
The space mecks world and a crazy mechanic worrier

Welcome to my world of space and machine I am Hunter Dragny a man or well I guess I am now you might have guessed but to the people who haven't guessed I died and was reborn into this world in my old life I wasn't human nore was I what people would call a good person I had been in many wars and had killed many people I came from a world of fantasy and magic I was a master of both magic and fighting I used my knowledge and skill to craft many weapons and equipment but sadly every good thing must come to a end I was stabbed in the back by a man I called my friend but I got the last laugh cuz you see my heartbeat was connected to a bomb so when I died the bomb want boom let's just say I painted the town red hahaha o sorry back to this world I was reborn in a human body and in a world of space and mechs I was birthed into a family that was well known for being trading merks my family was part of the moon empire one of the oldest families to be exact but my family want away from that hole noble thing we loved the coin the humans of this world have this odd thing when we are born we are injected with nanites which will awaken a system in are body there are many types of systems what will I get and what will this new world hold will I have to kill again will I lead a army ones more well only the fates knows come and let's walk this path together

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First day

The bus was packed I see many familiar faced from the slums but I seen plenty of faces that I didn't receive I scanned through each of there minds many of these kids came from a small noble families and all of them was stuck up asses except for one a girl in the back of the bus she was much bigger than the rest of us she had way more muscles then even me but we was probably the same hight I was probably a little taller she had blood red hair that cut short she had on a black coat and pants and even black combat boots her skin was what as snow but her eyes was a sharp as a blade they was light brown I scanned throw her mind to find out she was doing the same to me she was looking at my thin but powerful muscles she was thinking not bad he has trained for this and what's this he is like me he remembers his old life how interesting I seen her previous life she came from a tribe of huge green-skinned humanoids there tribe was always at war I seen her cleaving man in half but her memory stops there so she was like me her memories was also not complete that is when we received we was looking through each others mind and she smiled at me I grinned back and I thought to her if I could sit next to her and she thought go for it this hole conversation didn't even take a second I walked to the back of the bus the other kids following me with there eyes I chuckled when I seen the seats around the girl was empty or the ones that wasn't the kids didn't make eye contact with the girl I sat down next to her putting my bag under my seat when I sat down the bus started moving again and the kids started talking again I turned to the girl and out loud said my name is Hunter a pleasure and I held out my hand to her she smiled and took it saying Helga the pleasure is all mine and we shook hands to most people who seen this thought the same but in reality we was testing each others strength my hand started to hurt but I simply smiled and squeezed harder but she won the test but only by a little bit we release each other's hands and we stopped talking out load and talked with our mind she said I haven't met another person who was reborn into this world let alone someone who can read minds as I can I chuckled saying well what I am doing isn't reading minds per se I am a hacker so I am technically I am talking to your nanites in your body not reading your mind she giggled saying even so it's still impressive I shrugged saying maybe so but unlike computers, I can't control the nanites I can only talk to them unlike your power you can actually read the thought of others she smiled happily indeed I can I will probably will also awaken a strength system what about you what sort of system do you think you will get I thought about it but not to hard I shrugged saying unsure it could be strength as well she laughed saying you do got some good muscle for a flower I side a little exasperated that she found out what my mother named me in this life she laughed at my reaction don't worry Hunter at the school cadets will get to choose what people call them soyou can put Hunter and not Rose even though that would be funny to see a drill sergeant scream in your face yelling your name to everyone I think everyone would laugh I flipped her off in my mind and that simple made her laugh even harder 5 minutes passed with just Helge and I talking to each other with our minds in that time 15 more cadets got onto the bus and outside the snow started coming down hard after 6 minutes the bus stopped and the caption stood up when he did everyone wants silent ok everyone when these doors opened I and drill sergeant Rex will give you a hallow watch on this watch will be a map of the camp follow it to your room and change into your cadet uniform your free to explore the camp your watch will let you know when dinner is ready and it's first come first serve tomorrow your training will start for real do I make my self clear Helge and I stood up yelled sir yes sir many of the other cadets also stood up saying the same but there was a few lazy people who simply nodded at him the caption smiled at that and him and Drill Sergent Rex got off the bus and with that everyone formed a huge line Helge poked me on the side I turned to her I could tell she wanted me to read her thoughts so I did can you see who my roommate is I grind and in my head I should her I was already in the camps computers and I might have moved a few people around so she would be my roommate she smiled at my due diligence she asked so what all have you found out I chuckled saying well breakfast will be served at 4:30 am and it only last for 10 minutes lunch is at 12:30 pm and it two is also only 10 minutes as for dinner it is at 8:30 pm but it goes till 8:50 so we got 20 minutes for are dinner she nodded saying ok I already got a game plan we waited til we got off the bus we was the last cadets to get off the bus Drill sergeant Rex was the only person that was standing next to the bus when we got off the wind and snow whipped passed him which had his clothes move his face was red from the cold and wind the sides of his hat was wiping from the wind he also had black gloves on but he looked to us asking you two the last ones we stood at attention and I said yes sir Rex nodded saying ok here take theses and head on in and he handed us two watches that had a screen on top of it the rest of it was breathable cloth I grabbed the watch and put it on my left wrist when I put it on it automatically tightened around my wrist it wasn't to tight nore was it to lose it was perfect I looked up to him thank you sir we will be heading in know Rex simple nodded we walked away from the bus Rex got into the bus and it drove around the building I looked at the building in front of me it was made from stone the stairs led u pro the door with two pillars that supported the ceiling it was also white stone Helge and I slowly trudged throw the snow up the stairs and want inside when we walked through the doorway the cold we were feeling washed away and the snow that was on is clothes melted I moved my left hand in front of me and appearing over my watch was a huge screen I wasn't tapping the screen but a picture appeared on the screen let's see I looked over the map then I saw a red dot in a room on the third floor under this dot it said room 250 I nodded I turned to Helge saying we are on the third floor at the very end of the hall shall we she simply nodded we walked through this time open area to the stairway and we walked up to the third floor we walked passed other recruits of different year's but we also walked passed instructors, captions, and drill sergeants when we walked past them we stopped and stood at attention some nodded to us some chuckled and some just ignored us but we got to the third floor we walked to the end of the hall to room 250 I waved my watch over the door scanner that was on the wall next to the door it scanned my watch and then a green light appeared and the door slid open Helge and I walked into the room I shut the door behind us with my powers there were two beds in this room pressed against the left wall with a locker under them they was spread apart far enough a table was between them and on the middle of the right wall was a computer screen next to it was a door that leads into a bathroom I walked to the bed on the left wall she walked to the bed on the right there was no window my bed was made in the middle if my bed was my pillow folded under it was a brown wool blanket the bed had gray bed sheets already on it resting next to this pile was another pile on top of this second pile was a pare if black lace-up boots under it was a white and blue coat and pants and at the bottom of the pile was a long-sleeved brown shirt with that white camo on the shoulders with a pair of brown socks resting next to it I pulled out the locker under the bed and opened it I seen 6 extra pants and long shirts one entra coat and only 4 pears of socks I seen one extra set of boots and two hate options there was a brown beanie or a military green aviator hate there was one extra bedding and that was it I side looking over this all shaking my head I took off my shirt and pants saying we should go to the store Helge nodded she pushed a button that was above her bed and moving out of the wall and around her bed was a white curtain and I heard her getting undressed yea I agree how much do they give us to spend I looked to the computer screen and it showed a number 150 I said reading the number damn that is quite a lot I shrugged as I filled my civilian clothes and put it in my bag and I put my bag in my locker I sat down on the bed and pulled on the brown socks saying in really isn't a lot of many but it's enough yea she said as I heard her locker open o hi do you want a hair cut she asked cuz I got clippers and they are the good ones I thought about it and nodded yea I have never been able to choose my hairstyle so a change would be nice leaving that fucking house I stood up and pulled on my pants and my belt o this reminds me what's there plan for tomorrow I asked as I pulled on my shirt and I sat back down on my bed as I started pulling on my boots well Drill Sergeant Rex thought about it luckily they planned on doing a good old shark attack but to wake us up they plan on doing it right at 4 am I laughed that is brutal I said as I was done lacing my boots out of the corner of my eye I seen the curtains around Helge's bed slowly opens back up and it went back into the wall I looked over to her smiling she was in her cadet uniform she had the brown beanie on and in her hand she held a metal disc she walked over to me and put it on my head saying her you go just us your hallow watch to upload a hairstyle into it I thought about what short of hairstyle I wanted then I got it and I thought about my hairstyle and my watch upload the style to the disk when the disk got the style the disk closed around my hair and I could feel my hair getting cut it only took about 10 seconds till it was done the disk beeped Helge took the disk off my head which looked like a bull right now she brought it over to the trash can that was in the wall next to the door he held the bull over the trash can and pushed a button on it which turned it back into a disk and black and red hair dropped out of it she turned back to me a little shocked I ran my hand through my short red and black hair know the sides was buzzed short wall the top was about finger length just a little shorter it was quite a mix the red tips of my hair with the rest being raven black I smiled saying man I feel lighter Helge laughed saying I am a little shocked normally people who have long hair don't cut it short like that I shrugged as I reached into my locker pulling out my beanie and put it on I stood up saying let's go we should get our stuff first before there out Helge nodded we walked out of our room and walked to the second floor where the mess hall was at but next to the mess hall was the store I saw a few older cadets walking out of the store the nodded at us we walked into the store which was literally just a table with thick glass between us and the register behind the register was a door we walked up to the counter where I seen a hovering robot behind the counter it looked us over with a big red eye saying aaa new cadets here to get a snack orrr I shook my head saying no we are here to get a list of things so can you get us this stuff M1 and I sent it the list Helge and I made on the way down here for me a few bottles of boot polish two woobie blankets one extra bedding and the most important thing socks sense we got here before everyone there was packs of 6 I got 10 packs of them all this only cost 50 credits as for Helge it was the same we split the toilet trees cost though which included her girl stuff we also split the cost of snacks all together with the rest of the stuff we spent 80 credits which left us 70 credits the M1 bot took our money and floated through the door that was behind him after a few minutes it came out holding two green bags it opened the window and slide the bags through the window saying the bags are your to keep your names are on them and everything I grabbed my bag and looked on the side and saw Hunter stitched into the side of it in black letters Helge took her bag we thanked M1 bot we took our bags back up to our room we walked back downstairs this time to the first floor to the mech simulation room I seen many new cadets looking at all at the other cadets piloting I smiled looking at the many big screens over the simulation pods Helge spent the rest of our time here both of us was observing each fight and the style of each pilot used it was sort of odd but it definitely reminded me of how many people fought in my old world I remember as a child seeing two spell casters duel it out it reminded me a lot of how two long-range pilots fought against each other I glanced down to my watch when it got a notification it was already dinner time I tapped Helge's shoulder she glanced at me a little angrily what is it Hunter I was watching that mech get tired but I held up my watch showing her the notification her anger faded and hunger replaced it let's go quickly she whispered and we quickly walked out of this room and up the stairs we walked into the mess hall we was one of the first to get our food and sit down since we were one of the first here are food was warm but all it was reheated mre but it was better than the food Jim world cook for me so I ate it with no complaint Helge was the same after we were done we turned in early we have a busy day tomorrow I set my alarm on my watch for 3 am but that's when I wake up normally so it's whatever I took off my shirt and boots I tucked them under my bed I also put my extra blankets in my locker just keeping I laid down on the bed which was nice feel asleep smiling.