
Tower of Fantasy : Rising to the Top

Alex from earth suddenly woke in a body of a teenager in a parallel world and found that everyone in that world can enter in dungeon which are mostly movies , anime and novels in his previous world and Only he knows the plots. Will he be able to use his knowledge to his advantage to reach the top or will he fail . -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------P.S cover photo was made using photoleap P.P.S Its my first novel .I welcome advice to make my writing better P. P. P. S I own only the OCs. Other characters from movies,anime or novel belong to their respective owners

Daemon009 · Phim ảnh
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

Alex opened his eyes to see himself back in the same room of the Tower. He looked at the time to see that only 6 hours have passed since he entered the dungeon even though he was in the dungeon for more than 2 days. This confirms that time in the dungeon and the real world passes differently.

[Congratulations to Adventurer No:707897 for clearing his first dungeon. Floors 2 and 3 are now accessible to the adventurer] Alex heard the familiar sound of A.I. Alex looked towards the screen.

[Missions completed]

[Mission A: Kill 20 Zombies

Status: Complete

Reward: 2000 sp]

[Mission A2: Kill 50 Zombies

Status: Complete

Reward: 5000 sp and Title ' zombie slayer']

[Mission A3: Kill 100 Zombies

Status: Complete

Reward: Gold class weapon lottery ]

[Mission B: Help Wichita and Little rock reach Pacific Playland safely and make sure they survive their visit to Pacific Playland

Status: Complete

Reward: 10000 sp ]

[Hidden mission: Kill a T800 zombie.

Status: Complete

Reward: 20% discount coupon ]

[Hidden Mission: Save a legend

Status: Complete

Reward: 2000 sp]

[Total number of missions completed:6

Overall assessment: S]

[ Congratulations to Adventurer No:707897 for being the first person to achieve an 'S' rank assessment in the dungeon

Reward: Diamond class ability Lottery]

Alex was dumbfounded looking at the rewards. Even though he knew he had earned many sp but he was still surprised to see them. Only one thing confused him.

"What are these lottery classes ?" Alex asked.

[ Abilities, weapons, and items, etc are divided into ranks from rank F, E, d, C, B, A, S, and Ex with Ex being the highest and F being the lowest similarly lottery is also divided into class Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold and finally Diamond with the Iron class being the lowest and the Diamond class highest]

[Lottery class determines what rank of abilities or Items will be included in the draws.

Iron class including only E and F ranks

Bronze class including C, D, E, and F ranks

Silver class include A, B, C, D, E, and F ranks

Gold class includes S, A, B, C, D, E, and F ranks

Diamond Class includes all the ranks

Other than these lotteries also include some special abilities and items which cannot be bought from the store but can only be earned as rewards or won in the lottery]

Alex was quite surprised to learn all this as this information was not public. Maybe others did not want to share this information or maybe nobody knew, after all, it was hard to earn sp, and using them for expensive lottery which might give them a skill that is of no use to them does not seem like a wise choice.

[Does adventurer No: 707897 want to use his lottery chances ] A.I asked snapping Alex away from his thoughts.

"Yes, use the diamond lottery first," Alex said.

The screen in front of him changed and a large crystal wheel appeared in front of Alex. The wheel was divided into a hundred portions and each portion had a different ability or skill written in it. There was a large Golden button in the center of the wheel with the word 'Spin' written on it and an arrow on the bottom of the button indicating the reward of the lottery. Alex pressed the button and the wheel started spinning at first it started slow but slowly it picked up speed. After spinning at high speed for a few seconds it started to slow down and after 20 sec it finally stopped.

[Congratulations to Adventurer for winning an S-level ability]

[Ability: Essence of the Merchant( Tower Version)

Rank: S

Descriptions: Allows the user to make any type of deal as long as parties involved in the deal agree. This ability prevents any party from breaking the deal or they will suffer the punishment which was specified in the contract. It is a restricted version of Ex rank ability of the same name. Two types of deals can be made using this ability.

Normal deal: In which both parties have the ability to complete their part of the deal without any assistance from the 'Essence' other than the enforcement of the terms of the deal such as selling property for a price and promising to work for someone for money etc.

Special deals: in which assistance of the 'Essence' itself is required to complete the deal such as Selling one's life span for something. In this case, if both parties do not have the means to transfer years of life span then 'Essence' will help complete the deal.

The restriction is on the number of special deals user can make in the dungeon or Adventurer's world.

In the case of Adventurer's world, special deals can only be made once a year and in dungeon worlds, the special deals can be from 1 to 3 decided by a dice roll before entering the dungeon.]

This was a surprise for Alex even though he wanted an Ex rank ability or skill but this skill was not bad either especially for someone like Alex who knew about the plot he could make the best out of it. This is an S-ranking ability but for Alex, its value is no less than an Ex ranking ability or skill.

[Does the host want to continue with the lotteries]

This snapped Alex out of his thought and made him remember that he also had a gold-class weapon lottery.

"Yes," said Alex.

Another wheel appeared in front of him but this time the wheel was golden in color with similar distribution to the previous one. Each portion of the wheel had a weapon drawn in it such as swords, spears, and even needles were there. Alex pressed the spin button in the center of the wheel and it started spinning at high speed. It spins for some time and finally stops at a beautiful silver sword. The blade of the sword had runes on one side of the blade and the base of the hilt had a crystal-like gem attached to it. Both the gem and the runes were shining with bluish-white color. The hilt was black.

[Congratulations to Adventurer for winning an A rank weapon]

[Weapon: Excalibur (King Arthur and the legend of the sword)

Rank: A

Description: A holy sword made by mage Merlin and given to Uther Pendragon who used it to kill wizard Mordred. It was later passed onto his son Arthur Pendragon who used it to kill his uncle Vortigern and become King of Britain. It grants its wielder many abilities.

Passive abilities:

Holy sword: Being a holy sword it is like poison to the dark creature and also affects beings like ghosts and ghouls.

Mage's bane: Excalibur was created by Mage Merlin to defeat Mage Mordred. The wounds caused by it cannot be healed by magic and can only heal naturally unless its wielder allows it.

Indestructible: Excalibur can not be destroyed and does not rust.

King's Aura: Excalibur grants its wielder the Aura of a King which increases the wielder's charisma and causes people to trust him easily.

Wielder's authority: It can only be used by its wielder and the person the wielder grants permission. If people other than them try to use it it will give them a shock and paralyze the limb used to lift it temporarily.

Cannot be lost: if lost the wielder can call it in front of a lake or any water body it will emerge from the water and return to the wielder.

Active abilities:

Battle mode: Wielder can activate battle mode which will grant +40 stat points in both [strength] and [agility] and +20 in both [vitality] and [mental strength]. Activation consumes Mana or any other type of [energy] (available only after the adventurer activates Mana or other [energy] stat).

Telekinetic blast: When in battle mode wielder can create telekinetic blasts. The wielder can also determine the direction of the blast. The strength is determined by the amount of Mana or energy used (available only after the adventurer activates Mana or other [energy] stat).]

[ Note: Excalibur has been transferred to your inventory]

Alex was dumbfounded looking at the screen. He won an A-ranking sword and not just any sword it was Excalibur, the sword of promised victory, even though it was not the most powerful version of it but still it was Excalibur.

Alex excitedly opened his inventory to check. He took out the sword from the inventory. It was a simple sword but majestic nonetheless and there were no ornaments attached to the hilt just a simple crystal at the base of the hilt. After swinging it for some time Alex found it was not soo heavy that he would get tired after a few swings but it was not too light either it weighed just right for him. He put it back into inventory after a few minutes. Alex then calmed himself and opened his status page.

Adventurer No: 707897

Name: Alex Stevens

Title: Zombie Slayer( +5 in both strength and agility and immunity to all zombie viruses)

Authority: None

Sex: Male

Strength: 07+05=12

Agility: 06+05=11

Stamina: 06

Vitality: 08

Mental strength: 13

Store points: 19000 sp

Abilities and skills: Essence of the Merchant

Inventory ( 1 m^3 ): Excalibur, 20% discount coupon, M9 gun, first aid kit, 1 liter of water, and 15 packs of compressed biscuits.

[ Note: An average person has 7 or 8 in each category and a peak human can have up to 15 in each category.]

[Note: Size of inventory can be increased by using sp]

[Note: only one Title can be equipped at a time]

Alex looked at his status page. He needed a boast in his basic stats. Alex opened the shop to look for a suitable way. First, he looked for a form of energy to buy but he found there was a problem no matter which type of energy form he chooses he would need to buy corresponding skills with it for example if he buys magic he would need to buy spells separately and looking at his sp it would not be possible to buy them right now. Alex decided to look for something to increase his current stats.

Alex closed his status page and opened the store and started looking for a way to increase his stats and after looking for some time he was able to find three ways.

First was [T-virus] which cost 10000 sp and caused a +15 increase in all stats and also gave a 30% chance of awakening a mental power but it also had its disadvantage which was there was a 30% chance a person might mutate physically and 10% a person might become a zombie.

The second was [Potion] for 7000 sp which cause an increase of +15 in a stat and [Potion] were also divided into classes basic, intermediate and advanced level each granted a different degree of increase in stats but it also had its disadvantage that there were many types of [Potions] and each [Potion] increase only one type of stat for example [Strength potion] only increases [Strength] stat only moreover after taking one potion a person cannot take another one of same type i.e you cannot take two basic levels of [strength potion] you have to take the next level potion the intermediate class.

Last was [Devil gene] from Tekken for 20000 sp but it was more of a Tower version. The Tekken version was connected to Azazel while the Tower version was not connected to any devil and the devil form was more of a transformation than becoming an actual devil so Holy magic and Exorcism were not effective against it. It had two stages

Normal stage(passive): +20 in all stat except [mental strength]

Devil form(active): 20% increase in [strength], [agility], and [vitality] stats. It also grants wings and a third eye that can shoot laser attacks. It consumes 10 points of [stamina] per min and when [stamina] falls below 5 this state cannot be maintained. [ Note: Laser consumes [energy] points]

It also has its disadvantage it affects the mind and enhances negative emotions, especially wrath, and makes its bearer more impulsive and in devil form if its bearer does not have strong willpower he or she might lose control and go on a rampage.

After thinking for some time Alex decided to go with the [devil gene] because it gave the most benefit and its disadvantage can be managed much more easily than the other two. He did not choose [T-virus] because firstly he did not want to risk mutation or becoming a zombie and secondly his 'title' contradicts it. If he chooses it then he would have to give up his 'title' which would be more counter-productive.

He did not choose [Potion] even though there were no side effects because they were much more expensive he would have to buy many [Potion] for each stat separately. He also could use them if he wanted to after getting [Devil gene].

Alex used his 20% discount coupon and bought [Devil gene] for 16000 and decided to keep 3000 sp for later if he needed them. Alex opened his status page again.

Adventurer No: 707897

Name: Alex Stevens

Title: Zombie Slayer( +5 in both strength and agility and immunity to all zombie viruses)

Authority: None

Sex: Male

Strength: 27+05=32

Agility: 26+05=31

Stamina: 26

Vitality: 28

Mental strength: 13

Store points: 3000 sp

Abilities and skills: Essence of the Merchant, [Devil gene]

Inventory ( 1 m^3 ): Excalibur, M9 gun, first aid kit, 1 liter of water, and 15 packs of compressed biscuits.

[ Note: An average person has 7 or 8 in each category and a peak human can have up to 15 in each category.]

[Note: Size of inventory can be increased by using sp]

[Note: only one Title can be equipped at a time]

Alex closed his status page after looking at it.

"How do I leave the Tower?" Alex asked looking at the screen.

[Adventurer will find a tattoo-like mark on his right wrist. This mark is given to every adventurer who has completed his first dungeon. To leave the Tower and return to his world the adventurer has to put his other hand over the mark and think or say ' return' and 'enter' to enter Tower again]

Alex looked at his right wrist to see a Tattoo of a tower. Alex put his left hand over his wrist and said 'return' in mind and a flash of light filled his vision.
