
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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The wall

I floated in darkness not dreaming at all but that wasn't anything new for me I rarely dream and when k do it's mostly nightmares well it was more like night terrors but after year's dealing with these sort of dreams I started enjoying them sure I learned how to control my dreams but where's the fun in that I fully believe all nightmares are is things that your scared of and if you overcome it in your dream I believe you can overcome it in real like but my thoughts got interrupted by my wrest vibrating crazily I woke up the room was dark only the computer on the wall gave off a little light I laid on my back as I moved my watch in front of me my alarm was going off it was 3:00 I side and dropped my hand to my size turning off my alarm with my mind I started up at the dark ceiling not moving trying to awaken my mind I heard Helge snoring I side after a few minutes of preparing my mind for the day and I got up my bed creaked as I moved I started my morning exercises first 100 push-ups then 100 squats and lastly a 100 sit-ups after I was done I took a shower when I walked out of the back room brushing my teeth I looked at the time it was 3:30 and Helge was still sleeping I hacked into her watch to realize her watch alarm was going off but she apparently didn't feel it I side and walked back into the bathroom as I did I turned on the audio on her watch I choose a boot horn so when the audio a very load horn noise came from Helge's bed I heard a light scream and something hit the ground I walked out of the bathroom to see Helge on the floor next to her bed she was glaring at her watch and when I walked out of the bathroom she turned and glared at me tiredly and threw clinched teeth she said Hunter what the hell are you playing at you know it's rude to wake up a lady right I grinned evilly saying o so your a lady now I thought you was a cadet I seen her clinch her ja as she started daggers at me beside I can't just let my roommate sleep in when it's and I looked at my watch 3:33 all the anger in Helges eyes faded and she shot up looking at her watch saying shit your right move it and she grabbed a spare set of clothes and rushed into the bath room I laughed I made my bed and made sure everything in my locker was folded neatly and I throw away my old bag that brought here and I put my stuff in the Rucksack I got last night from the store I looked at my watch it was 3:45 and Helge was still in the bathroom I side and made her bed but I didn't touch her locker that was her stuff, not mine I pulled on my beanie and made sure my boots where shiny and nice when Helge walked out of the bathroom holding her dirty clothes all folded neatly we didn't say anything as she made sure her locker was neat and she also threw away her old bag using the rucksack time seemed to creep by I was looking at my alarm as I sat on the ground streaching my body 3:57 ,3:58, 3:59 and right when 4:00 hit an alarm hit and are door opened and drill Sargent Rex came stomping on it screaming at attention cadets I shot up off the ground and stood at attention Helge did the same falling in line next to me I could here other Drill Sergeants doing the same to all the other rooms sergeant Rex moved in front of us and he screamed in my face pointing his right hand at me like a knife cadet Hunter is your room up to standards I screamed sir yes sir Rex huffed saying are you sure cadet you know the punishment of laying to me is 30 laps I simple said sir yes sir Rex turned to Helge the hand waving in front of her saying do you agree with cadet Hunter Cadet is your room up to standards Helge yelled sir yes sir Rex glared at us both his face turning red Cadets move to the door I will be the judge of that Helge and I moved out if his way making sure we moved straight-backed we stopped at the door and turned around standing at attention again are eyes straight and not following Rex around our room Rex lightly checked everything from if our bed was made to checking our locker to even running his hand under our bed checking if we were hiding anything after he was done with the beds he moved to the bathroom and when I mean he checked everything I mean it he looked into the shower then the senk to even making sure the toilet was clean both the inside go the outside he walked out of the bathroom and glared at us who was still standing there straight backed arms behind our backs looking straight he marched right up to me his face was inches from my face but I didn't move nore did I look at him he went from me to Helge doing the same thing but she didn't move at all she was like a statue he stepped back and looked at us both Cadets you pass report to the training ground I want to see you hustle Helge and I yelled sir yea sir and we ran out of our room the door opening with a single thought from me we ran passed other rooms I seen other cadets getting there ass chewed by many drill Sergeant for many different reasons but the man reason was cuz the room wasn't clean or someone didn't have the proper uniform hell I seen some Cadets trying to yell back but the Sergeants wasn't having any of that I seen Cadets doing push-ups or running around like headless chickens hell I seen a few cadets crying but Helge and I simple ran passed and down the stairs well Helge jumped onto the railing and slid down like that wall I did something crazy the stairs want in a circle so all I did was jump off the third floor but flipped around grabbing the third-floor railing and I throw my self onto the second floor I did this till I got to the first floor I did a flip as I landed next to Helge and we ran out side to the training the cold air wiping passed us but we rain in front of another Drill Sergeant she was glaring at us unlike us she had on a warm coat and pants hell even her boots looked warm she had on the green Aviator hat on but in the middle of her hate was a gold star which should her rank she had her hands behind her she yelled to us over the wind saying cadets stand in line next to me as we wait for your other cadets Helge and I simple stood next to her standing at attention unlike her thought we didn't have on our coats we simple had on are long sleeves shirts and are beanies that were it is pants didn't really keep us warm but are boots did but Helge and I didn't complain about the cold wind that was wiping against our backs but after 10 minutes when the other cadets came running out Helge and I was definitely frozen to the bone but funny enough we didn't get frostbite I think the nanites was preventing us from getting it or at least slowling the process but it still was fucking cold and Helge and I glared at her slow classmates this drill sergeant yelled to them saying fall in line you can ball me, Sergeant Rage , I will be your fiscal and combat instructor by the time I am done with you maggots at lest some of you will graduate as a mech pilot so let's get the pain started she turned to us yelling cadet Hunter and Helge sense you got here first you will be the first to do the course you can turn around and start we turned around the first obstacle was crawling under razer wire throw cold ice water next was a rope climb and when you got to the top you had to climb back down on ice-cold metal monkey bars next we had to climb up a rock wall but there were stun guns getting shot at us for the side when we got to the top we had to climb back down the other side where the hand holds could shock us or break off but ones we hit the ground at the end we were done I didn't know how they expected children to do this but I wasn't going to back down I looked to Helge with a high smile saying see you at the other end and I rain to the wire I jumped onto the ground and I started crawling through the cold water it sank throw my clothes and it stung and burned my skin but I didn't stop I simple graded my teeth into a huge grin as I crawled throw the water making sure I stayed low enough so I didn't get cut by the wire I got to the end I pushed my sled up running to the rope and started claiming up it a very cold wimd blue passed me I could feel my clothes freezing to my skin but I didn't stop Helge and I was neck and neck we got to the monkey bars I grabbed the first one my hands sticking and freezing to the metal but I didn't stop I started swinging across skipped two bars with each swing my hands burned do to the skin I was basically ripping off but I ignored my the pain simply focusing on moving my cold aching muscles I forced my legs to move to run I got to the wall and unlike a normal person I ran up to it and jumped I used this boost to go hyer the Helge i used my legs to when I grabbed a handhold to jump up again I grabbed the next hand hold when I felt something hit the middle of my back and a pause of electricity ran paused through my body but I grit my teeth and by sure will power I jumped again pulling myself over the edge my green eyes was burning glowing with sure will power and stubbornness I crawled to the opposite ledge and I tried to climb down it but when one of my hands grabbed a handhold it sent a shock through my body but unlike last time my body straightened and locked up which wasn't good sense I was on the side of a wall so as my body was twitching from the shock I feel back words I hit the ground with a thump luckily the snow softened my fall and right when my body hit the ground I heard a robotic voice in my head

[ System Activated ]

[ welcome user Hunter]

[ Compatibility ] rank A

[ primary Attribute] DEX 3.0x/ SPD 2.5x/ STR 1.5x




[ Innate ability] hack jar head

[ Additional Abilaty's locked]

I was a little shocked that my system activates and that I got 3 primary attributes I had never heard anyone getting above 2 but I barely had time to comprehend what was happening when I seen something falling straight down at me I could barely move my body but I was about to rule out of the way when puff Helge hit the ground where I just was I detected 3 stun darts on her two one each shoulder and one in the middle of her left leg no wonder she took a little longer then me I did something they weren't expecting and I was already halfway up the wall when I got hit they probably didn't expect me to tank more than one hit but I did and by the time they tried to shoot me again I had already moved to the stop that little bit in my Dex changed the outcome that much well that and shear determination I heard Helge grown a little as we laid on the cold ground my body stopped twitching so bad that I stand up and drag Helge to the side Sergeant Rage walked over to us she looked down to Helge saying, Cadet Helge can you move Helge tried to sit up but her body simply would not let her so Helge looked to sergeant Rage and in shaky words she said sorryyyy sergeant butttt I can't moveee Sergeant Rage smiled saying no matter she turned to me saying, Cadet Hunter will you please help cadet Helge back inside to Sergeant Rex he will scan your body making sure the nanites in your body activated the system or not I saluted her saying yes mam she nodded at us and walked back to the other Cadets the next round was already going they got passed the first obstacle but one of them when their hands touched the monkey bars they let go of the bar and the rope but I didn't stay and watch the rest I helped Helge to her I threw one arm over my shoulder and I practically dragged her back into the school sergeant Rex was standing next to a door on the first floor he watched us coming he simple opened the door for me and I dragged Helge into this room which was an office by the looks of the inside there was a metal old desk and a computer on it across from the desk were two chairs I sat Helge down in one and I took the other as Rex took his seat behind the desk he looked at us both saying I assume instructor Pain told you to come to me I nodded saying yes sir Rex smiled saying at ease cadet no need for all that short speak it's just us so you can just call me sir Rex or Rex if you want to I side and loosened my body a little saying as you wish Rex yes sergeant Rage sent us to you she said something about scanning to make sure our systems or something Rex smiled saying it's much more then that Hunter we scan your nanites to make sure the system activates shore but there is more to it you two seem like you know your stuff but all the same I will tell you this fact it's that we scan your body to know your rank your rank determines what branch you will go into lower ranked cadets like G, F, and E which make up most of our empire these cadets will be enlisted into the infantry and or maybe the mechanics if there lucky as for the cadets who have a D, C , B, and A rank systems can have many different jobs from mech reapers, shit maintenance to mech piloting from small fast mecha's to medium mechs and if you're lucky when you graduate you can see some combat but this all depends on your rank, primary ability and what field of expertise your innate ability is any questions I shook my head Helge also shook her head she was back to normal mostly every know and thin I could see her leg twitch or her fingers it was quite funny Rex nodded saying ok let's get started and he took out two helmets from inside of his desk they sort of looked like VR headsets but there was no screen he put these helmets in front of us saying put these on and I will start the scan Helge and I did as he said Rex pushed a button on his computer I could sense the helmet scanning my brain, my blood and hell even my bone it was doing the same to Helge she could not sense it though after a few seconds Rex computer beeps Rex turned to his computer he used his watch as a mouse he tapped his watch twice and I could sense two files opened on his computer that was facing away from us Rex looked over the results he was reading throw it for only a few second when his face want white and I didn't half to hear his thoughts to know what he was thinking but I listened anyway Helge did the same he was thinking what the hell both of them have A ranked system the girl primary attributes is 2.5x Strength and 3.0x Stp she is a double attributes awakerand her innate ability is fucking mind reading and the boy is another monster DEX 3.0x, SPD 2.5x and STR 1.5x he is a fucking triple attribute awaker and his innate ability is a hacking one what the fuck are these two monsters hold on what's this and he squinted at the screen no there is no way Rex thought as he glanced up to me and back at the screen there I no way he can't be his son there is no fucking way but the scan has never been wrong before this boy really is a son of Fucking Fang Dragny how is this possible I have to tell the family asap but first I will simple process them like any normal cadets both will go through all the basic classes of the infantry but they will also have mech training the boy will do good in the mech shop and the girl will benefit from that training as well with quick and skillet fingers Rex filled out our reports and sent them along he pulled out two new badges he slid them to us it was half a moon more will be delivered if asked but these are your cadet mecha badges know go there will be other cadets after you and it's almost breakfast time Helge and I took the badges as we stood up we saluted him and walked out of the office we walked up the stars to the mess hall in silence and Rex was right when we got to the mess hall it was open we got our food and sat down we started to eat in silence when Helge said so your a triple awaker your so luck I smiled saying like you have room to talk miss double awaker she shrugged saying what is your highest attributes I shrugged saying my Dex which also affects my speed Helge nodded saying so that's what that was when you ran and jumped onto the wall I simple nodded yea well that was half of it anyway the rest of it was my muscles and my mind reacting Helge chuckled saying you're going to be hell on the battlefield with moves like that I can't wait I grinned widely indeed I can't wait to start training either but I won't be long for know till we get to start are training Helge nodded saying yea we should go and quality shower and changed clothes I nodded saying yea we should also put these badges on as well wall we have time Helge nodded and we got up and throw away are trash and we want to are room.