
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs


As her head stared at Davie her body seemed to morph and bulge. Her head became massive and circular in shape. Her hairs on her skin began to transform into soft quil like feathers. These feathers were a milky white at their base and a light brown at their edges. Her arms grew and turned into bird like wings and her feet congealed into razor like talons. Her half moon eyes stayed the same but got larger to fit on her new frame. Her mouth extended out of her face and formed a hook like beak. Her clothing were completely torn by this point in time.

Davie and Will stared at this with awe. Davie's hand began to shake. He was still recovering and that shot's recoil had reopened one of his previous injuries. He however did not lower his gun and continued to face this woman's new form with a smile on his face. But as she spoke that superficial confidence seemed to all but disappear from his face. Her voice sounded ethereal and almost

" You're brave. But bravery and foolishness are cut from the same cloth boy...I have lived for decades and you are just another grain on my beach of endless sand. "

Her eyes glowed and she flapped her wings. As she flapped her wings it seemed as if her body had become lighter and her cumbersome and large form did not restrict her movements at all. Davie didn't let her take off unhindered.

He rapidly fired two shots accurately at the joints that connected the wings to the main body but the bullets ricocheted off of her skin.

He cursed and coughed up a round of blood that he spar onto the floor.

Will stared at the beast as it ascended and did not stand at attention and tried to attack it as well. Throwing his spear at the back its skull only to unfortunately yield the same results.

As the archbishop reached a favorable altitude she screeched and began flapping her wings. Rows and rows or razor sharp feathers flew out from her wing's towards them. As the feathers embedded themselves deep into the ground Davie had already ducked behind a tree.

His head shook from the force of the feather's collisions lodging themselves into the bark of the tree. His vision went blurry for a few seconds before he shook his head and peaked out from behind. He held up his gun using his opposite hand and fired. His shots weren't as accurate as he wished but they hit their target causing her to stutter and avoid any unnecessary damage.

Will who had ran in the complete opposite direction had found someone who was also fast asleep. He shook his head in annoyance but he realized that this was in character. He reached up and grabbed her shoulders and shook her awake.

Apathy lethargically opened her eyes...

Apathy POV :

" Ow. " Thats really all I could think of at the moment. Nothing more could be said about my condition. When the explosion happened I was on the roof and now in down here on the floor. It didn't take me long to realize why I am in more pain than before.

I groaned in my sleep but I was awoken by the sound of a urgent yet comforting call. I blinked awake to see Will's face. I knew he wouldn't forget about me. He's my big gamble and I have yet to lose out on one of those.

I look up behind him. And I see...What the Bird? Is that a giant fucking owl?! My eyes go agape and i point towards the bird that was flapping its wings below the cloudless moonlit sky.

I was about to scream but Will covered my mouth and that only made me want to scream more but his face showed how serious this situation is. He mouthed to me what had happened and I was surprised to see that an archbishop of a church from across the sea had business here on this island or with these scoundrels of human beings.

After Will's brief breakdown he pointed towards Davie who was providing covering fire to distract her. He told me about his plan to kill her and I immediately looked at him as if he was mentally ill. We had barely even escaped someone who was probably just a realm 7 or 8 how did he think we were going to kill a folklore.!?

Will smiled and said something crazy. He had gained a new ability? He had advanced a realm while unconscious? But he didn't eat anyone's brain? Nor did he bathe in a cauldron. No matter what this kid was strange to me...through and through.

He explained his ability and his crazy plan. No matter how you looked at it. His plan was completely and utterly insane but he said it so convincingly as if it was already going to happen.

I nodded and agreed to help. He left me there to recover as he went to find Belle who was asleep somewhere else.

I watched as trees were falling in rapid succession and as the fell bullets seemed to rain from the sky. After a while the speed of fire became more and more inconsistent as if he was running out of ammunition. It was then that she began to toy with him. She flapped incessantly and more and more feathers flew out of her skin which were quickly replaced with another one.

It seemed her reserves were inexhaustible. She paid no mind to me as she could sense that I was out for the count and it seemed as If Will was no longer her priority.

She let out a cold laugh and shout out.

" I like you boy. You are brave but your too weak."

She continued to taunt him. Davie ran behind the last standing tree in his area his hands had already seized up and his finger's joints had almost locked in position making him unable to pull the trigger anymore. He dropped his hands and leaned his head back against the wall. A brief memory of his father and sister washed over him he gripped the trigger of the gun and used his opposite hand to hold it up. He rolled out from behind the tree and as he was awaiting his last stand he noticed the bird's gaze was elsewhere on the battlefield.

I fixed my gaze on that spot aswell. Will was jumping up and down. Shouting something about the number of licks it takes to get to the center of a totsie roll?

I had no idea what he was talking about but I thought it was funny nonetheless. The Owl's suspended figure did not find this pleasing as it rushed down towards the floor.

Standing right infront of Will the bird spoke.

" You dirty filthy rotten piece of flesh. I Hedwig Queen of the Owls will never let you leave here alive."

She screeched and Will felt the constant corruption that was slowly happening to his mind and soul began to accelerate rapidly. His body began to flake gold and his body seemed to leak golden fluids out of every orifice.

As she towered above him and he lay flat on the ground losing his mind he let out a big smile. His golden eyes shone at their brightest as a coin fell to the floor beside his hands.

She noticed the coin and decided opened her beak to ask what he was so happy about and without knowing what happened she felt her body tense up for a split second and in this fraction of a second something was projected into her mouth.

She did not know what it was but she felt it slide down her throat. Immediately a burning sensation radiated over her body and she began to scream and writhe in pain as black blotches of flesh began to fall off of her form even her big circular eyes began to cry black tears as she screamed.

She looked behind Will and saw a girl. She was panting and breathing heavily as if she had just undergone a grueling task.

I stayed rooted in my place and watched as Will's plan unfolded as he wished. As if it was more than luck that was guided by his whim. It was as if the immediate world were just strings on his harpsichord and as he pressed the keys they followed his tune. I could say nothing but...

" Wow.." a voice echoed behind me.

I look behind me and a woman in black robes and a thick silky veil that covered he expression stood behind me. In her hands were moon lilies a rare flower that only blooms under the light if the full moon. Her body was well endowed and she could put any mother to shame as her body was fit yet curvaceous and round. Her upper body was slim yet her breasts were large and perfectly filled her conservative clothing. Her nails on one hand were white and on the other black with little white stars.

As she walked it seemed as if her mere presence caused the world around her to echo in nightly silence. No one could speak out of turn lest their voice be cast to the void of the night.

I watched her and I could immediately feel myself dying. In fact I was already dead it was she who stopped me from dying. I was not the only one. I shifted my eyes and saw that Davie and Belle had already collapsed to the floor and were already in a state of paralysis. I watched as the moonlight fell down on them as if it was the thing keeping them from passing on including myself.


The bird which was flailing around continued to do so under the gaze of this woman. The Archbishop reverted to her human form revealing her naked body which had undergone similar changes to her owl form. Chunks of black rotting flesh and bone fell away from her body and her moon lit eyes were now filling up with black tears.

She clawed at the floor beneath the woman and used whatever strength she had left to ask of the lady to save her.

" You Excellency , Goddess of the Night and Moon , Stelle. I Hedwig your humble servant ask that you please save me."

Stelle looked at Hedwig. She bent down and twirled her fingers causing the Archbishop to levitate and fall down onto her back. Hedwig did not resist as she knew it was impossible to resist someone like this.

Without emotion or showing her face Stelle raised her hands and pierced a hole through her stomach removing a bloody medallion. She snapped and it turned illusory before disappearing out of sight.

Hedwig grabbed her bloodied hand and smiled as a show of thanks but before she could voice it her vision went black. She was dead?

In the palm of the Goddess was the brain of Hedwig. Without emotion she again snapped her fingers and it disappeared into thin air.

She stood over the body as blood from her hands dripped onto the moon lilies that rested peacefully on her stomach. The rays on the moon shone on the body and it slowly disappeared into the nightly background.

She turned to Will who was barely alive. She gently picked him up by his hair and caressed his face in an attempt to comfort him. Will tried to speak but all that came was a muffled groan. His body was mostly golden goup and puss. A soft giggle was heard from behind the veil as she lifted him up and faded away into the moonlight.

Apathy Belle and Davie watched as their captain was taken away from them....

When They regained control of their bodies they were fully healed and they immediately dashed towards the spot where they disappeared. Staring at the soil they all had a blank gaze