
Chapter 6-Continue

I continued practicing for like an hour or so "Yeah that's enough now neh?" Khulekani says looking at Nkulukelo " Yeah that's enough now hamba uyolala". I nod and put the gun down hai man these things are heavy man fuck yerr. I stretch my arms as I walk towards my room grunting, hai mina I taking a hot bath just to relax my body and my mind. I settle my body in the hot bath and think to myself " So vele vele ( for real for real) this is my life?

This is the life i am choosing? I was just an innocent girl not so long now I'm practicing how to use guns, yoh". I think to myself, after my body relaxed I walk out the bathroom and wear PJ's but I'm nowhere near tried, I guess it's true when they say' The wicked don't get sleep'. I walk downstairs to get something to snack on and I find Nkulukelo in the dining area sitting in the dark "Buthi wami why uhleli ebhumyameni( My brother why you sitting in the dark?)" I ask the minute I switch on the lights. "Eh sis wami eh hai ngiryt( no i am alright)". No guys he's stuttering too much something is off "Buthi unamanga( brother you lying) tell me what's wrong?" I sit next to him looking at him "Nkanyezi" he calls, "Mmh?" "Uhappy?"

Haibo(gosh) ngihappy (I am happy?) Where is all of this going?

"Kanjani?(how?)" "Kahle( properly)" like are you happy with how your life is going, with us, with me?" He asks looking down, almost ashamed " Eh buthi, yaz i didn't think my life would go this way, I hated this at first but I love you (nonke)all futhi( and) you blessed me with a very beautiful childhood and I guess this is I thank you and honestly I don't want to be left out anymore " I answered honestly and he nods, we sit in silence for a few minutes enjoying the silence. "Sisi" he calls "Mmh?" I answer still staring into space. "Which university did you accept?" Oh shit I totally forgot about it. I was so focused on this , I forgot my entire future plans. "Ngikohliwe yazi( you know i forgot) I haven't thought of it yet. He looks at me a little too long . "Nkanyezi do me a favour, yes you are with us in this heists thing but I still need you to study please sis wami( my sister)" he pleads. "You are the only one who got into uni, you actually have a choice with you life please don't ruin it" he pleads looking into space. "Ok buthi(brother) I'll do it tomorrow " I say landing my head on his shoulder feeling my body weaken.

This is writen by Thando Sibiya

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