
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

A Man

{A/N - Some scenes are not suitable for readers}

Seeing that she had left safely. He sighed and sat on a bar stool. He looked toward an inconspicuous corner of the room where the light didn't seem to be able to penetrate.

He spoke slowly.

"What are you doing here?"

In the corner the shadows festered and slowly morphed into a man wearing a black suit. He sat leisurely at a table. His eyes were almost completely swallowed by darkness. His hands were covered in black gloves. His black hair was slicked back. He looked like he had just finished attending a grand party.

He smiled at the man's question.

"I am here for my sister Mr. Lightning Thief"

They eyes of the man behind the bar immediately turned cloudy before returning to normal. Seeing the reaction, he got the young man continued.

"Neyman Walker, the so called lightning thief. Used to be a Sailor and travelled the world with his wife and daughter. They unfortunately had an unlucky encounter with one of 'Them' and in exchange for his insolence took his daughter and wife. To get back at 'Her' he travelled across the sea to the Isle of Thunder and lightning and stole her precious weapon, the Axe of the Thunder God."

Seeing that Neyman had no intentions of confirming nor denying his statements he continued his long winded speech.

"What confuses me is how a Realm 5 storm chaser could steal from a Lightning thief. The irony of the situation is Hilarious. But I wonder how funny Calypso would find this"

His already stormy demeanor grew even wilder at the mention of the name Calypso.

"Oh don't worry she's not here. The Archbishops and Pope would never let 'Her' here in the capital "

An immense frown appeared on his face. He thought about the truthfulness of the statement. There were two ways win battles between witches.

One was you have to completely overpower them but that was rarely the case. However, it would if someone like 'them' was in a battle with lower realms. In that case his only option was to run.

The next was to use the abilities you possess to outplay your opponent and use trickery and deception to your advantage to win. In that case he stood a fairly good chance of winning against a newly advanced of the same Realm as him.

He said loudly.

"You're a Black Weeper of the darkness realm aren't you Silos? Or else you would not have the confidence to come here alone"

Silos didn't confirm his question with words but his eyes immediately began to run a stream of an inky black substance.

Neyman kissed his teeth.

He pulled knives from below the bar and chucked them towards Silos. Silos stood still and the parts of his body that were about to be impaled turned into a shadowy form and the knives embedded themselves into the bar wall behind him. Neyman didn't stop his assault. He rolled over the counter and his towering frame rushed towards Silos.

Silos looked at him and opened his arms and shadows emerged from his body and began to charge towards Neyman. Neyman pulled an axe he had hid in the back of his trousers and swung it. A loud clap of thunder was heard and all the shadows dissolved. Silos frowned.

Neyman taking advantage of the situation kicked one of the tables towards Silos.

Seeing the man's almost inhuman amounts of power Silos gave up on an upfront battle. His physique was extremely frail compared to this man of the sea.

The table crashed against the wall causing it to slightly cave in. Silos was not behind it causing him to begin to search for him. Inside his shadow a man suddenly emerged and swiped at his neck. Neyman's instincts told him to duck and he dodged before using the momentum to perform a round house kick.

Silos took a clean hit to his jaw and flew to the back of the bar. His hair and suit was now soaked in alcohol. Neyman looked at him and wait for him to get up. However, he didn't instead he said.

"Your right…I can't do this on my own. I overestimated myself I can't beat someone whose more experienced at combat" Neyman looked around and a cold sweat rolled down his back.

In the entrance a Woman came in.

Her black hair was decorated with feathers and other occultist headwear. Her eyes were covered with a crown like visor bearing a marking. An eye with three wings and an upside down cross.

Her hood was grey and was decorated with similar drawings to the one covering her eyes. The sleeves of her hood were covered in inscriptions of the ancient language of spirits. Her hands were neatly clasped in a praying motion. She never even separated them to open the door it blew open by itself.

He looked towards the entrance and sighed. His time was up. He forgot the other way witches fight…in groups. Unless someone else came to aide him m....it did not matter. He was dead anyway. He opened his mouth to at least find out why she was involved in this and maybe he could plan an escape.

"Hey you seem to be a very high ranking member of the Blind Winged Eye. What business do you have with me or this kingdom?"

She looked towards the man and her rose colored lips smiled at him. It seemed almost seductive. She opened her mouth and the sweetest sound exited.

"Don't be afraid lost sheep. 'They' have big things planned. The beings that stand above. Beings of our imagination. Beings of fiction. They are just creatures that we lowly sinners will never be able to understand. A child has embarked on a journey and they must see that he is fit to bear the burden. Will his luck prevail or will he be swallowed by the currents of the world?"

She let out a laugh of insanity and reverence before scraping the flesh off her body in feverish heat. Her grey garments even seemed to bear a stain that was not there before.

She completely regained her composure and as if nothing happened raised her hands towards Neyman. Her torn face also began to rapidly heal.

Neyman watched this happen and was extremely disgusted. He raised his axe and was about to attack. Thunder and lightning seemed to flash in the stormy eyes of his and the storm outside seemed to rage even harder. The shutters of the window began to slam together and it seemed like he was going to release a powerful attack.

Just as he was about to swing downwards she raised her hands towards his face. She gestured for him to come here. He became extremely entranced. Her filthy demeanor became all the more attractive in his eyes. He became enthralled. He wanted to be the clothes she wore. He wanted to experience what it was like to be under her skin.

He walked towards her and his pupils dimmed. The axe slowly fell from his grasp and its sharp edge embedded itself into the floor. His large figure slowly fell to its knees in front of the woman. She gently put a pink leather leash over his head and wrapped it tight around his neck.

She then stepped on his head and pushed it to the floor where a yellow puddle lay. She mushed his face into the puddle while shouting out profanities.

"There you go stupid mutt. Enjoy drinking your owner's filth. Stupid dog."

Neyman neat hair was now soaked and his previously manly demeanor now vanished. He looked up towards his owner and rubbed his face against her robes in submission.

She rubbed his hair gently before slowly walking out the entrance with her hands returning to their clasped positon. In them was the leash. A large man now crawled beside her with a leash wrapped around his neck.

Silos who had watched all of this unfold in disgust sighed. He dragged himself out of the puddle of alcohol he laid down in and squeezed the red wine out of his hair.

He knew the powers the crazy women of that cult held but to reduce a man of the same Strength to that state was absolutely terrifying to him. He didn't stand on ceremony and removed the axe from the floor although with a bit of effort . He immediately blended into a shadow and disappeared before she had a sudden idea to have a King as a pet.

Silos appeared from a shadow of the King's chambers and then headed to the bathroom to take a shower. As he entered on his dresser mirror an image of the woman flashed before quickly disappearing.

The next day....

It was now 8 AM on Monday morning and people flocked to their local bar to get their morning pints in. As they entered they were greeted by the sight of a completely destroyed bar. The inside was trashed and the owner was nowhere to be found. Those long time patrons who knew the owner's history didn't stay for very long and returned to their homes knowing they didn't want to be questioned when the law enforcement appeared.

In a forest just outside the capital of Rima…

A teenage girl had just awoken from a bumpy slumber. She was not used to sleeping on such a bumpy road so her rest was anything but good. She rubbed her eyes and fiddled with her suitcase. Inside was a small letter. She opened it and read through it with a curious expression.