
Chapter 6

A boy and a girl could be seen lying on a bed in a messy room. There are clothes scattered on the floor of the room. Both of them are covered with a sheet and are looking toward the ceiling in silence.

"This was a mistake," said Wichita after some time.

"Do not make anything out of it, we were both drunk and this was just us blowing off some steam" Wichita added.

"These should be my lines," said Alex with a chuckle but agreed with her words. Both of them were drunk and all the zombie killing takes a toll on you. This was more like blowing off some steam than anything emotional.

"Look for me the most important thing is my sister so I am not looking for any relationship," Wichita said while getting up from the bed to wear her clothes.

"Don't worry I understand" said Alex.

"Glad we are on the same page," said Wichita while getting.

"I will go look for Little Rock," said Wichita before going out of the room.

Alex looked at the door for some time. He almost messed up by telling Wichita everything. It is an unwritten rule that you must not tell people in the dungeon about the existence of the Tower although it is not forbidden by the Tower but nobody knows what might happen so in school they are taught this. Alex almost told Wichita everything due to being drunk thankfully she did not ask more questions.

Alex started thinking about what happened between him and Wichita. It was as she said they were both drunk and blowing off some steam, after all, she had her responsibilities and he had to leave after two or three days so it is better this way.

Alex got off the bed and went out of the room after wearing his clothes. He found the sofa where Tallahassee was sleeping empty. Suddenly he heard the sound of gunfire Alex pulled out his gun and ran toward the sound but all he found was Tallahassee teaching Little Rock how to use a gun. It could be seen that he was happily teaching her things he wanted to teach his son.

Alex decided to eat something and get some sleep he knew that tonight Wichita and Little rock are going to steal Tallahassee's guns and Car and leave them here to go to Pacific Playland. The journey here has already told Alex that the plot cannot be trusted he wanted to be ready for it as much as possible. He went back to the room he was in before and pulled out a few biscuits and a soft drink from his inventory. Then he started checking his inventory for the things that might be useful. There were food items, guns, and a few hundred bullets which he thankfully found at the gang hideout. Suddenly he remembered something he checked the inventory and found a bag and inside the bag were remote controlled bombs. He found them at the gang hideout along with the guns and the ammo he had forgotten all about them and at the time he thought they would not be of any use at all but he took them anyway. These things would be of use if things went south. He pulled the bag and his gun out of inventory and put them on the table. He laid down on the bed and fell asleep while thinking of his plan and the plot of the movie.

Alex was woken up by a violent knocking on the door. he hurriedly up from the bed and open the door to see Tallahassee standing there and he looked angry.

"Wichita and Little Rock are gone. They took my car and gun and left us here" Tallahassee said angrily.

"When?" asked Alex pretending to be shocked.

"A few minutes ago and I just want to say I told you so. I told you not to give them a lift but you did not listen and now they have taken my Caddy and left us here" Tallahassee said. It was quite difficult to decide whether he was angry about his car and guns or that little rock, whom he had started to get attached to, left him here.

"And you are waking me up now," Alex said while walking out of the room.

Alex walked out of the room and found Bill Murray and Columbus standing in front of the door of the mansion.

"Do you have a car with enough fuel?" Alex asked Bill.

"Yes, it is outside. I did not drive them after this zombie manifestation started" Bill Murry answered Alex's question.

Alex walked out of the mansion and saw a car. He went to the car and started checking it to see if it can be driven.

"What are you doing?" said Tallahassee while approaching him.

"I am going after them," said Alex while putting the bag full of bombs and guns in the car.

"Are you insane why would you do that?" Said Tallahassee.

"Because they will not survive their visit to Pacific Playland," said Alex loudly while looking toward Tallahassee.

"Besides do not tell me you did not get attached to Little Rock. I am going if you wanna come along then just get in the car" Alex said while getting in the car and starting the engine.

Columbus came towards the car and opened the door to get in. Both Alex and Columbus looked toward Tallahassee who was just standing there it looked like he had no attention to move.

"Their picture was in someone's wallet too you know" suddenly Columbus said.

Tallahassee looked toward Columbus and just when Alex was about to drive away he got in the car.

"I am so killing them after this" Tallahassee said after getting in the car.

Alex started driving the car at fast as he could running over zombies on the way. Tallahassee noticed the bag in the back seat and open it and was surprised to inside bombs inside.

"What are you going to do with these? " Tallahassee asked Alex.

Alex and Columbus looked at the back seat to see what he was talking about.

"Are those bombs?" Columbus asked looking at Alex in shock.

"Yes, Hopefully, we are not going to need those at the Pacific Playland," Alex said.

"They are just in case things go out of control we will use them to get out of there" Alex added.

"How do you know we will even need them? " Columbus asked.

"If Wichita and Little Rock started the rides in the Playland then the sound and light might attract a huge amount of zombies and as I said before they are just in case things go south," Alex said.

The rest of the drive went quietly with Tallahassee and Columbus checking their guns and loading ammo. Soon they arrived at the Playland Alex saw that the gate of the Playland was destroyed like it was hit by something and hundred of zombies were entering through the gate. The zombies were only entering through the gate as the walls around the playland were quite tall and there was no support to climb up. Alex also drove through the gate running over many zombies in the process.

"Throw out the bag at the entrance," said Alex.

Tallahassee rolled down the window to throw out the bag filled with bombs out of the windows and closed it.

There were more than a hundred zombies in the Playland and more were entering. Alex looked towards the blast-off ride and sure enough, Wichita and Little Rock were stuck there with tens of zombies trying to reach them. Wichita and Little Rock were also shooting at the zombies but it was quite obvious their aim was not that good as they were not able to hit many of them.

"We need to draw their attention to us. Columbus you will go and help them while I and Tallahassee will draw their attention and kill as many as possible." Alex said telling his plan to others.

Alex picked up an Uzi and Tallahassee pulled out a blowhorn to draw their attention. A large number of zombies started running towards them but some remain near the ride trying to reach Wichita and Little Rock. Alex and Tallahassee started running in the opposite direction to Blast-off ride to allow Columbus to save Wichita and Little Rock. They saw a swinging chair ride in front of them which has just started and got on it. They started shooting while on the ride. They killed as much as they could but they were almost surrounded.

"We need to change location," Tallahassee said while shooting a zombie in the head.

Alex nodded while shooting and both of them jumped off the ride and started running.

"Well I am in the mood for a roller-coaster"

Tallahassee said.

"Prize booth, we will be safe there and can easily kill them," Alex said loudly running toward the prize booth.

Both of them ran into the prize booth and closed the shutter and soon it was surrounded by zombies. Both of them started shooting. Alex received another notification from the Tower while he was shooting the zombies.

[ Congratulations! Adventurer No:707897 for completing mission A2]

[ Mission A3: Kill 100 zombies

Reward: Gold class weapon lottery]

[Do you accept 'yes' or 'no']

"Hey! Keep shooting these zombies are not gonna kill themselves" Tallahassee said seeing that Alex stopped shooting.

Alex hurriedly clicked 'yes' and started shooting again. The number of zombies kept decreasing and soo the booth was surrounded by dead zombies. Tallahassee was out of ammo and Alex also had only a few bullets but thankfully only five zombies were left. Alex shoot a few more times killing all the zombies and finally both Tallahassee and Alex sighed with relief. Alex opened the shutter of the booth to look around and was relieved to see no zombies. He looked towards Tallahassee to see him walking into a store that had the logo of Twinkies.

"Where is Tallahassee?" asked Columbus who had just arrived with Wichita and Little Rock.

Alex pointed toward the store.

"I should have guessed," said Columbus while walking towards the store leaving Alex with Wichita and Little Rock who was also walking toward a stall. Now with only Wichita and Alex, present things became quite awkward. Both did not know what to say after what happened this morning.

"So you finally reached Pacific Playland" Alex. Said trying to start a conversation and make things less awkward.

"Yes and almost died here if it weren't for you all," Wichita said.

"What's your plan now?" Alex asked.

"Well, we are planning to stick around this time if you all let us," Wichita said.

Tallahassee and Columbus came out of the store and Tallahassee looked quite depressed while Columbus was embarrassed. They walked toward them. Just as Tallahassee was about to say something Little Rock's voice attracted everyone's attention. All of them looked towards her to see another horde of zombies approaching the playland.

"I think it's time to leave," Alex said as all of them got into the car and Tallahassee started driving toward the back gate of Playland which was still closed and was not surrounded by zombies. The car hit the gate breaking it and was able to get on the road.

After getting some distance from the Playland. Alex pulled out a remote.

"You all might wanna cover your ears," said Alex while pressing a button on the remote detonating the bombs. A huge explosion was heard and the whole sky lit. Both Wichita and Little Rock looked towards Alex with shock they did not expect him to be carrying bombs with them. Alex also received notification from the Tower.

[Congratulations! Adventurer No:707897 for completing Mission B.

The reward will be awarded after returning to the Tower.]

[Congratulations! Adventurer No:707897 for completing Mission A3.

The reward will be awarded after returning to the Tower.]

[ Adventurer can return to the Tower right now or stay in the dungeon for 6 hours.

Does Adventurer want to return right now

'Yes' or 'No']

Alex clicked 'No'

[Adventurer has 6 hours to stay in the Dungeon afterward Adventure will be forcefully teleported out]

Alex and others drove again towards Bill Murray's mansion. They reached there after 2 hours of the ride.

"Well it looks like the whole party is back together," said Bill Murray after seeing Wichita and Little Rock with them.

"Yes and this time we are planning to stick together" Little Rock answered Bill Murray.

"Not exactly I have to leave," said Alex which drew everyone's attention.

"Why are you leaving?" Little Rock asked sadly.

"I have to look for a friend" Alex lied.

"Where are you going to look for him?" Little Rock said.

" I know a few places he can be but not for sure but I have to try," Alex said not telling them any location as they might try to come along.

"I will leave in a few hours when the sun rises" Alex added.

Little Rock was quite sad hearing this after all this group was the closest thing to a family she had even though they have been together for a short time still they put their life on the line for her and her sister.

The rest of the time went with them having a party but this time Alex did not drink. He did not want to accidentally spill his secrets. Finally, the time was up and it was morning.

"It's time for me to leave," Alex said while getting up. He shook hands with Columbus and Tallahassee. Wichita hugged him and kissed him on the cheek which made Columbus visibly jealous.

"This is for saving me and my sister," Wichita said.

Then Little rock hugged him. After saying goodbyes he got into a car outside the mansion. He waved at them one last time and drove out of the mansion. Alex drove a few blocks away from the mansion and stopped the car. His time here was almost up with few seconds left.

[Adventurer prepare to be teleported back in 3 sec]



[Teleporting Adventurer No:707897 back]


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