
Chapter 10

Yazi when you are happy, the air is fresher, the sky is more blue and the birds are singing. Today is my date with Nkanyezi, last night I kind of had to masturbate mainly because no matter how hard I tried I couldn't stop thinking of her, she's so beautiful and her voice is so sweet yet settle, I couldn't control myself, especially when she says my name ' Sbusiso' Yoh! I woke up, make my bed then I take a shower, singing every song feeling myslef, haibo guys I've never been this excited for a girl like this,damn. After my shower, I wear my black jeans, black Jordan's and a white T-shirt. I smell good, I look good, I'm good let's go. I drive to a café, the café I asked Nkanyezi to meet me in, it's 14:02 I'm hoping Nyezi will walk in any time now

I think I'm ready to die now, I can't believe she did this to me, she could've just said no, I feel so embarrassed. It's been almost an hour and she's still not here, she stood me up. I stand up attempting to leave with a broken heart, women are so heartless these days. I was to the door only to get bumped by a girl in a pink floral dress with loose goddess braids,it's Nyezi " Nyezi you late" she stands in front of me and looks at me "Sbusiso Ngema" she questions, I'm annoyed and upset but fazed by her appearance, I say once again yoh lengane( This child) is so beautiful just stunning, " Unjani?(how are you?)" I ask relaxing my muscles and smiling " Ngiryt wena( i am fine you?)" She says struggling to look at me in the eyes, "Uhm let's go sit down" I suggest and she walks in front of me and I follow behind.

"Yeah neh life after highschool is not the best" We laugh, we've been talking, and girl has an interesting personality, she's kind of difficult to read. "I actually wanna ask you something but-" "Ask" she interrupts me, I kind of hate being interrupted but I'll let it slide. "Can you tell me about yourself? I know people get annoyed by that question chuckle and she smiles , a bright white smile. "Yoh yazi(gosh you know what) I actually don't know hey, well I'm 18 my full name is Nkanyezi Precious Sithole,UhmI have five brothers, uhmI love math and hate hate engineering. I'm yeah i think that's all I know about myslef" she laughs and I chuckle with her. She really struggles with eye contact " mmh 5 brothers damn, you the last born?" "Yes" " You I'm sure they are so protective neh?" I say and take a sip from my drink, she ordered a lemonade, she doesn't drink apparently, " Well obviously, I mean I'm the only girl plus I'm their baby girl so they'll do anything to protect me" she answers "So what do your parents say about the over protectiveness" I smile waiting for her answer " uhm actually, I don't have parents " she says in a low tone " Oh I'm sory" shit now I feel guilty " No no it's Okay, all my life it's been my brothers and I, they have blessed me with a very beautiful life you know " she smiles, I would really love to know more about her, her story and her lifestyle.

Nyezi's POV

Sbu and I talked for a long time, he's a very funny person and he sounds so smart I notice on how he responds to my questions, I check the time and it's 17:45 the sun is going down now. Randomly I get a call from an unknown number. " Can i please answer this?" I ask Sbu and he nods " Hello?" "By girl it's Mphume" She responds " Oh hey girl unjani?(how are you?)" I smile while answering "Ukuphi I'm in the café I was hoping we can hang " I'm actually in the café " I say while looking around and I see her by the door " Oh I see you, oh damn are you on a date?" I look at Sbu" Ah kind of but give me two seconds " I respond " KK bye" " Bye" I say "Uhm I-" you need to go?" He smiles "I am sort my friend just got here's explain "Hai it's okay MaSithole I understand" he says while standing up, now I feel bad. I stand in front of him, yoh nigga is tal " It was nice chatting with you Nyezi, you have a nice day" . He smiles at me and walks away "Bye" I whisper just as he leaves Mphume walks towards me " Gilr I'm so sorry I didn't know you have a date" she apologises while sitting in Sbusiso's place, his scent so still lingering around me damn. "It's okay girl what's up" I dismiss the topic "So" sh starts " There's a party tonight and I was hoping you would come with me, you know since we kind of hit it off last time, we clicked very quickly" she rambles she seems nervpus, haibo am I intimidating? "It's ok girl,I don't mind I'll go with ypu" I smile and she relaxes her muscles, honestly I've never been to a party, so there's a first for everything " Well it's on 20:00" she states " Yoh(gosh) you wanna come at my house so we can change I can borrow you my clothes "I request holding she'll say yes because it's very weird request "Really?! Yeah let's go" she stands up and I laugh " Ok since you come with your car, you can just follow me" I suggest and she nods in agreement.

We get to my house and walk inside " yoh friend, you didn't say you are Kim Kardashian rich" she comments and I laugh but ignoring her comment and brushing it off. We walk in and everyone is sitting in the dining area with a beer in the hand , "Mmh"I clear my throat and the all look at us mainly Mphume "Oh hello" Khulekani says " Eh no buthi( eish my brothers), this is my new friend Nomphumelelo Chiliza " I introduce " Hello" she shy away "Mphume these are my brothers, they all stand and walk towards her TF( the fuck)? "Nkulukelo"he says the shakes her hand and walks away "Khulekani " he does the same "Nkanyiso " "Kwanda" then lastly comes " Kwezi" he also shakes and sit down, I turn her around so we can go to my room "That was awkward" she whispers and we giggle.

" Girl you look good" Mphume comments ,I am wearing a black short dress and cropped jersey with my white Adidas socks and shoes "thanks love" I smile, I check the time and it's 19:43 " Girl we need to go" she says. Walk downstairs and we find Nkanyiso and Khulekani pressing their phones "Mmh" I clear my throat and they look up " And then?" Khulekani asks looking at us up and down "We are going out" I say looking down but they say quiet causing me to look at them, Nkanyiso looks at Khulekani and he nods, he walks to the kitchen and grabs something, Mphume looks at me in confusion and I raise my shoulders. Khulekani walks towards us, he first looks at Mphume, haibo I think he likes her yoh(gosh) ,he then looks at me, takes my hand then hands me a gun "Enjoy"he smiles I take the then put it in my bag and I take Mphume's hand and walk out. "Girl and then?" She asks as we get in Khulekani's car "Girl don't ask" I giggle and we drive off.

We get in this club,yoh it is loud and it has a lot of flashy lights,I immediately knew I'll leave this pack blind and deaf. Mphume takes my hand and walks us to the bar" ladies what can I get you? (It's a club) the man behind the counter asks " two shots"she screams I've never had a shot before" I shout at her damn the music is so loud" girl we are drinking today" we laugh, I take out my gloss from my bag and I realize that I still have the gun Khulekani gave me " I'm coming back, I'm going to the car" I tell Mphume and I walk to the car. I sit in the car and I take out the gun " Hai(no) man I'm not gonna need this haw this is a club, not a mission eh" I tell myself while putting it under my driver's seat then i get out lock the car and walk back inside and walk back to Mphume who now sitting with two unknown guys "hello"I say as I sit next to Mphume " Ah friend this is Junior and this is Thado" the minute she said Thabo I just thought of Thabo Bester "Hello I'm Nyezi" I greet "Hello Nyezi" Thabo says giving me a creepy look but I shrug it out. It has been hours and I'm sitting alone playing games on my phone drinking a cream soda, Mphume left with the two gut saying they they are coming back it's been an hour still nothing. I walk to the bathroom and check myself,fix my hair and make- up and I lower my brass. As I get to the door attempting to walk, a guy walks in haw?!, it's the gut I was sitting with, I think his name is Thabo " Oh hello baby" he smirks slowly walking towards me " C-c-can I g-go out " I try moving away" Mana we still talking nje" he says grabbing my waist but I pull away, I don't like what's going on I feel so uncomfortable "Please don't touch me"I move his hands but it won't budge" I've never seen you before, you are so beau-" " Leave me alone" he was now by my neck but he still not budging " Please" I cry, how is no one getting in? " You wear a short dress, and show your thighs and you thinking nothing will happen" he was now puuling my dress lapho I'm wearing any tights. Please Lord,please don't allow this " Ngiyekhe( leave me)" I scream still pushing him,he throws me and I land on the floor, he un-buckle his pants, I try to run but he lands on top of me. I kick and kick and kick but still nothing, he then pulls me underwear down and pulls his pants down. "Please don't do this" I cry as I beg " Stop moving, you slut" he scream and hold my wrist with one hand. He then sticks his penis in me " Aaaahh!!!" I have never screamed so loud in pain. "Away!!!" I scream again,my eyes pouring ok " shut the fuck up, I'm most done" he screams and I cry once again,my heart is bleeding, my virginity gone to some stranger who couldn't keep his dick in his pants . After he was done , he stood up and fixed his pants whistled looking down at me " That felt so good" he says and walks away. I stay in my blood,still crying but feeling numb , why me.


This is writen by Thando Sibiya

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