
new life

Floating in a void was a white blob thing with a holographic blue screen saying

[congratulations you're dead] "what i was just in my room reading novels what the fuck how did i die" [you died from a heart attack] "oh fuck knew I should've worked out oh well" [well that's just life. anyway wanna start a new life?] "sure why not. how this gonna work options or surveys or wishes?"[just fill out a blank sheet on how you want to live a new life] "cool i wanna be asuramaru female and

A sword spirit like seraph of the end but more upgraded with the abilities of stopping enemies self healing with bleed effect and temporarily turning host into a demon and cutting enemies curses and poisens them blade is indestructible

And killing strengthens the sword in all directions and the sword holder in all directions! can temporarily make physical body skill for 1 hour with a 24 cooldown at lvl 1 and the ability to give the sword holder the strength and skills of the king of salt temporarily for 30 mins once a week at skill lvl 1

And a system with skills from the whole omniverse shop, gacha, time travel and stat screen and i can enter the sword holders body/soul sword holder summon and desummon also they communicate without words just thoughts.

I want my sword holder to be saeko busujima in highschool of the dead just before the outbreak in the school.

[you sure are asking alot huh but sure have a fun new life I guess]

"Thank you but who are you anyway are you god or rob or satan or something"

[im a rob and you're welcome have a nice life bye now]

And a worm hole appeared swallowed up now named asuramaru and disappeared.