
Power up and A Fight (1)

PLEASE READ the thing I wrote bellow.

(I changed the last part of the last chapter. I think it is better now. This chapter Contains Monsters that are not from Marvel. I just made it so you guys can see how powerfull he is with great action scenes (i think) . If you guys like it I will post the second part of this chapter or I will just continue from normal story. But this chapter Also shows captains New titan)


"Ah captain! I have finally finished what you asked me. We made a giant leap in science! The symbiotes and supersoldier serum was already enough but now we even have mutants to work with!"

"So? When can I get the serum?"

"Thats the neat part captain. You dont!"

"What?" betreyal? Impossible.

"Because we already aplied to one of your clones in the tubes! You just have to choose what what kind of power do you want!"




"S-So its enchanted senses, increased speed, super strength, Inhuman regeneration, increased Durability, Inhuman stamina, 6th sense-"

"Yea yea. I know. Just when can I test it out?"

"Roughly 18 hours. The time is decreased because the clone is already in the ideal place for a transformation."

"I expect great results."

"I wont let you down captain!"

-After 20 Hours-

{Body change successful.}

The tube opens and 2 soldiers gives me something to wear. I can feel the power coursing through my veins.

"Captain, Can you squeeze this as hard as you can?" one of the scientists gave me a metal Ball.

I did what they asked but didnt used my full power and wow. The metal Ball turned into a grip. Everybody inside everybody inside ghasped. What? Why? Isn't normal for spiderman to do the same?

" C-Captain. T-That was a titanium Ball."

Titani- what the. Hehe. Hehehe. "HAHAHAHAHA!!" now nothing can stop me.

"Dr.Kermin, develop this serum further with the mutants. I want to break the limits of the human body." Dr.Kermin seemed so happy to hear that.

"No problem Captain! Hahaha! I finally have something worthy to study on!"

Now lets see what the ancient one will make me fight. I opened a portal to Kamar-Taj and the ancient one greeted me.

"I am suprised you healed faster than I expected. And you seem different."

"What can I say? Nothing a box of stims cant fix."

"Hmm. This is your final test. You can use your fancy gadgets all you want. And I suggest you to wear something to breathe in space."

" Wait what? Okay this is going to be easy." I quickly wear my equipment

"We shall see." The ancient one said and suddenly I find myself in... Mars?

"This is going to be quite destructive so I bought you here." oh no. This is not good.

"Eve send my titan with one man army loadout to my location." something is telling me that it is going to be a long day.

{Roger that Captain}

"Then lets start." the ancient one says and does a unsealing magic. What? Unseal? What kind of eldritch horror am I going to face?! She does this unsealing magic for a 30 minutes.

When she finishes, she teleports away after saying "Nothing escape my eye". She knew! I need to say. In the fan-fics I read, I have never saw a moment like this. Maybe I shouldn't have said that I was going to face galactic beings? The ground starts to shake for minutes.

And finally, an egg with tentacles comes out. Tentacles? Really? The egg starts to open like a flower and reveals a giant being with no face inside. I mean it has face but, kinda like a colossal Titan. Normally I should be scared, but damn that thing has a body.

While I was focused on its body, It notices me. It moves its head to face me and If I wasnt scared before, now I am scared.


"Eve. Send the Veronica Mark 168." I am gonna need bigger weapons for this thing.

{Captain, Veronica Mark 168 is not field tested.}

"Then whats better time to test it now? Haha..."

The giant being points its palm at me. Its palm has a giant hole in the middle. Some small things starts to get out from it.

"Eve! Send it! Thats an order!"

{Roger that Captain}

Something crashes on the ground infront of me. Through the dust, I can see that its a human figure. But its a little weird. The dust goes away and I can finally have a look at whats infront of me.


Why she gotta be this sexy?! I mean. If I am fighting a monster, I want the monster to look like, Well, a monster.

She quickly rushes and tries to cut my neck. I make a sword and parry it. While she is staggered, I quickly take out mastiff and blast her in the face point blank. She falls down. Heh what a monster. Couldn't even took mastiff to the face.

She gets up and looks at me with a smiling face. She raises her hand and shows me that she actually used her wires to surround my body. Probably threatening to kill me if I move. Hmm clever. But not enough. I grasp the wires that were leading to her and pull them towards me in an incredible speed.

She seems suprised but its too late as I punch her face with all of my power. Her head exploes upon impact and her body falls down. How anticlimactic. Its either she never faced an oponent that was strong as her or she is actually a newborn or the seal made her weak. I open a portal and send her body to the research department.

"Dr.Kermin, I sent you a eldritch being. Security maximum when you are inspecting it."

"NO PROBLEM CAPTAIN!" Wow. He is too energetic for someone in his age.

I take a look at the giant being and its crystal starts to shine. It sends an another one. This time it is much faster. The thing she sent doesnt waits and attacks me its blade.

I make a sword to counter but its blade cuts through my sword like a butter. I quickly make an another sword that in the oposite direction with a greater Durability and I barely stop it before it cuts my arm. This thing is definetly stronger than the other one. And sexier. Fuck! Why are they this sexy! I know I am saying too much about how they look but cmon!


I knee her and she blacks away a little bit but Without a second, she attacks me again. Her sword is now moving vertically upwards. The next thing I am gonna do is going to hurt. I make a boot made out of magic around my normal boots and step on it with everything I got. The sword cuts through both boots and enters my bones but stops because my bones are now literally stronger than Steel. She attacks me with her tail but I just grab it.

She takes out the sword and tries to thrust it to my stomach but I grab the hilt of the sword, preventing her from moving any further. She lets go of the sword and it turns into dust. She punches me on my chin. Seeing that I wasnt letting go of the tail, she cuts her own tail with her claws and jumps back.

She opens her wings and circles around me. Heh. I throw electric smoke grenades around. She doesnt seems to pay attention to them. Suddenly the smokes are deployed and I hear a screeching. Yep. She is hurt alright. I saw a flying kick coming for my head. I bend behind and let it past.

Before it has time to turn around, I apear right infront of it and punch Her in the face. She gets throw away by kilometers before stoping. I like my new power. Now I am invincible! Suddenly I feel the air got heavy. Gravity powers? No. This is just pure power coming from that thing. 6th sense really helps here.

She rushes to punch me but I block it with my arms. I get thrown away couple of meters. I blind once and see her right infront of me. She throws a barage of punches non-stop. Right Shoulder, stomach, face, chest, liver, face, left shoulder. I think I see a pater here. Just when she was about to punch my shoulder, I go under the arm and grab her face. She was about to punch me again but I just smash her head to the ground. Her body flips on air as her head meets with the ground. A 50 meter crater is formed under her.

Phew. She is a tough nut. So. Lets see, next what do I need to fight next. I walk towards it to have a better look at it. By the way why didnt that giant thing acted itself and kill me? I zoom in on it and see that giant black shackles. Hmm so its needs time.

Without me realising, the monster gets up and rushes towards me again. Just when it is close 5 meters, a giant explosion accurs.


I turn back and see my titan. It is a vanguard class titan. White exterior with Red lights. It has an accelerated X0-16 with arc rounds, Three times more rockets with multi target option, new pistons and dinamos for being faster and a superior chassis made out of Adamantium. Basicly we put in everything We could without thinking about balancing the game.

{Hello Captain.}

"Glad to have you back eve. By the way I think you are stepping on a something." Eve raises her foot and sees the humanoid monster under her feet probably dead. I open a portal and throw her inside with her tail that she cut.

"Dr.Kermin, the one I sent right now is still alive. Use everything we can to keep it contained. I dont care if its inhuman conditions."



"Oh captain! I heard you perfectly! Thankyou for these perfect speciments!"

These guys are having a field day with these Monsters.