
Chapter 7

Nkanyiso's POV

I wake up in my bed, Nkulukelo must have carried me to my room on to my bed. I am a deep sleeper, I check the time and it almost 10:00, 9:56 to be exact. I promised my brother that I'm figure my life out today and find a varisty, so I take a shower to freshen up. I wear my ripped skinny jeans and a white crop top with white air forces and I look good. I fix my room, take my handbag along with my laptop bag with my laptop inside and head downstairs finding all my brothers watching soccer yoh ekseni kanje ( this early in the morning) "Eh buthi Khulekani " I call out "sho" " cela ungibholeke imoto ( please borrow me the car)he gives me a weird look , " uyaphi?( where you going to?)." To the coffee shop, so I can do my varisty shit". "Language " Nkanyiso cuts me off, " sorry" " uh ok it's on the table in the kitchen " " thank you" . I smile running like a five year old "mana( wait ) be here by five o'clock " Nkulukelo screams "Haibo( Gosh) guys I am not eighteen?" I ask frowning "so?" They all ambush me " Eish ok ke" I say walking out lowkey annoyed.

I found a random café , it's simple yet settle, good sitting, it's good nje. I want coffee yoh I'm drained shem."Yoh shit" I bump into a girl, a lightskinned girl with braids and pink glasses. " I'm so sorry bengabhonanga( I didn't see you)" I apologize and take a clean tissue from the table and wipe her arm as that is where I spilt her coffee or latté whatever it was "Hai kuright ( No it's okay) thank you" she smiles taking the tissue from me and I smile back and we both giggle a little " Hi Nkanyezi" I introduce myslef, "Nomphumelelo Chiliza" she says back. "Oh Nkanyezi Sithole " I add my surname, "Uhm w-would you like to have coffee with me, y-you know t-to apologize " I'm so awkward around new people "Uhm ok why not" she smiles, she's so pretty. "Oh ok l-let me get my coffee first, I'm coming". I giggle a little, I let out a breather as I walk away.

"So which varsity are you thinking ?" Mphume and I have been talking she's a cool girl yazi(you know), she's nineteen and got into UKZN and studying public management. "Yazi angazi ( You know, I don't know hey) I haven't thought it through I berely know what Iwanna be" I answer honestly. "Manje uzokwenzani?( so now what will you do?)" She takes a sip of her latte. " Not sure I'm thinking of asking my brothers for advice " You have brothers?" She smirk and I laugh "Yeah , five older brothers ". "Yho and you are the only girl ?" She asks surprised , " Mfethu ( bro) plus I'm the last born, it's good but kak(shit) I laugh she laughs with me. She picks up her phone and checks the time," Oh damn it almost four o'clock " she says standing up "Ah can I take you number , so we can talk more?" She asks smiling at meaning me her phone. "Ok" I punch in my number and give it back. " Thanks bye Nyezi" " Bye" I say back. It's a little boring now but I really need to figure this varsity shit.

I've been on my laptop for hours now and I think I've decided I'm going to UKZN , plus Mphume goes there, it will be nice to have a friend when i get there. I pack my things and head to the car, I check myphone Yoh yoh yoh guys it's 18:37, I already have five missed calls from Khulekani, two from Nkulukelo and four from Nkanyiso error I'm fucked. I quickly get in the car and I drive off like an insane person yoh guys! How did i not see the time? What's worse my phone is always on silent. I'm still driving as fast as I can, on my side I see my phone light, I got a text , I pick up attempting to read it then boom!" No no no thixo ngenzeni ( what did i do) hawe" I just crashed into a car , it wasn't major but I still crashed only God knows the damage I have caused. I drive and park on the side of the road along with the person I crashed into and walk out to check the damage.

This is writen by Thando Sibiya

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