
the son of zeus

Death huh funny thing I don't remember how I died next thing I know I'm a baby and my name is Zachary Bradley and according to my mother I am the son of Zeus and with my small knowledge of the world i plan to change it. Percy Jackson is property of Rick Riordan and I do not one any references in this

reddragon98 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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48 Chs

chap 17 trouble happens

Ok everyone before I start this chapter just a little note I have been getting some negative feedback about the early chapters first off I'm writing this shit for fun not to be correct second spelling isn't my strong suit so lay off me I try to catch myself before I upload so all in all if you hate it stop reading and find something else to read if you love it great keep doing what you been doing, I know now a day's if you try to correct someone you become the bad guy so I'm not telling you what to think just if you don't like it then don't ruin it for everyone else.


When we come back we find shawn sitting outside the rental smoking a cigarette " Hey you kids made it back." we nod as we climb off " Thanks for the bikes shawn." I says as I walk over to hand him the keys" Keep them zach i have already order two new ones i thought that those would get destroyed." I nod and smile and we fire the bike up and drive down to the hotel and walk in after storing the bike in my ring " Hello honey by the look of it you found what you where looking for?" we nod as we walk towards the elevator and to our rooms "Ok you two take a few minutes to clean up while I report to lady Artemis." they nod as they walk in the rooms while I walk back to the elevator and outside to the wooded area not far from the hotel.

" You finished your hunt quickly male." I turn to see Zoè scowling at me " Good to see you to Zoè and yes silena beaugard found the information In away I never thought of but the griffins are dead and the eggs left unharmed." I say leaning on a tree while Zoè raises her eyebrow " A child of lord zeus being humble that is rare." I shrug " I would rather be humble than prideful like my siblings look where their pride got them only perseus lived a somewhat off a good life." Zoè faintly smiles " Good to see that children of zeus can change over the years. We will be in contact if lady Artemis has another hunt for you." I nod and sigh" Figured one hunt would not be enough alright then I'll be on my way." I say as I walk away back to the hotel to find my friend sitting in the lobby " Hey zach we were thinking?" I laugh " Well that is dangerous." and they start laughing " Fair fair but we were thinking we do for dinner?" Trey says as our stomachs growl causing us to start laughing " Ok give me a minute shower and get out of this armor.

1 minute later

" Hey sweetheart can you answer a quick question for me?" I ask the lady behind the counter who nods " What good restaurants are in the area?" I ask as she thinks for a moment " Honey there is a Texas roadhouse down off Henderson Blvd. Will that be good enough?" I nod and walk over to silena and trey " Come on lets go." they nod as we walk out i pull the bikes out of the ring and we drive down the road. " Hey Zach I was wondering?" silena asks as we round a turn " What is it?" I ask as we slow to a stop " Tomorrow since we said we would relax could you take me to the nearby mall there are such cute clothes down here." She says resting her chin on my shoulder " I don't see why not there is some stuff I want to pick up as well." I say as we start moving again.

30 minutes later

We pull in to the parking lot a cut the motors off " Ok here we are." I say as we walk in " This place doesn't look that good." silena says bluntly as everyone in the restaurant looks at her with malice " Hold off everyone she ain't from the south!" I holler as everyone nods and goes back to eating and the waitress walks up " Darling you bout caused a roit." She says as silena hands her head "Sorry." the waitress shrugs " Party of three lets go." she says as well follow her to a booth, " The name is Kasey what can I get you to drink?" I look up at her " Sweet tea no lemon." trey asks for a soda while silena asks for a unsweat tea [ a/n: first off I'm down from the south in the boonies so unsweat tea isn't a good drink in my opinion.] Kasey looks at her " Where you from darlin'?" silena tells her new york and she nods and walks away after afew minutes she brings our drinks and takes our order.

After watching a football game for a bit Kasey comes back with our food as loud motor sounds cuts off as she goes pale " Why tonight?" she groans i glance at the door to see a group of bikers walk in and wait at the door " Problem?" trey asks she nods " I'll explain in a bit." she walk over and shows them to a booth on the other side of the restaurant " Trey, silena be on alert in case something happens." I whisper as they nod we start eating as Kasey walks up and sighs" Sorry kids but soon as you finish run out off here." I look up at her " Something wrong with them?" she just nods " They control this area so no one can fight back anyone they don't like they off right then." We all nod as trey glares at the leader.

Just like demigod luck the guy notices trey and tells his guys to say as he walks over " Kasey move and hide." I say grabbing silena's hand ready to make a move " Oi brat watch your look other wise I think we might have a problem." the man growls at trey who keeps staring " What is i do have a problem with ya?" Trey growls back while standing up as I smack my forehead head ' Sweat baby zeus tell me try won't...' My train of thought ends when trey swings a right hook at the guy knocking his tooth out. I push silena out the other side of the booth and pulls Kasey with me as we hide while saying " Sorry trey but you started a fight we can't help you in." I quickly pray to Athena ' Lady Athena give the dipshit the brains to back down.' As we hear a body slam on our table and a gun being racked before a gun shot" That's what you get you stinking brat." I turn and look to see trey laying on the table with a hole in his head.

" You want some to kid." the man point the gun at me" On the contrary i was going to buy your meal as apology since I can't by beer yet." I say calmly as the man raises a eyebrow and puts his gun away " Kasey get his order and add it to my bill we will leave." I get up and sling treys body over my shoulder, she nods and rings it up and I pay " Brat better watch your back." I look back at him " Sir we don't live down here we are down here for vacation." I say as silena and I walk out and silena fires up the other bike while I set trey's body on mine as we drive to a police station, " Kids did you kill this person?" a cop asks " No sir the local biker gang did can we ask that you send his body back up to long Island new york?" I ask as the cops face fell and he nods.