
The Spartan who became a God

Disclaimer I do not own the right to any image included or the halo franchise and all credit goes to there respective owners I only own characters from Oblivion Team as they are my own Creations This story is based around a halo fan called John who was reincarnated into the halo universe. the main character will be the same generation Spartan as master chief just that he has been in Cryo due to his destructive abilities as unlike master chief this one was put through more experiments by Halsey giving him abilities beyond the norm so much so that he has to have an Ai that can help control him however as John is a reincarnater he has a system that has modified the Ai so that it help John who goes by the Spartan Name Dark. This story takes place during Halo 2 and after since he was in Cryo on earth during the events of the first game. The Ais name is Destiny and is represented by a female voice John's Spartan code Is 909 also he uses his Spartan name after reincarnation never using his previous name or the name of the body before becoming a Spartan also due to the system he has he will get stronger over time although he is already powerful also due to the system he is immune to the flood infection as his body is modified by the system making it impossible for flood to control him. Any constructive criticism is allowed this means suggestion on how I can improve the chapters writing quality also please include an example of you do this so I can see how it's suppose to look thank you in advance also in future I may be open to suggestions on some events but that's in future for now I am currently following the events of Halo 2. Do note I have note read any of Halos extended material this may mean some events in the story may contradict what those say I apologise if so but I only plan to use the events of the games if in future I decide otherwise I will let you know. You can read ahead on patreon will still upload here but patreon will be ahead. I will try to upload two chapters every week. for those who want to support and read chapters before those on webnovel you can support me on patreon. patreon.com/LuciferDark324

LuciferDark · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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76 Chs

Chapter 24 Fighting My Way To The Gravity Lift and Completing The Mission

Dark Pov

After see that my only option is to shoot my way through I do not hesitate at all and begin shooting the flood forms Infront of me as do my sentinels as time goes on more flood approach from the rear and I get tge spider sentinel to cover my back as we slowly kill our way through the horde of flood forms not leaveing any left behind.

As we get closer I notice both the normal looking sentinels and the spider sentinel are showing signs of damage they were not designed to handle this many but it needs to be done I need to finish my mission as I struggle to make my way to the gravity life in the centre of the large hole in the middle of the room a large snake like being begins to raise its grotesque body to observe whats doing on "impressive i have never met a being who is able to kill this many of my flood forms but it matters not you will die and become my puppet" as it speaks i just continue to kill my way through the flood i have already lost 5 of the original sentinels that i got leaving only 15 and the spider sentinel looks like it can not last much longer.

As I was thinking this the spider sentinel does something nether me or the Gravemind expected it leaped over me and landed Infront of the flood blocking my way and the purple orbs on its legs began to separate from the metal legs and they float into the flood horde and launch lasers in every direction creating a gap in the horde big enough for me to get through I look at it understanding what it's trying to do and dash to the gravity lift.

By the time the Gravemind realized what was going on it was too late I was already at the gravity lift and ready to jump in. As i I was about to jump in I turn around and wave at the Gravemind than jump into the gravity and begin my accent to the room above the sentinels enter a tunnel that's behind the gravity lift I assume they will meet me in the room above I begin to notice the flood forms below make their way to the gravity lift and jump in as well but due to the added mass from the biomass on their bodies they ascend at at much slower pace once I am at the top I quickly connect my helmet to the control terminal of the gravity lift and having Destiny both turn it off and seal it shut.

Destiny wastes no time in completing the task and as I watch the gravity lift seal shut I look at the flood falling from the disabled gravity lift. As I was I sigh and look to the section in the middle of the room that has a strange looking terminal and the giant hole behind it that leads to the room below deciding I better make this quick I walk over to the terminal and take the key out of my inventory and place it into the middle of the terminal once I was done I received a notification from the system


Receive the key and take it to the library so that the original plot will not change(mission has been generated for members of your faction to ensure Master Chief completes his objective)

Reward for user: 100 Divine Points, your teammates armours will no longer be connected to the UNSC preventing intervention from them if your team joins you

after seeing this I sign thinking it's over as I was in my own thoughts the Gravemind came out of the hole behind the terminal but before he could do anything a strange light began to surround me and it eventually got so bright it covered my entire vision was blinded but I felt strange as if I was floating or rather the ground beneath me had disappeared.

A/N that's it for this chapter and segment now the next segment is gonna get a little bit strange as you know the final reward for this mission is a ship but that ship will be far away from the ring meaning the rest of the events of halo 2 will not change in anyway but as you know the time between the events of halo 2 and halo 3 is not that long and it's impossible to do much in that time and they will only have one ship which against the covenant fleets and UNSC fleets will last less than a second to facilitate this fact after thay arrive on the ship the system will create a grace period in which they can not leave the system they are in as every where else will have it's time frozen now for how long I have not fully decided yet but I want to at least get their power to at least a level where they can influence the events of halo 3.