
Chapter 9

Sbusiso's POV

I just got off the call with Nkanyezi, tell me why i was running out of words? I take a shower, a hot one because hai( no) winter is no one's friend. Well speaking the truth, there's nothing interesting about me, I'm just Sbusiso Ngema, a 23 year old man who lives alone in a apartment,I smoke weed everynight just to wash out the past traumas that haunt me at night . Uhm my dad left me when i was 12 yrs old, two years after my mom killed herself because she couldn't do it anymore, if you get to hell please go to her and ask her what couldn't she do? since she was a drunk bastard and she barely took care of me. The year my dad left, I was forced to hustle since my mom decided to hit rock bottom same time, I stole to get where I am right now, I have never used a gun ever but I own one, just in case. My life is full of darkness, all I see is red, red for the hell I have fallen into,but somehow today something changed. I saw a glimpse of light the minute I saw that girl Nkanyezi, she is so beautiful, I struggle to believe that she is real, her eyes are so beautiful I could stares at them the whole day, her lips so pink and plumpand it compliments her brown clear skin, her body is just crazy. Her boobs are perfectly from my point of view, she doesn't have a snatched waist but it's small which creates her hips. Yoh let us not get to her ass yoh just Yoh. Still showering I realize my manhood is awake, " No man Sbusiso get a grip yoh" I tell myself and I try to think about anything other than Nkanyezi, shit!

Nkulukelo's POV

"Again!" Bha! Bah! "Again Bha! Bah! "You are not sleeping until you get it right" I scream at Nyezi who is shooting at a dummy, I woke her, up at three in the morning, it's almost 04:30. I really need her to know how yo use a gun, how to survive with one, I need her to not be afraid to use it, I need her to aim and not miss "Buthi can we stop, I'm tried" Nyezi whines "AGAIN!" I scream "Kodwa-" "AGAIN!" Bah! Bah! Bah! "Eh buthi, I think it's enough now, she needs to rest" Nkanyiso says, and I look at him, but stay quiet, he keeps quiet and moves alway from me and walks to Nyezi. "That's enough go to sleep now" I hear him say, taking the gun from her. She first looks at me buy I stay silent and she walks away leaving me and Nkanyiso alone, " Buthi what's going on with you?" He asks taking out a cigarette "Ngani?( with what?)" I respond staring into space "uNkanyezi buthi and the pressure you are applying towards her uRight?" I stay quiet before answering . "I need my baby girl to be safe by all means, whether I'm there or not and it's only now I realize that I won't always be there to protect her " I speak my truth but feeling a lump down my throat , I think I'm gonna cry " Eh buthi I understand your stress but one way or another you need to trust her and believe that she can protect herself "he says spitting facts and puts his hand on my shoulder, " Please Nkule ndoda go easy on her"he smiles" Ok susa this is gay" I chuckle and laugh then he walks away leaving me alone.

Nyezi's POV

You guys ngeke my brother pushed it a little too far yoh, I jusy woke up and if I'm correct it's almost 15:00, guys I was so drained, my brother pushed it too far I'm not sure why. I swear I feel like I'm forgetting something I make my bed, take a shower, brushed my teeth and ate breakfast " Sanibonani( Hello to y'all)" I greet my brothers " Hello"they all scream "Eh sisi, cela ungixholele ( eish sister, please forgive me)", I pushed it too far in the morning " Nkulukelo says walking towards mess I grad a cup of yoghurt " What was that about vele"i ask chilled because I can see he is embarrassed by how he's not looking at me but staring into space. "Eh sisi uyisbusiso kimi( Eish sister you are a gift to me) I need to protect you " Sbusiso?" Sbu?fuck! I have a date and I'm fucken late "Ok I forgive you", I say running upstairs,atleast I'm clean and done but I'm still late, I grab my handbag which contains lip gloss, my card and perfume, I quickly grab Khulekani's keys that were on the table and I run downstairs " Uyaphi?( where are you going?)" Khulekani asks " Ngiyabuya( i am coming back) I run to his car not wait ing for his responses, Yoh poor boy is gonna think I stood him up. I drive as fast as I can but making sure I don't crash like last night, Sbu said we should meet at the Café I was struggling at. I get there, I am wearing a floral pink dress and I have short goddess braids, I look good smell good, so I'm good. I walk in a rush and I bump into some tall ass man "Yoh sorry I didn't see" I say and I look up and I see a dark melanin skinned, bearded, brown eyed, dark lipped man "Nkanyezi uLate( you late)" Haibo is this Sbusiso? Why is he like This? So handsome, so breath taking. "Sbusiso Ngema?" I ask with him still staring into my soul " Unjani( how are you?)" He asks still upset "Eish Sbu I'm so sorry, I over slept, I forgot about the date and I woke up late I'm sorry Sbusiso "I ramble looking away from him intense look. "It's ok, I was thinking you are no longer coming"he says easing up and finally smiling mmh beautiful white smile,haibo guy is this man real? He has a taper fade and that makes him even more eye catching,"Can we go and sit?" He asks " Uhm yes please" I respond as I stopped staring at him.

This is writen by Thando Sibiya

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