
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Fantasy
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98 Chs

The Tears that fall like Rain

Inside the throne room of Wistledown Castle…

A young man was shedding tears in front of various guards. They all stared at the young man in pity and shock but they did not dare interrupt his grieving. The boy lay at the foot of the throne and tears ran down a cold boot.

The King Burma Sola of Rima lay stiff on his throne as his 4th born son and heir to the throne Silos cried a river of tears at his feet.

The area surrounding the throne room doors was filled to the brim with uninvited guests.

News outlets, businessmen, Nobles and everyone of a high societal standing crowded around the room like a bunch of hungry peasants at the opening of a bakery.

Inside the throne room stood 6 nobles. They were all the various Dukes of the kingdom 3 old men 2 older women and one young lady all stood in front of Silos waiting for him to finish his bout grieving.

As if to amplify the 'burden' on his shoulders a guard came in and gave some unfortunate news.

"Prince Silos, were unable to find Princess Bellerose and Princess Planchett is also missing. The main suspect in Princess Planchett's disappearance is her butler know as Jameson who is also missing. Along with your wife...."

A loud round of sobbing was heard and it made the already gloomy atmosphere in the hall turn sour. They again waited for him to reconcile with this bad news before one of the men voiced their thoughts briefly.

His face was fat and rotund. His skin seemed to roll and fold unnaturally around his clothing which were too tight for him. His outfit was covered in golden designs and rings laced with precious materials laced most of his fingers.

"Silos…I know you are going through a tough time my boy but the kingdom needs a voice…I think it's time you step up and take the stage to do what you were born to do"

The others around him looked at his face skeptically.

He was a man who favored his own wealth and…maybe not health but he cared more about himself than anything else. Why would he wish to jeopardize that by placing such a burden on an already grieving young man shoulders?

Silos as if waiting for this turned around and Sunlight magically shone through the darkness that had enveloped the throne room. This made the young man's silhouette glow in an ethereal light.

Silos looked toward the 6 and said to them with teary eyes.

"I Silos Sola will lead this kingdom to new heights. In honor of my late father and to find the bastards that took away my poor little sisters and For the rest of my family in faraway lands who shall no doubt grieve when this news has spread."

Seeing his adamancy 5 of the six clapped and showed support of the young man's bravado. A king without ambitions is no better than a dead one. However, a young girl looked at the newly appointed 'King' before her with extreme suspicion.

Her long straight blonde hair rested gently on her shoulders. Her emerald green eyes looked as if they could entrance any man into their gaze. Her dress matching her attitude had unexpected dips and flares in the frills and was shorter than most royalty. This allowed for running and other activities to be done in them. She also didn't wear heals opting to wear riding boots instead.

She did not voice her suspicion but made it clear that she did not support the appointment of the new king. The other dukes and duchess's surrounding her looked at her tersely before returning their gazes to Silos.

Silos briefly glared at her. She noticed his gaze and folded her arms and stuck out her tongue. Knowing her to be childish he did not pay her no mind as he had already acquired the majority vote. He continued his bravado before asking everyone to leave.

Alone in the throne room , a wide grin appeared on the young man and black tears seemed to endlessly flow from his face. Regaining his composure and wiping his 'tears' he looked towards the man he had once called father and threw the blackened rag over his face.

He turned towards the ceiling which was covered in the history of the kingdom. Images of the founder Rima Sola were most prevalent. His bright face and deep silver eyes seemed to be able to cleanse the darkness that permeated through the halls.

Silos grinned at this and disappeared from his position melting into a swarm of shadows.

It was set in stone. Sunday evening Silos was to be crowned King of Namoa.

In Neyman's Bar…

A slight whimper could be heard under the table as Belle thought about how her Father had died and if Planchett had made it out in time. A rough hand gently pats her head. She gentle reached up and held the hand and quietly sobbed.

Above the counter Neyman looked towards the person who had entered and asked him to elaborate before he came into his bar and started a commotion.

The man who walked in continued after catching his breath.

"Well apparently the King died peacefully on his throne and that Princess Bellerose was nowhere to be found along with her younger sister Planchett which rumors say she's been kidnapped by her caretaker."

Under the table Belle hands squeezed Neymans before slowly relaxing as the words flew out of the guy's mouth.

"OK Fred! What else have you got for me?"

Neyman slowly whipped out a cigar from under his counter top and light it using a flint and steel. Fred looked at how relaxed Neyman was and sighed. He knew stuff like this couldn't affect someone like him. So he just started listed some less important news.

"The IPP has issued a bounty on the caretaker's head and three new Big bounties were printed a few days ago in Namoa for some kids. Apparently they fucked with some high ranking members of the Church of Stella and caused quite a ruckus on the Island of Rollo."

Neymans eyebrows raised a bit and removed his hand from Belles head seeing that she calmed down. He then gestured for him to continue. He didn't say anything else but took out the newly issued bounties.

The bounties were in Sey which was the main international currency. It belonged to the largest island group the Kingdom of Seyshell.

Compared to a Riman silver the Sey held much more monetary weight.

The bounties read.


{drawn image}

Wanted Dead or Alive

100.00 Sey

Apathy Silverlock

{Printed Image}

Wanted Alive

135.00 Sey

Davie Brooks

{Printed Image}

Wanted Dead or Alive

534.00 Sey

Neyman whistled. These were really high for kids. Especially kids who have never had a bounty on their heads before. He looked at the little boy Will and sighed. His head alone could buy a small Noble's mansion and maintain it for over a month with that kind of money.

'The boy won't live long'.

He commented before throwing the bounties to the floor. Belle seeing them land at her feet noticed something about the boy but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

She sat quietly below the bar for most of the day. Neyman fed her some food and gave her some regular clothes to wear for the Journey.

Every now and then the Riman Royal Guard could be heard searching the area. They even did a few sweeps of the bar but Neyman skillfully hid her and his weapons in each search.

It was getting late and the sun began to set. Belle slept upstairs in Neyman's room while he slept on the counter of his bar. She begged him to not do it but he seemed adamant to so she didn't persuade him anymore.

Neyman's room was extremely bare without many things. It seems to fit his personality perfectly.

On his desk there was a small picture frame. It was completely spotless as if it had been cleaned every day since the day it was bought. Belle picked it up and noticed the picture in the frame was missing.

She did not pry any further and walked towards the bed and packed the rest of the clothes her had given her into her suitcase.

Laying on top of the bar. Neyman used a picture to block the light from the ceiling lamp above him. The light flickered in and out and an image of a woman came into his vision. Her face gorgeous and almost as regal as Belle's. She wore a light green sundress and straw hat. Her smile seemed to speak volumes to the joy she carried within her. Looking at the picture Newman took a swig of alcohol before turning of the light. In the dark he mumbled.

"I miss you sweetheart. I'm sorry Lucy I couldn't protect you or momma. I'm such a bad Father."

A whole day lapsed without a hitch. Belle had changed outfits and removed the majority of her jewelry except for one purple stud in her left ear. She insisted it must remain and looked relatively normal. Other than her alluring figure and slight royal demeanor it would be hard to tell her from the other daughters of well of families in this city.

She helped behind the bar and helped to pour drinks for people never forgetting that the tenth one was free.

However, some newcomers thought this was an act of submission from her but were quickly corrected by the giant grizzly bear that worked alongside her. She looked extremely happy.

Sunday 7 PM Capital City of Rima…

It was closing time as the bar closed early on a Sunday. Belle had walked upstairs to get retrieve her suitcase. She left him her Jewelry as thanks.

She knew he couldn't sell them now but she believed he could make quite a sizeable profit from it after she left.

She had watched her brother ascend to the throne briefly through the windows of the bar but she didn't pay it much mind. She knew that one day she would return and remove him from his seat of power.

She walked downstairs in a Light Green dress. Neyman looking up at the girl looked amazed. His eyes gleamed and he rushed to hug her. She did not resist as she felt he meant no harm. After a minute or so Belle reminded him that she had to go now. He let go of her and regained his stoic composure.

He pointed to the back door of the bar and said

"walk straight until you reach the main road on the other side of the alley way. Walk to the third carriage and knock three times on the side. The driver will let you into the carriage. It has a bed and other necessities but I recommend you don't use the restroom too often. It has a habit of clogging."

She then waved him goodbye and walked out the back of the shop. As she walked out, it began to drizzle and the sky began to thunder. She put on a raincoat and continued her Journey towards the caravan.

She did what he asked and was about to enter the carriage.

However, she was surprised by what she saw when she looked back at the bar. Neyman looked to be looking out the window towards her. She gave him a slight wave before the slowly inched forward.



10 ruins = 1 Riman silver = 0.1 Sey Gold