
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

No Monay

Two womanly hands reach ever closer to each other. One hand cold and rigid while the other bruised and developing callouses.

They finally meet and it causes a flood of emotions to come forth. Belle reaches in and hugs her sister. Belle pulls back while ecstatically gripping her shoulders. She notices Planchette's eyes and how they were now open. She questions her new sight in surprise.

Planchette began reciting all the experiences she's had until now. She looks towards Belle and hoped to see a look of disgust but she was only met with a look of sadness and pity from her sister. This made Planchette feel uncomfortable but soon after Belle hugged her and she began letting out soft tears.

These tears ran down her neck at trickled down Planchette's face. As if it were to replace the ones that she was unable to cry. Belle didn't ask about Jameson as she knew by the fact that she was alone that he didn't make it.

Bad memories were meant to stay that way…Memories. Belle looked towards Planchette's expectantly and asked her to join her.

Planchette's blank expression showed a bit of life but then immediately dimmed.

"No I can't go with you." Belle looked shocked and was about to try and persuade her but Planchette stopped her attempts with a slow shake of her head.

"I still have things I have to do here in Rima" before Belle could ask what Planchette disappeared from her seat. In a flash wind blew into the carriage from an open window. The curtains fluttered and Belle gave a solemn look towards the window. A gloomy presence comes over her. 'Why?'

In a tree in an ever-growing distance away from the carriage a girl sat in the tree with a blank stare. She flicks a lighter on and off. In the flames images of Jameson and her father flash in her cold eyes. The lighter flicked closed one last time enshrouding her in darkness. She then begins to run in the opposite direction of the coast.

An hour later the caravan entered the large town. This town seemed to be incredibly developed and filled with life. People from all walks of life gathered here. She could even see nobles and wealthy merchants from the capital in the town.

The buildings of the town all followed a terraced scheme of development. The majority of buildings were made out of a white and blue marble stone. The streets were incredibly wide able to hold at least 4 rows of carriages comfortably. She was hoping they'd stop so she would be able to look around but they didn't.

She peeked her head through the window to get a better view of the city and the salty air hit her like a truck. She sneezed incessantly attracting the quiet laughter of some locals who saw her. She rubbed her red nose and let off a soft chuckle. Wooing some of the younger men who watched her.

Everyone's clothing was rather loose and cloth based. Mos likely because the sun was always hot and in retrospect belle decided to change her outfit before she exited the carriage. She didn't want to be out of place again.

As she reached closer to the port the air smelled more and more like the sea. The fishy tang got stronger but it wasn't unpleasant at all. It was also mixed with the smell of various exotic herbs and spices which freshened up the moods.

The carriage stopped and she knew it was ok for her to alight from hers. In front of her was the grumble family. Mable and Chris looked at her with watery eyes and hugged her legs.

"Thank you! We'll miss you Mrs. Croft" Belle looked at the two whose faces were getting her light blue sundress wet and sighed at the two.

Grumble looked at Belle and criticized her outfit. Her blue dress was relatively loose fitting with a small coat to cover her chest area. She wore a pair of grass and thatch sandals. He nodded slightly in approval and let the children calm down before bidding her good bye. He then started to walk towards a smaller vessel that was two stories tall and began directing the workers to unload the supplies.

Belle turned around and began to wander with her suitcase in hand. A small squawk was heard from on her shoulder and she nudged Polly's cheek with her finger. Polly had often disappeared on a regular basis leading to belle wondering where he went.

The port was large. Well it could be said that large was an understatement. The vessels in this area dwarfed most ships she had ever seen. Some were multiple stories tall and their masts and sails were so tall and large it was almost impossible to understand how they moved in the first place. There were rows of buildings around the port embassies for different countries. Different carriage drivers offering ferry services out of the town. Hotels, restaurants bars were also easily found.

There were even some rarities. A large boat stood in an area all on its own. The only people seen exiting and entering were people who screamed wealth and their bodyguards of varying races. The boat was made of a soft lightweight alloy and it used a device called a combustion engine. A relatively new invention created by an honorable Sey inventor named Dr. Isaac. The fuel that used was exclusively produced in Seyshell. She remembered that she was supposed to be married to a Prince of the Seyshell Royal Family.

She wondered how that would have gone. Her wedding date had passed recently if her memory served her correctly. She threw these thoughts to the back of her head. She needed to find a vessel that would travel to a different country. The Seyshell archipelago was the furthest away from Rima she thought this was the best place to go. However, there were some setbacks. Only ships like the one Dr. Isaac made were able to travel that distance in a one-way trip. Most other vessels took numerous pit stops in smaller countries and sometimes even islands occupied by pirates to resupply.

She thought about what little money she had left and knew she did not have enough to travel on that ship much less pay for other accommodations.

She sighed and looked around some more.

Unknowingly over two hours passed and each ship she went to wouldn't have been able to take her to Sey. She realized just how expensive sea travel was. It cost upwards of 40 silver to get a good room and pay for accommodations for the trip.

"Ouch!" She was ripped out her thoughts for the third time today. On the floor was a small boy with golden hair.

" squawk! "