
Chapter 6

Nyezi's POV

Haibo(Gosh) Nyezi what are you thinking, uwenzani?( what are you doing?) "I think to myself, will I be able to do this? Guns? Heists? Am I ready? Will I survive? Will I able to do this? I sit in my room and it's then I decide to take a nap I can't believe that I'm actually considering this. I wake up in the middle of the night and I'm hungry like starving so I walk downstairs to the kitchen, I was still looking for granola only to see the sliding door open by the dining area, I walk towards the door and I see Nkanyiso and Kwezi standing in silence by the pool "Buthi" I call out the minute I reach them, " Nyezi" Nkanyiso responds", " Kwezi" "Sisi" he also responds, both in a settle tone "Niright?( are y'all alright?)" I ask standing inbetween them.

" Sis wami, usure?" Nkanyiso asks still staring at the pool "Ngani?( with what?)" I ask "ufuna ukuyenza lentho( you want to do this thing) the heists?" "Buthi I'm not sure I really don't know but I want to try, you know, maybe it can help me in future" they both nod understanding my statement." Can-can you teach me?" I ask not looking at any of them "Ini?(what?)" " How to use a gun" they look at each other "Now?" Kwezi asks and I nod " Ok asambe( let's go)" Nkanyiso walks infront and I follow while having Kwezi behind me, they lead me to a room, haibo(gosh) guys, why is it my first time seeing this room, it wasn't even in the hallway of our rooms like ihlelyodwa( it's all on it's own), it's giving creepy vibes. We enter the creepy room and it's pitch black. I'm standing in shock because I can't move not knowing where I'm going lapho( and) my brothers are walking like normal people yoh talk about fearless" Buthi?" I whisper in fear "Mmh(yes)" one of them respond "Nikuphi ?(We are y'all ?)" Hai(no)man guys I'm shit scared "Mana(wait)" after that one of them switch on the lights and it blinds me a little, the minute my eyes adjust, I see, damn.

Weapons, haibo(gosh) madmipho weapons! Lots and lots of weapons, guns mainly, there's big guns, small guns, so many guns. "Having second thoughts?" Khulekani comes in behinds me "N-no ngi-ngizoyenza lento( I-I will do this thing) i say and walk towards these guns. Okay speaking the truth, as scary as these guns look, they are so pretty especially this grey one" What's this?" I point at the grey gun. "It's a pistil" Nkanyiso answers "Can i hold It?" I ask forgetting that I'm 18yrs on how child-ish I sound, " Thatha" Khulekani says smirking a little, I pick it up and shit it's kind of heavy. "Iyasinda lento yoh( this thing is heavy yoh)" I complain and they laugh " Nihlekani( what are y'all laughing at?)" I ask laughing with them "Dubula(Shot)" Kwezi says. "A-Angikwazi( I-I can't)" I respond nervously, "Nkanyiso stands next to me, picks up my arm and points the gun at a dart board that was in front of us. "Dubula(Shot)" he says with his hand still on my hand on the gun, he uses my finger to pull the trigger 'BAAH!!!' My heart stopped for a minute. "Uright?( you all right?)" He asks while laughing and walks away.

To be continued...

This was writen by Thando Sibiya

Nosipho_Ndlovu_0938creators' thoughts