,000 people got infected and 50,000,000 people died from it remember how much a panic swine floo caused well square that!"

Shizuka:" not to be disagreeable but i think this more like the black death from 14th century

Saya:" 1 third of the Europes population died your smarter than you look!"

Takashi:" so how did the outbreak finally end?"

Shizuka:" well there are many theories it normally stops when too many humans die! There wouldn't be enough people to spread the disease "

Kohta:" but now all the dead people start moving and attacking people"

Rei:" are you saying there is no reason for this outbreak to stop?"

Shizuka:" oh the weather is going to be hot they might not be able to move if there flesh decomposes and become skeletons"

Rei:" how long does it take for that to happen?

Shizuka:" in summer it take about 20 days but considerably longer during winter acouple months not to terribly long"

Saya:" your kidding she's not smarter than she looks!"

Takashi:" so what are you saying?"

Saya:" im saying medical knowledge doesn't apply to walking corpses worse case scenario they might never decompose"

Saeko:" the first thing we find out is if our families are okay then we need to find somewhere safe to hold up for a while but no matter where we go we're going to need a plan"

Saya:" teams we need to team up"

Saeko:" lets try to pick up survivors whenever we can"

Takash:" let's do it"

Rei:" what's the best way out of here"

Saya:" sorry to break it to you stupid but we're gonna have to go out the front "

Takashi:" lets go"

Asuramaru: " ' hey saeko im gonna show myself okay?'"

Saeko:" ' what why!?'"

Asuramaru:" 'just feel like it. Anyway get them to stop I'll introduce myself okay?'"

Saeko" ' sigh fine I'll tell them to wait'"

Saeko" team wait a minute"

Takashi" what is it? We're about to go out?"

Saya:" yeah what is it? Are you okay? Is something wrong?"

Everyone looks at saeko with puzzled eyes

Saeko:" im fine i just want to introduce someone to you thats all"

Takashi:" introduce who we're the only ones here?"

Saya:"what takashi said?"

Kohta:" same?"

Rei:" same as takashi?"


Saeko points to the sword and said


Just as everyone was about to say something black mist seeping out of the sword and everyone backs off in a panic except saeko then everyone gets ready for a fight getting their weapons ready! And saya says what everyone is thinking

Saya:" what the hell saeko what is that!?"

Then the black mist takes shape to form asuramaru and everyone's mouth and eyes is wide open except saeko

Then asuramaru says

Asuramaru: " hello im asuramaru the sword spirit/demon nice to meet you?"

Everyone stood in absolute shock untill shizuka says

Shizuka:" hi nice to meet you miss sword spirit/demon"

Saya:" what the hell! that doesn't make any sense there no such thing as a demon or spirit!"

Asuramaru:" well there is now isn't there look at me hmm?"

Saeko:" well asuramaru you can't blame them i was the same. you know"


Says as the sword disappears into saeko's body and everyone watching shock untill shizuka says

Shizuka: " so thats how you got the sword into school!"

Kohta:" now that you mention it she was using a sword! Oh and my name is kohta. asuramaru nice to meet you!"

Asuramaru:" nice to meet you kohta nice modifications on the nail gun by the way and the rest of you too. I have too go back into the sword now can't waste my limited time outside the sword so bye!" Turns into black mist and disappears

Saeko:" and that's who i wanted to introduce. So how was first impressions?"

Shizuka:" pretty good! Seems nice!"

Saya:"even tho she is a demon/spirit if thats true."

Everyone nods

Saeko:" anyway we should get going to the bus now?"

Says saeko as zombie bang on the door about to break in!

Takashi:"yeah we should go fast! Before more zombies come saeko and me at the front rei at the back to protect everyones back! And we'll talk about asuramaru later when we safe!"

After that Takashi opened the door then kohta shoots the two zombie banging on the door then everyone runs out of the room killing the zombies

Time skip 5 mins

Everyone is outside the build looking over the rail at all the zombies as saeko says

Saeko:" let me make something clear there no need to engage in a fight unless necessary! Do whatever you can to avoid a fight got it?"

Asuramaru:" ' what about us saeko we need to kill to get stronger and get points plus it would be boring doing absolutely nothing!'"

Saeko:" ' fine I'll kill as many as i can without wasting to much time so as to get the orthers hurt okay?'"

Asuramaru:" ' okay just saying I'm saving for poisen/curse/virus immunity so work hard!'"

Saeko sighed

Saya:" why did you sigh saeko?"

Saeko:"nothing its just asuramaru telling me something"

Saya:" oh? Anyway! Everyone Remember their sensitive to sound so keep it quiet and their strong enough to rip though regular doors! and once they got a hold on you they are gonna tear you to shreds! So be careful!

Just then someone in the distance scream its a group 5 of students 3 male 2 female

Just as the one name tokaso was about to get eaten kohta shot the zombie in the head! then Saeko jumped off the rail to the orthor side to land into a head over swing choping the head off! And Takashi jumped down the stairs landing a hit on a zombies head knocking him down the stairs! Killing the zombie! And rei stabs a zombie in the knee throwing it off balance and jumping around it then kicking it in the face killing it!

Saeko chopping off the head of the last two zombies making it zombie free staircase

???:" uh thank you"

Saeko:" keep it down! Has anyone bitten yet?"

???:" what? No no one"

Rei:" it looks okay we'll be alright "

Takashi:" we're getting out of here do any of you want to come with us?"


Time skip 2 to 3 mins

Takashi:" man there's a bunch of them"

Saya :" from what i can tell the only they react too are sounds they can't see us so it's pointless to hide from them"

Takashi:" why don't you go down and prove that theory "


Next chapter

Sorry not much about asuramaru i know I'll try to change that