
New Genesis Class and The Fight (2)

(I am sorry for the late update guys. By the way, what do you think the captain's group's name should be?)

"Lets get to work" I say while Eve kneels down to grab me.


Suddenly with a giant black beam, Eve gets thrown kilometers away in an incredible speed. When I looked at where it came from, I could see a DRAGON! Its probably big as a 4 story building so it may not be mature yet. Eve you better get back here quickly or I am going to be a dragon lunch!


The Dragon rushed at me in a speed I couldn't follow but Thanks to my 6th sense, I manage to punch it in the face with all I got. We create a shockwave between us. Great, I think I broke some bones.

It blacks away, opens its mouth and gathers energy for another beam. "Oh no you dont!" I jump and use the jump kit to thrust myself to its head. I throw a cartwheel kick on its head. Its head smashes down but quickly recovery. I quickly throw 3 gravity stars to its mouth.

Gravity stars starts working and closes its mouth. It shakes his head but cant open its mouth so it just decides to attack me with its claws. I quickly duck under one and jump over the other. It attacks me with its tail while I was still in the air so I use the jump kit to dodge it while placing a satchel charge on it. It doesnt realises and continues to attack while I make a sword to counter its attacks.

I find an opening and quickly cut him in the claw and back away. In the movie, strange fought against thanos who had 4 infinity Stones and did pretty Well. I might not be good as strange but I am connfident in my magic so I make my sword dissapear.

(I dont know how to write doing magic so bear with me)

I put my right arm up while my left arm down. I move my left arm up and my right arm down. I create a single line infront of me. I turn my hands counter clockwise, make a circle and bring my hands together in the middle. The circle dissapears into light particles and two little multi layered circle apears on both of my hands. This is like strange's magic but more physical based.

It rushes at me so I make a giant invisible wall infront of me to stop it. It crashes into the wall and cracks apear on its head.

{Eta 15 seconds}

"Great! Lets finish this!" I blow up the charge on its tail and it roars in pain because quarter of its tail is now gone. While it was roaring in pain, I throw 2 electric smokes inside its mouth. The canisters pops and smoke starts to Come out from its nose and mouth. It shake its head violently to get rid of them but no avail. I use this opportunity to throw 2 gravity stars to each of its legs. I make chains from magic and bind its movements just to be sure then I punch the ground with the magic circle on my hand and it creates 4 spikes under the dragon. I aim for its weakness, usually its on the joints so they are aimed between its legs and torso. It cries in pain but doesnt gives up.

{3 seconds}

Great timing Eve! "Hey you idiot dragon! Look here! You cant eat me!" the smoke slowly dissapears and I can see the rage in its eyes. It launches itself and opens its mouth to bite me. It was nearly 3 metes away from biting me when I heard Eve's voice.


I quickly duck Then see a giant blade connecting between his mouth. The blade doesnt stops and cuts through the dragon horizontaly, skales broke and bones crushed. Seing that more power is needed, Eve grabs the sword with two hands, activates the 6 thrusters on her back and cuts the dragon untill it reaches the other side. The giant dragon collapses while spitting in two.


The giant dragon falls down with a loud sound. Eve stands up and put the sword on her back.

"Nice sword." I should get a smaller one for myself. It looks nice.

{Its a High-frequency Adamantium Great sword, Captain}

Okaaay a weird name. But High-frequency? Like those sword from Metal Gear Rising? Hehehe Looks like the research department really liked my ideas. Okay I am getting myself a muramasa tomorrow.

Eve kneels down and opens her front plates. I quickly jump in. Wow. Even her interior is redesigned. "Eve can you tell me whats New with the titan?"

{ Titan: Genesis class

Loadout: One Man Army

Class Details: New Genesis class titan is a combination of various titans using the new metal that was discovered. The titan is customizable for any situations. The armor is thinner but more durable. With the New hydraulics the titan is more agile, stronger and 2.4 times faster than a vanguard titan. The New chassis can hold upto 15.000 PSI without any problems. It has 4 Acolyte Pods and 6 thrusters behind the titan can make the titan fly about 25 minutes or 55 minutes in water before failing.}

*Whistle* "Cool. How about the loadout?"

{One Man army loadout is specially designed for the captain after his battle against an army. The loadout includes: one High-frequency Adamantium Great Sword, one Mark 3 Splitter rifle, two multi-target missile racks on each side, one mark 4 energy siphon, one Mark 5 lazer shot and one mark 2 deployable shield. Note: this list may not include the latest additions if the list is not updated right after installation.}


Oh no whats it this time? The giant titan uses its full strength and brakes one of the chains that was binging it.


Ouch! My ears! The giant titan fires a giant lazer beam! But not towards us, but towards a Mountain in the distance. Does it have a bad aim or what?

The ground starts the shake again. At this point I am going to throw up! How many times the ground needs to shake?!

The Mountain crumbles into dust while I see whats inside... You gotta be kidding me! Cthulhu?! Well, maybe not. Because the real deal can easily take on one above all I think. But this thing awfully looks like davy Jones. Lets call it Cthulhu for the simplicity.


I dont know its size. But its definetly bigger than the baby dragon I fought.

"What a great day to die."


I start to run towards the giant Cthulhu. The Cthulhu notices me and roars. Its tentacles spreads around and I can see its mouth. I I can tell even from here that it has uncountable amounts of teeth.


In every step I take, It sounds like grenades going off. The distance between us is maybe a kilometer but I can feel Its aura, And damn It is strong... But not as strong as Family. Ops I mean not as strong as Me and Eve, and my New High-frequency Adamantium Great sword that I dont even know how it works.

Cthulhu throws a punch. Its fist is bigger than my New titan. I use the thrusters and fly upwards to dodge the it. The fist connects with the ground and giant dust clouds apear. I land on its arm and use the thrusters to quickly run upwards from it. It notices me and uses its other hand to slap me of the arm but swiftly slide under it but I slow down because of the slide so It uses one of its tentacles to attack me.

I take out my blade and cut its tentacle. Without waiting for another second, I use my thrusters again to jump towards its wrinkly old ass head. I put the sword above my head and grab it with both of my hands. I boost myself towards its head mid air read to cut that thing in half.