
Chapter 8

If you are deciding on being a police man detective, don't, you will go crazy I swear . I've been at work for the whole day today and it was nothing but a waste of my time shem, all I want to do is to get home, smoke , get high then sleep. I drive home and it's almost seven at night, blessfully the road is not too busy but obviously there's cars here and there " Mrs me, go deep inside you like I'm tryna find a missing key, This is me" sing along to 'Mrs me' by Nasty C , feeling myself then BOOM! Are you fucken for real, I'm way too tired for this, someone just bumped into me, yoh Ihope it's nothing major I don't have the money for this. We park our cars on the side of the road and I walk out waiting for the man that bumped my polo, yoh it's an audit, just as I wait for the man , a woman gets out , Hai man manje( no man what's going on) I got hit by a womanyoh. " Hawe( eish)I'm so sorry cela ungixholele( please forgive me), I'll pay"she says still looking at the damage. "Eh pleas3 look at me so we can talk properly "I say annoyed and she looks up, yoh,wow, just wow she's so wow, her eyes, her skin, she's wearing a crop top yoh akusabandi ( it is so cold ), she's tal King but I'm not hearing, her lips so full yet so small, her body, her- " Buthi eh cela ungixholele ( Eish brother please forgive I'm in a rush" she says snapping me to reality " Eh"I look away and look at the damage , yoh thank heaven there's not damage on my car but a dent on her car nothing major " Uhm there's no damage, so you can clam down " I smile looking back at her and she lets out a breather"yoh thank God, ok but please take my number for the bent on the side " Dent ? What dent? Oh shit she's right there's a small dent on the side of my back light, nothing my friend can't fix. " Uh ok what's your number?" I say taking out my phone smirking,girl is panicking so much, "Uhm ok" she takes my phone and fails in her number " Buthi I'm so sorry,please call me I'll figure something out with your car, but right now I need to leave I'm so late " She says panicking walking to her damn girl got ass. "Eh mana iguana?( wait you name?)" I ask as he closes her car door " Nkanyezi Sithole " she screams then drives off." Wow yazi yayinhle ingane( this child is soo pretty) I say to myself while walking to my car and I drive away.

Nyezi's POV

I get home, and I walk inside and find everyone standing, some standing straight , others leaning against the wall. I stand infront of them and wait for them to scream in my face, " Nyezi what's the time?" I stand still and I stay quiet " Nkanyezi Precious Sithole! What is the time?" "Angazi buthi"i say in fear " Check your phone " Nkulukelo says still in a settle yet angry tone, and I do just that and it's 19:03 fuck, "Useven buthi( it's seven brother) I say looking down. "And we said buya ngeskhatsini ?( come back at what time?)" Everyone is quiet Nkulukelo is the only one talking "Ngofive ( at five)"I whisper back "why are you late?" " I was busy with the varsity thing, I even forgot about the time , then u crashed into some man kuningi buthi( it's a lot brother) I'm so sorry" I ramble " Mana ushayisile imoto yami ( wait you crashed my car?)" Khulekani asks " A little, it's a small dent I swear I'll fix it. I'm so sorry" I say worried they might not trust me anymore. "Ok kulungile ( Ok it is fine)"Khulekani says walking to the kitchen for a beer " So what varsity have you chosen ?" Nkulukelo asks still with everyone standing and looking at me " Eh UKZN"I answer. "Ok usungahamba( you can go)" he dismisses me,I first stare at them,then I walk upstairs to my room. The minute I close my door I let out the breath I've been holding in the whole time, what the fuck just happened? I didn't get shouted at, nor was I 'grounded' do my brothers finally trust me? "Yoh to go is to see" I laugh at myself, putting my bags away along with Khulekani's car keys on my table and I sit on my bed but I then get a call"Hello?" "Eh MaSithole ( eish Madam Sithole )" They answer " who am I talking to?" I asked confused, because no one on earth has ever called me "MaSithole" it makes me feel old yazi " It's Sbusiso Ngema I'm the gent you crashed into" he says, mana(wait) why does he say his name as if I'm suppose to know who he is "Oh I remember you, listen man I'm going to pay for your car, still really sorry Sbusiso " I try to apologize once again but I hear him chuckle, haibo uyahlanya?( you are crazy?)" "No that's not a problem" he responds "Meaning?" " Meaning you don't have to pay me back, with money atleast" he says, haibo lenja( gosh this dog) "Uhm buthi wabantu ( uhm brother) just know I'm not spreading my legs for you, if that's what you thinking about" I say disgusted yoh men mxm " No no no not at all,maybe we can go on a date, so you can repay me properly" "Hai I'm not sure about that" I say because vele(anyways) I don't want anything to do with him I barely know him. "Haw please just for us to know each other properly " I stay silent trying to think of a response " MaSithole( mama Sithole)" he calls, Hai man (No man) i really don't like the name shem "Ok!" "Ok?, ok as in we can go out?" "Yes I don't mind" I say bored of the call. "Ok what time?" He asks "Maybe 14:30 , is that ok?" Yeah that's perfect, goodnight MaSithole" he says again with the granny name yoh, " Goodnight Sbusiso" I say and drop the call, he Jas a nice voice but he could be a troll how do I know, I didn't really see his face, I was still worried about the car and time.

This is writen by Thando Sibiya

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